DX Unified Infrastructure Management

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  • 1.  UIM 8.4 Integration with ServiceNow Geneva & Helsinki

    Posted Jun 02, 2016 12:18 AM

    Dear Team


    Have you done integration of UIM 8.4 with ServiceNow Geneva or Helsinki releases. I know Servicenow gateway probe supports OOB integration till Calgary release and newly released GA of SD Gateway probe supports Calgary, Dublin, Eureka, Fuji releases for ServiceNow. Let me know your experience, issues, fixes while integration with Geneva & Helsinki Servicenow. Any help or guidance on this will be highly appreciated.




  • 2.  Re: UIM 8.4 Integration with ServiceNow Geneva & Helsinki
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jun 07, 2016 11:17 AM



    I did find one client that was able to get the current version of sngtw probe working with the Geneva last month.

    Unfrotunatly the changes were made on the service now side to correct the original issue and the client did not provide the

    details on what changes were done.


    I believe there is an enhancement request out there already to update the probe for support for both of these versions.