Leonard_Rawat or "Lenny" as he may be known to his customers has been at CA for over 11 years from our Sydney office in Australia. He has a Bachelor of Computer Science and Master of Computer Applications and currently supports customers of , and .
Lenny was a featured team member about 8 months ago, you can find that here: CA Client Automation Team Member Spotlight - Lenny Rawat
Lenny says that the company culture and great product portfolio keeps him here at CA. He also suggests the communities is a great resource for customers.
"Customer and CA Support Engineers should be involved in the communities to build relationships and network with colleagues and customers. When we all connect, we provide the best in class customer experience."
Like many others on his team, Lenny contributes to the Knowledge Base by publishing resolutions to common issues with his product set.
"By searching the knowledge base, you can speed up the resolution to your issues."
Knowledge Base Articles written by support engineers

When Lenny is away from the office he enjoys time with his family. Both he and his wife are semi-professional musicians who love to perform, travel and read.
Lenny didn't send this photo in, but I'm a great online stalker and found a pic of him performing. How cool are our Support Engineers?! Meet more support engineers in our latest mini documentary, or follow our Water Cooler Blog.

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