@Geoff Stratton I wanted to follow up regarding your suggestion to incorporate these in the existing SAMPLE model. I talked to the team and we discussed the pros and cons. At this time our decision is to keep the SAMPLE model as-is. Making changes adds some maintenance complications. We would also like to keep that sample model simple for new users, and leverage the knowledge articles for other specific use cases, each in their own isolated example. We'll keep your suggestion in mind as we see how other customers use these too. You're the first to give feedback, which is great! Thanks for being an active contributor to the Gen EDGE Community.
Kim Peelman
Kim.Peelman@broadcom.comProduct Owner, Gen
Plano, TX
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 10, 2022 05:11 PM
From: Geoff Stratton
Subject: Gen Examples - a new type of knowledge article in your Support Portal
Hi Kim
Could this be incorporated in the existing SAMPLE model installed with the toolset as well? I always use that model to replicate issues when I open a case so it would be handy for it to have additional pre-existing code features.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 10, 2022 05:01 PM
From: Kim Peelman
Subject: Gen Examples - a new type of knowledge article in your Support Portal
While brainstorming ways to help users get more value from Gen, we had the bright idea that customers may appreciate having examples, like sample models. We've starting with these two knowledge articles that have models attached.
As we write more of these articles, I'll share them here in the Gen EDGE Community. We are also going to use this naming convention to make them easier to find.
- Log into your Broadcom Support portal.
- Navigate to the "Knowledge" articles.
- Search for "Gen Example".
If you'd like to see more content like this, reply with topics you're interested in. Better yet, if you have example content, please share to the Gen EDGE Community.
Kim Peelman
Product Owner, Gen
Plano, TX