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  • 1.  How to match a value with RegEx without using multiline in Logmon

    Posted Jun 02, 2017 01:21 PM

    How can I match the value 329 in this log-file without using multi-line (\n) ?

    The regex for this one is that I want to match everything below 50 in that value, and generate an alarm.

    With multi-line it would look something like this: /([0-9]|[0-4][0-9]|49)\nANR1462I/

    run free_volumes


    ANR1462I RUN: Command script FREE_VOLUMES completed successfully.


    Read something about the Format Rules, but not sure how to use it. Could someone please explain how to use it in this case?

  • 2.  Re: How to match a value with RegEx without using multiline in Logmon
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jun 02, 2017 04:11 PM



    The log snipped was not much to work with but the below profile for logmon should work for you.


          active = yes
          interval = 5 sec
          scanfile = <Enter your logfile/queue name>
          fileencoding =
          scanmode = updates
          alarm = yes
          qos = yes
          message = no
          subject =
          user =
          resetFile = no
          initialfileptr = 2
          resumefileptr = 4
          command_timeout_active = no
          command_timeout =
          command_severity = 2
          command_timeout_alarm = 0
          alarmFOpenFail = no
          clearFOpenFailRestart = no
          monitor_exit_code = No
          max_alarm_sev = 5
          max_alarms =
          max_alarm_msg =
          password =
                active = yes
                start = *run\sfree_volumes*
                end = *ANR1462I*
                lines = 0
                active = yes
                match = [0-9]|[0-4][0-9]|49
                level = information
                subsystemid =
                message =
                i18n_token =
                restrict =
                expect = no
                abort = no
                sendclear = no
                count = no
                separator =
                suppid =
                source =
                target =
                qos =
                runcommandonmatch = no
                alarm_on_first_match = no
                commandexecutable =
                commandarguments =
                pattern_threshold_severity = information
                pattern_threshold_message =
                timeout = 1
                pattern_threshold =
                expect_message =
                expect_level =
                regexfromexternalfile = no
                patternfilepath =
                token =

  • 3.  Re: How to match a value with RegEx without using multiline in Logmon

    Posted Jun 04, 2017 10:09 AM

    Looks like you're running a TSM command - so presumably this is part of a script - if it is Linux, you could pipe the output through tr to convert the \n to space then it would all be on one line. Then you could use the regex capture to get the value.


    TSM command | tr '\n' ' '

