We are looking at upgrading dSeries fr 12.3 to R12.4 within the next 3 months. Has anyone upgraded to 12.4 yet? Any issues with upgrade or since upgrade?
We have around 30+ customers who have moved to 12.4 in TEST instances and few are already in PROD.
The inplace upgrade and migration procedure is same as previous versions. So nothing changes
There were few minor feedback that were identified during migration and inplace upgrade by customers in some specific scenarios and is taken care .
We have updated the pre-requisite section for both sections- https://techdocs.broadcom.com/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/intelligent-automation/ca-workload-automation-de/12-4/installing/upgrade-the-ca-workload-automation-de-server/upgrade-the-server-using-in-place-upgrade-method.html
Hope it helps!
Ravi Kiran