Automic Workload Automation

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  • 1.  RAFTP - orphaned parameters (4.0.7)

    Posted Mar 26, 2020 11:39 AM
    Edited by Pete Wirfs Mar 26, 2020 11:42 AM
    We have upgraded our AE and our RAFTP several times.  Currently on AE12.3.0 RA4.0.7.

    When I search my database for parameter values that need upgrading, I use my own SQL for doing so because it does a more complete job of searching the entire environment than does the AWI.

    I was working on one such change this week, and discovered that some of our RAFTP parameters are no longer accessible to the AWI, and I believe they have been orphaned by one of our upgrades.  You can see them in the objects EXPORT file, you can import it, export it again, and they are still there!

    I've notified Support because it bothers me to leave "rogue" parameters in the system that I must assume will never be used, but yet they could be used.  Support agrees with my observation and is escalating this.  One mindset says to just delete them from the database and move on.  Another mindset says leave them alone, they don't hurt anything.  But another mindset tells me they should fix the software so when you hit "SAVE" on an RAFTP, it deletes the unused parameters.

    These rogue parameters are also copied into workflow-task properties.  Here is my SQLServer database query that finds these orphaned parameters in both of the locations I found them in.  I would appreciate it if someone could confirm they have this going on in their database too by running this?

    I am working on a small laptop screen from home, and consequently the code-formatting-box on this forum doesn't let me click the "OK" button... it is off the screen no matter what I try to do.  It seems to have a too-large minimum size.  So I will just post the code in-line here;
    select * from (

    'Workflow parameter' as Description,
    oh_client as Client,
    a.OH_Name as ObjectName,
    str(jppcv_jpp_lnr) as TaskNumber,
    b.JPPCV_VName ParameterDesc,
    b.JPPCV_Value "ParameterContent"
    from uc4.dbo.OH a
    inner join uc4.dbo.JPPCV b on a.OH_IDNR=b.JPPCV_OH_IDNR
    where a.OH_DELETEFLAG=0 and a.OH_REFIDNR=0
    and b.jppcv_vname in ('targetHostSource_directoryField','targetHostDest_directoryField', 'destDir', 'sourceDir') --raftp 4.0.7 doesn't use these

    select 'RA-FTP job parameter', oh_client, oh_name, '', ocv_vname, ocv_value
    from uc4.dbo.ocv
    inner join uc4.dbo.oh on ocv_oh_idnr = oh_idnr
    and ocv_vname in ('targetHostSource_directoryField', 'targetHostDest_directoryField', 'destDir', 'sourceDir') --raftp 4.0.7 doesn't use these
    and OH_DELETEFLAG=0 and OH_REFIDNR=0) xyz

    order by xyz.client, xyz.ObjectName


  • 2.  RE: RAFTP - orphaned parameters (4.0.7)
    Best Answer

    Posted Apr 02, 2020 02:52 PM
    Edited by Pete Wirfs Apr 02, 2020 04:30 PM

    Response from engineering;

    "These records have been kept for compatibility reasons, so that no information is lost and the possibility for a rollback after a failing upgrade is active.  Please open an enhancement request to evaluate the deletion of these records."

    Guess I'll do that.... (though it doesn't feel like an "enhancement" to me.)

