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  • 1.  Internal NOS, Internal NOS-less, DTS NOS-less ?

    Posted May 14, 2018 04:40 AM

    Standard SW delivery method is Internal-NOS. Does NOS stand for Network Object Server? Or perhaps Network Operating System? Or what exactly?
    The explanation given is this:
    ...which means the agent (// which agent? On the client? On the SW-server?) connects to the SDLIBRARY$ share on the agent's Scalability Server (so agent here means on the client, I suppose? Exactly then the scalablitity server allocated to the client is meant?) when a package is being installed on the agent (what is this? A package being installed on the agent? How can that be? The agent is a piece of software running on some machine, or not? So do they mean the client computer where the agent is running and where a software package should be installed?)
    What EXACTLY does Internal NOS-less mean? I understand it means Internal without using NOS. What does it imply?
    And what EXACTLY DTS NOS-less? // Some data transport Service agent has to be installed on the client? Again, it works without using NOS. --> What does this mean?
    Could someone clarify?

    Thank you.

  • 2.  Re: Internal NOS, Internal NOS-less, DTS NOS-less ?
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted May 14, 2018 08:51 AM

    NOS is network Operating system it uses the built in windows shares feature of the OS.  So the package is stored on the SS and the library is mapped using windows shares.  When the sd agent runs it gets communication from the SS telling the agent what share it needs to go to for example
    %3css> Name\uuid of the package\volume\procedure file.  It downloads it and all the other files in the package and stores it locally in the sd temp folder.  After it is downloaded it executes the file.


    NOSless does not uses windows shares.  It uses internal protocols to get the package from the ss this way shares are not needed.


    DTS is another communication protocol that is no longer used very often to the agent.  If you were to use DTS you would need to install the DTS agent.   The advantage DTS had was it was able to communicate over many protocols such as SPX (the old Novell protocol) CPIC (an old IBM protocol) and others.


       So Nosless is the default protocol you should use unless you have special conditions.  If you still have a question send the details as to what you are trying to do.


    Richard Lechner

    Principal Engineering Services Architect


    CA Technologies

    Mobile: +1 703 655 7161 |



  • 3.  Re: Internal NOS, Internal NOS-less, DTS NOS-less ?

    Posted Dec 04, 2018 10:45 AM

    As we are considering using a method that should work under the following conditions:

    - Network connection is slow (slow Internet at home and on the go)

    - Network connection might be lost (mobile use)

    - Computer might reboot during Installation


    would NOS-less then be the best choice when it comes to reliability or would DTS provide hitherto unknown benefits? :-)

  • 4.  Re: Internal NOS, Internal NOS-less, DTS NOS-less ?

    Posted Dec 04, 2018 11:53 AM

    Internal NOS-Less is the way to go. Some years ago the answer would have

    been DTS for the checkpoint/restart function, but that has been included in

    NOS-Less so DTS is not required. I would only recommend DTS at the Agent

    level if you need to transfer files FROM agents to another location. We

    used to use it in special circumstances for it's store-and-forward

    (hop-node) capabilities, but Network Aware for Software Delivery (NASD)

    takes care of that now.


    Internal NOS does not provide checkpoint/restart capabilities and is more

    likely to have issues caused by reboot/shutdown during the install since it

    is reading data across the network during the install, making total install

    time longer. NOS-less downloads the entire source first then runs the

    install from local source, isolated from network issues and slowness at

    that point, so the install portion should be quicker.


    NOS-less (Internal or DTS) won't protect you from reboots during install,

    but it will protect from network outages during install.


    Basically the only time I would recommend against NOS-less is where disk

    space is at a premium. NOS-less (Internal or DTS) requires additional disk

    space for the download AND the uncompressed download, plus the installed

    software. The download is cleaned up afterwards of course but the space is

    needed during the install, so for large packages on disks with very limited

    space you can run into issues.


    Steve McCormick




    On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 9:45 AM u123246 <

  • 5.  Re: Internal NOS, Internal NOS-less, DTS NOS-less ?

    Posted May 14, 2018 08:54 AM

    Hi Andreas,

    you might also check this TecDoc
    How and why you would want to change the default s - CA Knowledge 

    Regards, Gerald

  • 6.  Re: Internal NOS, Internal NOS-less, DTS NOS-less ?

    Posted May 14, 2018 10:13 AM

    I see this is answered already, but to summarize...


    NOS = Agent runs the package remotely from SS library share (sdlibrary$).

    NOSLESS = Agent downloads and runs the package locally.

    DTS = Same as NOS-less, just DTS is used to download the package, if present/installed.


    The default configuration is to use NOS, however, by default the SDLIBRARY$ share is not enabled on the scalability server.


    Thus the agent will attempt NOS execution of the package, and if the library share (sdlibrary$) is not present on the SS, it will automatically fallback to NOS-less, and download the package using cfftplugin instead.

  • 7.  Re: Internal NOS, Internal NOS-less, DTS NOS-less ?

    Posted May 15, 2018 03:44 AM

    Hello, thank you for taking the time and answering.
    Perhaps I should add the reason why this came up at our site. Some packages could be large and it says that "If a package has files that are greater than 2GB, 'Internal-NOS-less' method can fail in some cases.
    That in 'Internal-NOS-less' method the agent tries to copy the large files as they are and fails when they are big.

    DTS-NOS-less does not do that as it is more configurable, even though it needs installation of a special agent.

    That leads me to my last question in this matter:
    Would the method 'Internal NOS' fail with large packages or not?
    Would it - as far as large packages that contain files greater than 2GB are concerned - behave like the Internal NOS-less method?

    Thank you.

  • 8.  Re: Internal NOS, Internal NOS-less, DTS NOS-less ?

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted May 15, 2018 04:44 AM

    Hi Andreas,


    In the case of NOS, the Agent maps a drive and starts the script/setup program which in turn copies the files from the Library on the SS to the Agent. So, you have to ask yourself what would happen if you manually went to the computer, mapped a drive to the SS, and then ran the script. Would the copy fail?


    In the case of NOS-Less (you do not need to install the DTS Agent) the Agent connects to the SS and requests a file transfer of the complete package which is held as a compressed image on the SS. When the transfer is complete the image is decompressed and the script/setup program started which then works of the local copy of the package.


    The general rule of thumb, is that if your Agents connects on a fast-reliable network then NOS can be a good choice, but if the network is slow or unreliable then NOS-Less is the better choice.


    Another factor when deciding which method to use is that if you want to use the Neighbor aware feature to speed up delivery and reduce bandwidth usage back to the SS then the NOS-Less download method must be used.


