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 CA ACF2 for z/OS Foundations

Luke Grimes's profile image
Luke Grimes posted Mar 24, 2021 04:28 PM
Just was curious if there are any exams/quizes on these modules? I am currently going through the CA ACF2 for z/OS Foundations 200 and 300 courses and they are more or less clicking through powerpoint slides. Some modules have interactive demos which are great! I feel like it would be better and eaiser to retain the information in these courses if there were some exams or something on them.

Please let me know if there is anything like this for these courses.

Mark Hunter's profile image
Broadcom Employee Mark Hunter
Luke, thank you for your feedback. We'll look at including exams/quizzes in future updates and any other ACF2 WBTs that we develop.

You can test what you've learned in the Foundations 200 course by earning the CA ACF2™ for z/OS - Administrator - Foundations Digital Badge. And we are planning to have additional ACF2 badges in the future.
