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  • 1.  E2E logging failure

    Posted Jun 28, 2024 08:09 AM

    We are testing BFG (Bridge For GIT) and have E2E logging switched on to enable realtime syncing of the elements between repos.

    I am seeing unusual behaviour when updating an Endevor element via IPSF Quick Edit. The Webhook is not always written as an UPDATE file.
    I'm currently unsure how to repeat the criteria, I am seeing good logs being written for all actions, but out of a test today where multiple people were following my session, 3 updates worked (creating a webhook file each time) and then the 4th attempt failed to create a webhook file.

    Is there any tracing I can do to investigate this further. Has anyone else experienced this?

    This is obviously a showstopper for BFG, do other shop use this functionality or do they simply schedule periodic updates?


    I am logging at Environment level with no criteria below for all Endevor actions. Using V19 of Endevor and don't see any PTF's addressing this specific issue.

    Mainframe DevOps
    United Kingdom

  • 2.  RE: E2E logging failure

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jul 01, 2024 10:45 AM

    Hi Steve,

    I just wanted to address this here for others.

    The majority of Bridge for Git users have MF Webhook Server for event-based synchronization and have not experienced this behavior. 

    That said, if anyone has experienced something similar, we would very much like to know. 


    Zach Mullen
    Product Owner, Integrations for Enterprise DevOps

  • 3.  RE: E2E logging failure

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted Jul 02, 2024 09:47 AM
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  • 4.  RE: E2E logging failure

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jul 23, 2024 11:03 AM

    Hi Steve

    While editing an element in QE, the SAVE command will not result in E2E log entry. Only after quitting the edit session, E2E logging occurs. Could this be the reason for the situation you described?

    Thanks and regards,
    Peter Pravda
    Software Engineer
    Endevor Team
    Broadcom Software

  • 5.  RE: E2E logging failure

    Posted Jul 23, 2024 11:10 AM


    Thanks for replying, I have discovered this behaviour at exactly the same time you posted it. 

    I have searched for this but can't find any reference in the documentation to explain the events occurring in this way.
    Will I need to raise a case to request a documentation change or have I missed it somewhere?


    Mainframe DevOps
    United Kingdom

  • 6.  RE: E2E logging failure

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jul 23, 2024 11:43 AM

    I guess that's called telepathy :)

    The current behavior can be easily explained by the underlying architecture. E2E logging is implemented as an internal exit-3, which is called only when the editing session ends.

    Nevertheless, in my opinion, this product behavior smells like a defect. Imagine your TSO session times out or abends while editing an element in QE. Then an E2E log entry would not be written. The next time you enter QE, you will be offered element edit session recovery, after which E2E logging will occur, but that's too late because the exclusive ENQ on the element has been lost in the meantime and other actions could have been done with the element.

    Please open a support case and post a link to this discussion.

    Thanks and regards,
    Peter Pravda
    Software Engineer
    Endevor Team
    Broadcom Software