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 Send the resolution text into notification

Douglas Molina's profile image
Douglas Molina posted Oct 22, 2021 02:00 AM
It's possible send the text or cause to solved/rejected the ticket?

when i update the status from Work in Progress to (Solved / closed / rejected) i write a text with the reason. I need send that text into the notification of close


Felipe Nunes's profile image
Felipe Nunes
Hi Douglas,

You could put the code below in message notification:

@{esc_style=html keeplinks=yes justify=line:description}

Felipe Nunes
Douglas Molina's profile image
Douglas Molina
Hi Felipe, this does not working, after to add the line and close the ticket, in the email i see the same "@{esc_style=html keeplinks=yes justify=line:description}
Felipe Nunes's profile image
Felipe Nunes

Did you have customize the description field in the update status page?
OOTB, the field name is "description". It shoud works with the code informed.

Felipe Nunes
Jonathan Morales Baez's profile image
Jonathan Morales Baez
Hi @Emannuelle Molina 

you ned go to Resolve Activiy notification and then in notification rules modify the mensage in my case i use this:

Saludos @{Call_req_id.Customer.First_name} @{Call_req_id.Customer.Last_name}. 

Su ticket # @{call_req_id.ref_num}. ha pasado al estatus Resuelto.

Para que este ticket sea cerrado adecuadamente, requerimos su confirmación. Favor visitar al siguiente link aquí e indicar su conformidad con la solución presionando el botón ("De acuerdo"). En caso contrario favor presionar el botón ("En Desacuerdo") con una breve explicación que nos brinde la oportunidad de satisfacer completamente su necesidad.


Descripción del ticket
@{esc_style=html keeplinks=yes justify=line:call_req_id.description}
Solución brindada por el analista: @{call_req_id.assignee.first_name} @{call_req_id.assignee.last_name}
@{esc_style=html keeplinks=yes justify=line:description}

Mesa de Servicio

let me know is work for u

Douglas Molina's profile image
Douglas Molina
Hi Jonathan Morales Baez can you tell me if this notification is activated when you change the status by example from Work in Progress to Resolve or Work in Progress to Closed?