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Layer7 API Developer Portal GA!

By Bill Oakes posted Jun 17, 2020 04:22 PM


Today we are excited to announce the availability of key new features in Layer7 API Developer Portal 4.5.2 . Our accelerated SaaS update cadence provides incremental value between major releases. This release includes several updates and fixes, as well as the launch of the next generation of our customizable developer console - the API Hub.

API Hub - NEW Customizable Developer Console

API Hub is a reference implementation of the Developer Console that lets you customize the developer experience for your API consumers. Use the standard API Hub included with the Portal to provide custom content and configure targeted look and feel changes - all directly from the UI. You can also download the source of reference implementation from GitHub and develop your own fully customized API Hub, including custom themes, navigation, and pages.

Home page of the standard API Hub

Customizations and features supported by the API Hub include:

  • Markdown editor for custom home page and application content
  • Localization support for API documentation
  • Fully customizable themes (customized Hub only)
  • Custom documentation pages (customized Hub only)
  • Remote hosting of customized Hub in upcoming releases


Use a Markdown editor to create custom docs in the standard API Hub

See the API Hub documentation for information about how to work with the standard API Hub, and download the reference implementation from the public Layer7 GitHub project to start your customization project.

API Hub source code in GitHub includes detailed developer docs

Additional Features

Portal API Documents Resource - You can now use the Portal API to manage the documented information about your API, including documentation and API Hub custom content.

UI-based API Key Deployment - You now have more control over the deployment of API keys to proxies using the Portal UI. Administrators can manually deploy and undeploy to proxies marked as On Demand.

Add/Edit API Wizard Enhancements - You can manage API configurations in the Add/Edit API Wizard for a more unified experience.

Defect fixes - See the Change Log for a list of fixes.

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