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  • 1.  vCO AMQP Plug-in

    Posted Jun 30, 2011 09:28 AM


      AMQP plug-in for vCO provides the ability to interact with libraries implementing the AMQP protocol and in particular with Rabbit MQ server.


    • Enable vCO to interact with an AMQP version 0-9-1 compliant implementation. (RabbitMQ is the primary target implementation)
    • Enable vCO users to issue administrative commands to the AMQP server.
    • Enable vCO users to send and receive messages from AMQP queues.

    Main Use Cases

    1. Define a AMQP host as invenotry object
    2. Create an exchange
    3. Create a queue
    4. Bind a queue to an exchage
    5. Send a message to an exchange
    6. Receive message from a queue
    7. Define a "Susbcription" inventory object that can function as a policy element. It is confugured with a set of AMQP queues and the policy activated whenever a message is received from any of the queues.

      More information can be found on the vCenter Orchestrator Product Page:http://downloads.vmware.com/d/details/vco_snmp_plugin_10/dHRAYnQqJWpiZHBqaA==

      An interesting use case of integrating vCloud Director Notifications & Task Extensions with vCO AMQP and HTTP-Rest plug-ins could be found here:

      A list of officially released plugins could be found here: http://www.vmware.com/products/datacenter-virtualization/vcenter-orchestrator/plugins.html

      Note: This plug-in has been officially released.

    • 2.  RE: vCO AMQP Plug-in

      Broadcom Employee
      Posted Jun 30, 2011 09:46 AM

      Is the requirements > 0.9.1 or >= 0.9.1 ?

    • 3.  RE: vCO AMQP Plug-in

      Posted Jun 30, 2011 09:52 AM

      It supports only 0.9.1. This is the current version of RabbitMQ. There are still not many implementations of 0.10 specifications.

    • 4.  RE: vCO AMQP Plug-in

      Broadcom Employee
      Posted Jun 30, 2011 09:54 AM

      Then you may want to correct the goal "Enable vCO to interact with an AMQP version > 0-9-1 compliant implementation. (RabbitMQ is the primary target implementation)"

    • 5.  RE: vCO AMQP Plug-in

      Posted Jun 30, 2011 10:01 AM

      Corrected. Thanks for noticing.