Service Virtualization

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How to get the Transaction Count by Virtual Service/VSI Operation

By Sachin Srivastava posted Sep 14, 2017 09:53 AM


This blog is based on the recent and past request on how to get the Transaction Count by Virtual Service Operation.

PFB the steps required to get the Transaction Count by Virtual Service/VSI Operation.


1. Connectivity to Database to Query a Table which provides the Transaction Count. Database tool or Script to fetch the data.

2. Admin user to modify DevTest property files.


Before the configuration the database table will have the below information:

Transaction as seen on Portal


Steps to Get VS Operations:

1. Shutdown all the DevTest Services.

2. Open and add the following line and save the file:

   lisa.vse.metrics.txn.counts.level=operation[Options available are operation service (the default), operation, or arguments]

This will turn on transaction counts at an operation level. Please make sure that no space gets added at the end of the line.

3. Once the file is saved restart all the DevTest Services. Consume the VS and the transaction count can be seen in the database as shown below: 

