VMware NSX

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  • 1.  NSX-T in-line load balancer question

    Posted Mar 31, 2020 12:17 AM

    I noticed when using an in-line load balancer that I can access the VIP from a pool member and I need to be able to do that. The software looks at the VIL to make sure it can be reached and points to a server.

    wondering how I might resolve that issue, maybe a SNAR or DNAT rule?


  • 2.  RE: NSX-T in-line load balancer question
    Best Answer

    Posted Mar 31, 2020 01:23 AM

    Figured it out, I had read to set SNAT Translation Mode to Disabled from Automap when using in-line mode.

    I set it back to Automap and enabled LB SNAT IP on Tier-0 and All LB SNAT IP Routes on Tier-1

    I guess bad or old info in the blog had I read on configuring OneArm and In-Line.