Automic Workload Automation

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  • 1.  Automic/Cyberark Integration - problem with same usernames in only one safe

    Posted Sep 03, 2021 11:30 AM
    Hi all,

    in our cyberark , username is not unique in the safe but it has a different object names. In most environments, the same username is used, but for security reasons, their passwords must be different.  In this case, they are used in different cyberark object names in the same safe but automic looks directly at username in safe. We do not want to make 100 separate safes for 100 users. This is difficult to manage on the cyberark side and makes such a safe name confusion.

    problem is automic looks directly at username in safe. Is it possible to look directly the cyberark object names in safe? 

    AppID: AUTOMICSafe=AIM_AUTOMIC_SAFE --> Object=objectname1 > Username=uc4 Pass:xxx | Object=objectname2 > Username=uc4 pass:yyy | Object=objectname3 > Username=uc4 pass:zzz |

    failure log:

    | APPAP002E Provider Prov_hostname has failed to fetch password with query [safe=AIM_AUTOMIC_SAFE;Folder=Root;Username=uc4] for application [AUTOMIC]. Fetch reason: [[AppID: AUTOMIC] ]. Failure reason: [APPAP229E Too many password objects matching query [safe=AIM_AUTOMIC_SAFE;Folder=Root;Username=uc4] were found: (Safe=AIM_AUTOMIC_SAFE;Folder=Root;Object=objectname1, Safe=AIM_AUTOMIC_SAFE;Folder=Root;Object=objectname2 and more. See trace log for more information). (Diagnostic Info: 41)]
    U00045159 Thread 'SyncWpCall-14' has ID '596'.
    U00045195 The password request failed with the error message: 'CyberArk SDK request failed with the error message: APPAP227E Too many password objects matching query [Safe=AIM_AUTOMIC_SAFE;UserName=uc4] were found: (Safe=AIM_AUTOMIC_SAFE;Folder=Root;Object=objectname1 and Safe=AIM_AUTOMIC_SAFE;Folder=Root;Object=objectname3) (Diagnostic Info: 41)'.


  • 2.  RE: Automic/Cyberark Integration - problem with same usernames in only one safe

    Posted Sep 10, 2021 03:13 PM
    Hi Olgun,

    I've asked this same question some time ago to Automic Product management and they now it's a limitation (for example multiple root accounts for different servers).

    There is also one task in engineering backlog to be implemented and improve this feature, but due to the next major version v21.0 this is still not being worked on right now.

    Roney Uba
    Automic Consultant

  • 3.  RE: Automic/Cyberark Integration - problem with same usernames in only one safe

    Posted Sep 16, 2021 05:51 AM
    Hi Olgun,

    I had the same question some time ago and got the information from Automic product management that this is a known limitation (for example multiple root users for different server).

    There is also a task in engineering backlog to be implemented, but with the next major v21.0 release this is still not being worked on.

    Roney Uba

  • 4.  RE: Automic/Cyberark Integration - problem with same usernames in only one safe

    Posted Sep 17, 2021 10:11 AM
    If you create an Idea for this i'll definitely upvote it.

    Thanks Tony.