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PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

  • 1.  PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 21, 2020 10:09 AM


    I'm trying to run PowerShell language inside a JOB, here I have to handle with special characters like 'äöüßåø'.

    I know, that there are simlar threads, but these didn't help me to fix my issues.

    If I run only these 2 lines inside the JOB, then I'm already getting the 6 question marks.

    $sixChars= 'äöüßåø'
    Write-Output $sixChars

    When I look at the temp file(JAAHRWXR.TXT.ps1), then it is encoded with:

    IsSingleByte : True
    Preamble :
    BodyName : us-ascii
    EncodingName : US-ASCII
    HeaderName : us-ascii
    WebName : us-ascii
    WindowsCodePage : 1252
    IsBrowserDisplay : False
    IsBrowserSave : False
    IsMailNewsDisplay : True
    IsMailNewsSave : True
    EncoderFallback : System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback
    DecoderFallback : System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback
    IsReadOnly : True
    CodePage : 20127

    and PowerShell session is running with:

    Preamble          : 
    BodyName          : utf-8
    EncodingName      : Unicode (UTF-8)
    HeaderName        : utf-8
    WebName           : utf-8
    WindowsCodePage   : 1200
    IsBrowserDisplay  : True
    IsBrowserSave     : True
    IsMailNewsDisplay : True
    IsMailNewsSave    : True
    IsSingleByte      : False
    EncoderFallback   : System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback
    DecoderFallback   : System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback
    IsReadOnly        : True
    CodePage          : 65001

    I'm using PowerShell 7 

    ECPEXE=C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy bypass -NoLogo -file

    Would be nice, if someone can give me a hint to keep the right encoding.


  • 2.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Sep 22, 2020 02:49 AM
    Hi Sascha,

    I do not have a solution for you. UTF-8 support is on the roadmap.
    At least the 'if' condition can compare the special character

    $sixChars= 'äöüßåø'
    Write-Output $sixChars
    $singleChar = 'ä'
    if($singleChar -eq 'ä') {
    Write-Output 'singleChar includes ä'
    Write-Output 'could not find ä'

    Sr. Solution Architect

  • 3.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 22, 2020 03:16 AM
    Edited by Sascha Peter Sep 22, 2020 03:19 AM
    Hi Kay,

    thanks for the reply, this doesn't work also.
    $sixChars = 'äöüßåø'
    Write-Output $sixChars
    $singleChar = 'ä'
    if ($singleChar -eq 'ß') {
        Write-Output 'singleChar includes ä'
    else {
        Write-Output 'could not find ä'
    then the output is still:

    singleChar includes ?

  • 4.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Sep 22, 2020 08:33 AM
    Edited by kay.koll Sep 22, 2020 08:34 AM
    Hi Sascha,
    there is one solution. You have to use external files or define PowerShell libraries with the function who are dealing with the German Umlauts.
    The PowerShell code in the Automic Job just calls the external file but you have to specify in the Attribute Tab the ASCII_850 code table.

    Following example code is working on my machine.

    $charVal = [int][char]'ä'
    $gerChars = 'äöü'
    Write-Output $gerChars

    function libFunction {
    $Script:GlobalVariable = "Changed by function with German umlauts äüö"
    } ​

    and this is the code for in the Automic JOBS object
    . C:\temp\ps1Lib.ps1


    Write-Output $charVal
    Write-Output $gerChars
    Write-Output $GlobalVariable

    and this is the output
    Changed by function with German umlauts äüö

    Sr. Solution Architect

  • 5.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 22, 2020 09:24 AM

    Hi Kay,

    Thanks again.

    Maybe I need to describe more detailed what I want to achieve.

    The data is comming from the request manager and needs to be transfered into a JSON to be used at a REST API interface (Remedy).

    I have to use PowerShell 7 or at least > 5 due to some certificate handling limitations in version 5 incase of invoke-WebRequest and invoke-RestMethod.

    So I have to use a dynamic approach and not a static file. It seems I need to find a way to store that data and grab it during exectuon of the PowerShell script, means after the temp file is created.

    So if you have an idea how to access the workflow variables during execution of the (temp) script, that would be really helpful.


  • 6.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 23, 2020 02:24 AM
    Hi Sascha

    It's a bit difficult to see what part of your use-case is covered in Powershell and what is covered on the AE side. So here's a workaround for utf-8 support in the script tab with the allmighty Powershell.

    UTF-8 covers the Unicode Characterset. Unicode has an alternative representation of all characters, so "ä" would be U+00E4. You can lookup that table here:

    Now if you want to have an utf-8 "ä" on a UTF-8 Powershell in a script/file that is not UTF-8 encoded, you can do like this:
    $ae = [char][int]("\U+00E4" -replace "\\u", "0x")

    ... or short:
    $ae = [char]0x00E4

    This way you might also do comparisions. Let's say, the file "ue.txt" is utf-8 encoded and contains the character "ü", then this comparision would equal to "true":
    (Get-Content ue.txt) -in ([char]0x00E4, [char]0x00FC, [char]0x00F6)

    Does that help in any way?

