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Customer Newsletter: Clarity (August)

By Alf Abuhajleh posted Sep 08, 2020 01:04 PM

Learn How Clarity Customers Embrace and Adopt the New UX (Webcast)
Discover how Clarity customers have successfully migrated to the new user interface. Panel includes key industry organizations like Boeing, Michigan State University, Consorsbank and Government of British Columbia. Discussion around their planning strategy, steps in preparation, pilots, training and obtaining staff buy-in for a successful roll out to over 6,000 users. Session 1 on Aug 11  |  Session 2 on August 27

AI in PPM: AI-organized Resources (Blog)
AI undoubtedly does a better job than people because it can crunch more data. For example, with more details you might find certain developers don’t perform well if the team works across different time zones.

Everything You Need to Know About the Google Cloud Platform Migration
From lessons learned and best practices to documentation and timelines, find important information about the Clarity migration to GCP.

Clarity Modern UX - Adoption Best Practices (Webcast Sep. 24)
Adopting the Modern UX? Learn best practices from the experts at Broadcom – the Clarity Solution Engineering Team. Provide tools that work the way people do and you’ll get adoption and acceptance. Accuracy and transparency are outcomes of this adoption. Highlighted best practices discussed during the webinar: Multiple ways to implement, Change management plan, Right-Size your business processes. Learn from the best and join this insightful webinar discussion.
