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 Is the REDIS Cache server Certified to run on Oracle Linux, and which versions ? Please advise....

rick ansalone's profile image
rick ansalone posted Jan 21, 2019 05:05 PM


Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

Can you be more specific here? Which product are you referring to? Are you referring to one of our PCF/Ops Manager deployed tiles? Or stand alone Redis?

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

I'm still not totally clear which product you're referring to, but it sounds like PCF's Redis tile.


That is deployed and run on Ubuntu. It's not possible to run Pivotal Redis on other distros of Linux. It's also not really necessary as the product manages everything from the VM up, including Ubuntu itself. Ops Manager & Bosh take care of all that, including keeping Ubuntu up-to-date.

rick ansalone's profile image
rick ansalone

Hello Daniel.... From my understanding of this Window Application, using REDIS Cache Server on Ubuntu. Looking to understand support for Oracle Linux. Thanx

rick ansalone's profile image
rick ansalone

Hi Daniel....

We're running REDIS Cache Server, is Cache server certified to run on Oracle LINUX ? That's as clear as I can be.

Stephen Carter's profile image
Stephen Carter

Hi Rick,


Pivotal doesn't have a product called "REDIS Cache Server" so we just want to be clear about what you are asking.


If you simply mean "Redis" (downloadable from here: then we have a collaboration for premium support with Redis Labs.

This page on their site lists the supported versions:



If you are talking about some other software then it would be good if you can provide the URL.



Kind regards,


rick ansalone's profile image
rick ansalone

Ok, thanx