@stackprotector - we are reviewing the old khoros code for a flag to determine if we can convert the incoming data to our tool which allows users to post code based on typle (HTML, PHP, etc). We working with the vendor.
Thank you
Broadcom Community Platform Admin, IT
Original Message:
Sent: May 08, 2024 01:45 AM
From: stackprotector
Subject: VMware Community Transition without Code in Threads
I can confirm that this is not just a personal bug. It looks like a lot of code formatted content has been lost during migration. Another example is this post of mine:
- Original content from the web archive. Screenshot for future reference:
- Migrated content. Screenshot for future reference:
I really hope you can fix this automagically. Otherwise this may render a lot of discussions useless for future readers.
Original Message:
Sent: May 07, 2024 12:59 AM
From: Stefan Schnell
Subject: VMware Community Transition without Code in Threads
Hello Team,
this morning I made my "personal" transition and corrected the links in my blog. In this context I saw that in my threads, which contains code, the code was no longer present. I have now added this code again, because otherwise the posts would not longer be understandable. As far as I know many threads contained code, so it will probably be very similar for a lot of content. Are you planning to add the missing code blocks later?
Thanks and best regards
P.S. Here an example:

More interesting information at https://blog.stschnell.de