    Swisscom Automation Engineer & PE Membership Creator

    Entfessle mehr Automic Wissen mehr Automic Tools

  • 7.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 23, 2020 03:41 AM

    Hi Joel,

    your approach goes in the right direction, but as I understand it can't be covered in the PowerShell part.

    I have multiple variables in the workflow, which needs to be parsed in a JSON.

    If I could do it in the PowerShell part, then it would be easy to use an .Net assembly to do what you did suggest.

    So, if there isn't a way to (re-)read the variable during execution of the 'temp' script, then it needs to be done in the pre-process and that seems to be a longer part.

    I have to do this for a several of european languages (danish,swedish,polish,german) in a list of workflow variables.


  • 8.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 23, 2020 04:09 AM
    Hi Sascha

    So you have a variable containing a json on workflow level that contains the special characters and are passed to the child-job which then uses Powershell. While passing the special characters from the job-script down to the temporary file you loose them. Did I get that right?

    In JSON it would be a valid method to replace special characters with the unicode-representation \U.... This would cover all danish, swedish, polish, german and even emoji-icons. Whatever feeds your workflow might do this replacement already?

    Swisscom Automation Engineer & PE Membership Creator

    Entfessle mehr Automic Wissen mehr Automic Tools

  • 9.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 23, 2020 04:24 AM
    Edited by Sascha Peter Sep 23, 2020 04:28 AM

    Hi Joel,

    maybe I didn't explain it clear enough. The JSON needs to consume several workflow variables.

    like this 

    $json= @{values = [ordered]@{
    valueA = "&VALUE_A#"
    valueB = "&VALUE_B#"
    valueC = "&VALUE_C#"
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    and &VALUE_A#, &VALUE_B# and &VALUE_C# can contain special characters at any place.

    Viele Grüße


  • 10.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 23, 2020 04:36 AM
    Okay I see. In the end you end up with the same issue.

    I see these options:
    - If possible, directly get the input from the source system using Powershell 
    - Whereever you get &VALUE_*# from - have the source system encode the special characters in unicode notation (\U+....). There is a chance, that you can send them 1:1 to the target system (and if not, Powershell can reencode it into UTF-8).
    - STR_SUBSTITUTE 🤣, but I'm not sure how successful/relieable this would be..

    I don't see more alternatives. Let us know if you found a solution 🤙

    Swisscom Automation Engineer & PE Membership Creator

    Entfessle mehr Automic Wissen mehr Automic Tools

  • 11.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 23, 2020 04:48 AM

    The source system(s) are the request manager and ASO, but if I remember me right, then the request manager database was a bit more intuitive than the ASO database.

    And if we keep in mind, that the data is there, but you can't use it....

  • 12.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 23, 2020 04:58 AM
    Jeah it's a shame. I added some emojis to my signature to remind our Automic engineers about the importance of the UTF-8 support. #utf8now

    ☎️ Swisscom Automation Engineer & 🧙 PE Membership Creator

    Entfessle mehr Automic Wissen mehr Automic Tools

  • 13.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 25, 2020 02:52 PM

    Finally I have a solution, which covers the most cases.

    Kay was a great help here in the background. Thanks a lot.

    Together we were looking in a solution by creating a temporary file in the preprocess, it was working fine, but it had a drawback.
    I couldn't handle multi-line values(strings) in an easy way any longer.

    So I was looking in a different solution, by grabbing the data directly from the EV table.

    So it looks now:


    [Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(1252)
    Import-Module SQLServer

    $ServerInstance = "localhost"
    $timeout = 0
    $database = "UC4_ASO"
    $Query = "SELECT distinct EV_VName,EV_Value
    where EV_AH_Idnr = '&RUNNR#'"

    try {
        $queryResult = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$serverInstance" -DataBase $database -Query $Query -QueryTimeout $timeout -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose   
    catch {
        write-Verbose "Caught an exception:"
        write-Verbose "Exception type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
        write-Verbose "Exception message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        write-Verbose "Error: " $_.Exception           

    [hashtable]$varList = [ordered]@{}

    foreach ($row in $queryResult) {
        $newVar = $($row.EV_VName)
        $newVal = $($row.EV_Value)
        # trimming & and #
        $newVar = $newVar.Trim([char]0x0023, [char]0x0020).Trim([char]0x0026, [char]0x0020).ToLower()
        # replace line breaks with '\n' for JSON
        $newVal = $newVal.replace("`n", "\n").replace("`r", "\n").replace("\n\n", "\n")
        New-Variable -Name $newVar -Value $newVal -Force
        # next line is for testing purpose only, to see what we are getting
        $varList.Add($newVar, $(Get-Variable -Name $newVar -ValueOnly))

    # let's take a look
    $varListStr = $($varList) | Out-String
    Write-Output $varListStr

    That is still not a complete solution, but it seems I have to live with that.
    We can't handle polish characters, because these letters are already gone, if I'm looking at the database.
    Sure I could use a second database and start over again, but ;-)

  • 14.  RE: PowerShell temp script removes special charcters

    Posted Sep 17, 2021 05:11 AM

    Hi Kay,
    you mentioned that UTF-8 is on the roadmap and V21 is knocking on the door, but it seems it is coming again without UTF-8 support.

    Is that right?
