I'm trying to use the Websocket API to pull data from my Edges. I found the python scripts that someone shared and can't get them to work. Stepping back and using Postman.
I create a websocket request with URL was://<orch_ip>/ws. I put an authorization header with "Token <APIkey>" and I can connect. I get back a response like this
Response Headers
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 17:02:55 GMT
Connection: upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: VtC4s2GY7TACHeLJLK+QM1TWimU=
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'
I then create a Message like this
"action": "listDiagnostics",
"data": {
"logicalId": "799f998a-b989-42ad-89cf-710f8c7bc5ad",
"resformat": "JSON"
"token": "<TheSec-WebSocket-Accept_from above"
Click Send and I get this "1011 Server Error: validation failed. websocket token incorrect in message"
What token should I use on my subsequent (after initial) request?