Original Message:
Sent: Nov 16, 2023 06:58 AM
From: Shalini Murukes
Subject: Mule Soft Endpoint for REST API calls - Getting UnknownHostException
The issue which I had mentioned above is fixed. But getting SocketException now, can anyone please assist.
{{Endpoint_Rest}} - restapi-latest-link.bank-iob.com/paymentproxy-iob-sit
I had paced the section 'paymentproxy-iob-sit' in the endpoint Rest tab, which was NOT correct. So I removed it and placed it in the resource tab.
Gave the proper SSL certificate in the local.properties file. Now I get a different error, which is
| Step: AddCustomer
| Message: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
| Trapped Exception: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
| Trapped Message: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 15, 2023 07:21 AM
From: Shalini Murukes
Subject: Mule Soft Endpoint for REST API calls - Getting UnknownHostException
Hi Team,
Recently we have been provided with mulesoft endpoint for the REST API calls. The skeleton of the Endpoint URL is as below,
{{Endpoint_Rest_Protocol}} - https
{{Endpoint_Rest}} - restapi-latest-link.bank-iob.com/paymentproxy-iob-sit
No Port number available.
Resource section - /ab/cde/addcustomer/
When I use this endpoint it gives me ,
| Message: java.net.UnknownHostException: restapi-latest-link.bank-iob.com%2Fpaymentproxy-iob-sit
| Trapped Exception: restapi-latest-link.bank-iob.com%2Fpaymentproxy-iob-sit
| Trapped Message: java.net.UnknownHostException: restapi-latest-link.bank-iob.com%2Fpaymentproxy-iob-sit
java.net.UnknownHostException: restapi-latest-link.bank-iob.com%2Fpaymentproxy-iob-sit
When I use the same format in SOAPUI and check it manually, it works fine . But in CA Devtest it is not accepting the Endpoint .
can someone please help me as what has went wrong in the mule soft REST API endpoint.
Your help is much appreciated.
Note : The URL provided above, is fabricated with the same format for posting it in public form and not the exact original endpoint .
Shalini Murukes