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  • 1.  TSSUTIL USS RC28 not documented

    Posted Dec 02, 2024 08:12 AM

    I ran TSSUTIL. the SEC column value is USS and SRC/DRC is *08*-00000028. this reason code is not documented. I looked at SMF80 for access subtype and 28 seems not reasonable. Where can I find USS reason codes without running TSSOERPT?

  • 2.  RE: TSSUTIL USS RC28 not documented

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 2 days ago

    RCs and Reason Codes depends on the RACF Callable Service.

    Does the TSSUTIL indicate the RACF Callable Service?

    If not, run the TSSOERPT for the same timeframe. TSSOERPT will more details than the TSSUTIL beacuse its limited to two lines.

    Once we know the RACF Callable Service, we can check the RACF Callable Services Guide for the return codes and reason codes for that particular RACF Callable Service.


    Joseph Porto - Broadcom Level 1 Support

  • 3.  RE: TSSUTIL USS RC28 not documented

    Posted yesterday

    My original question was "Where can I find USS reason codes *without*
    running TSSOERPT?"

    *| **Itschak Mugzach | Director | SecuriTeam Software **|** IronSphere
    Platform* *|* *Information Security Continuous Monitoring for Z/OS, zLinux
    and IBM I **| *

    *|* *Email**: **|* *Mob**: +972 522 986404 **|*
    *Skype**: ItschakMugzach **|* *Web**: **|*

  • 4.  RE: TSSUTIL USS RC28 not documented

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted yesterday


    Please let me clarify my previous update.

    The codes can be found in the IBM RACF RACF CALLABLE SERVICES GUIDE..

    That manual will show you all the RACF Callable Services explaining the return codes and reasons code for each callable service.

    You will need to know what RACF Callable Service is being used.

    If the TSSUTIL doesn't show you what RACF Callable Service, you will need to run the TSSOERPT report.

    Once you have the name of the RACF Callable Service, then you need to go into the RACF Callable Services manual and look for that section that explains/documents that RACF Callable Service and it will have a list of the return codes and reason codes.

    Please let me know if there are any questions.


    Joseph Porto - Broadcom Level 1 Support

  • 5.  RE: TSSUTIL USS RC28 not documented

    Posted yesterday

    I tried matching the error code on the report with IBM return code with no

    *| **Itschak Mugzach | Director | SecuriTeam Software **|** IronSphere
    Platform* *|* *Information Security Continuous Monitoring for Z/OS, zLinux
    and IBM I **| *

    *|* *Email**: **|* *Mob**: +972 522 986404 **|*
    *Skype**: ItschakMugzach **|* *Web**: **|*

  • 6.  RE: TSSUTIL USS RC28 not documented

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted 5 hours ago
    Edited by Joseph Porto 4 hours ago


    Can you send me the TSSUTIL or TSSOERPT entry for review via email to

    Please don't post it here since it is security data.

    Please include your site id and I will open a ticket for you and we can continue with your question there.


    Joseph Porto - Broadcom Level 1 Support