ESP Workload Automation

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Virtual MTE Session Requests

  • 1.  Virtual MTE Session Requests

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jun 21, 2023 03:35 PM
    Edited by Daniel Shannon Jun 21, 2023 03:45 PM

    What ESP related topics would you like to learn more about?

    We're currently planning for the virtual Mainframe Technical Exchange (MTE) to be held later this year and can use some help doing so. This is your opportunity to influence the curriculum for yourself and your teams. We're looking for input on session ideas you would like to see covered. All ideas are welcome regardless of your experience level or role using ESP.  Whether you monitor automation or implement it, have used ESP for a few months or many years, we can help expand your level of knowledge. Whether you want to learn about recently released capabilities such as Agent Manager or age old features like virtual resources, we're open to your suggestions.

    Please share your thoughts by July 31, 2023. Your help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance