For JStudio 9.0.0: we need active internet connection, to create the credentials , which we will require to enter Login credential as a prerequisite only at a time of installing the product. Once installed and applied the login credentials then we will not require to enter any credentials while using the application next time onwards.
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 14, 2024 03:46 AM
From: Cristi Mitrana
Subject: Jaspersoft Studio 9.0.0 - Requires Jaspersoft Community account and active internet connection ?
How would this work on a disconnected system - one that doesn't have access to the internet ?
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 06, 2024 01:01 AM
From: Ravindhar Kanaparti
Subject: Jaspersoft Studio 9.0.0 - Requires Jaspersoft Community account and active internet connection ?
Hi Armin,
From JStudio 9.0.0, this is introduced, we need to create the credentials, use the same for joining community before start using Studio.
We have documented as a note in our techdocs.

Click on Tibco doc link , and search for highlighted key word in Tibco documentation for the information.
Thank you,
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 05, 2024 09:08 AM
From: Armin Lengauer
Subject: Jaspersoft Studio 9.0.0 - Requires Jaspersoft Community account and active internet connection ?
I just came over some - as I think - very important prerequisite for running Jaspersoft Studio 9.0.0:
- a Jaspersoft Community account and on start you have to login
- an active Internet Connection

This the result after installing Jaspersoft Studio 9.0.0 from the ISO image provided on the Broadcom support page.
I found the following corresponding chapter in the Jaspersoft Studio 9.0.0 user guide:
Logging in to the Jaspersoft Community
Nevertheless I want to ask: does anyone know a way around ?
I did not happen to find a note about it in the Broadcom Tech Docs.