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 Spark Connector to GemFire - Sample Code

Sudhir Kumar's profile image
Sudhir Kumar posted Jul 28, 2020 05:40 PM

Hi All, We looking for some sample code for spark streaming and batch connectivity to gemfire. currently there is no spark connector available for gemfire having good community support. Let me know if there is any spark connector for Gemfire .

Juan Ramos's profile image
Juan Ramos

Hello Sidh,


There's no official GemFire Spark Connector as far as I'm aware. There is, however, some example projects about how to do this on Internet, the following is as an example of a GemFire-Spark Connector developed by field engineers at Pivotal: https://github.com/Pivotal-Field-Engineering/geode-spark-connector

It's not officially supported and has been inactive for at least two years, so be careful if you plan to use it in production environments.

Best regards.