If you have to use those commands, yes it's possible
From One Node,
uxlst node to have the node list
your command with the argument node=<ForeachNode>
From the UVMS, the export can be done (uniexp) into XML format, faster.
For the location where you launch the commands, it depends you consum the data
Original Message:
Sent: Apr 03, 2024 09:14 AM
From: Gerry Muyargas
Subject: How to export data from Dollar Universe
I'm trying to export data from Dollar Universe using the following commands below. Do I have to do this on every node that we have or can we collect this info from one node only or from UVMS?
- Session list file: "uxlst ses ses=* vses=* full"
- Session details file:"uxshw ses ses=* lnk vses=*"
- Task details file:"uxshw tsk upr=* mu=* ses=* vupr=000 nomodel partage"
- UPR file:"uxshw upr upr=* vupr=* partage"
- Rule file:"uxshw rul rul=*"
- Resource file: "uxshw res res=*"
- Calendar file:"uxshw cal exp mu=* since=2018 before=2025 nomodel"
- Management unit details file: "uxshw mu mu=*"
Kindly advise and thanks in advance for your help.