You do NOT need to register the vCenters in your GM.
The vCenter talks to the LM, not the GM (and LM talks to vCenter; it's a bi-directional communication).
Then GM talks to LM (bi-directional communication too).
There is no need for GM to know about the vCenters nor the ESXi.
Note: The reason there is an option under GM to register a vCenter is only if you want to deploy the GM-VM2 + GM-VM3 from the GM-UI instead of using the OVA directly in the vCenter and then do the CLI "join <Manager-IP> xxx" command.
BTW I recommend the 101 ToI and demos available under Broadcom VMware NSX Blog.
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 14, 2024 05:11 PM
From: zeeshan qadir
Subject: Compute manager registration in GM NSX questions
Hi everyone,
I am new to federation, I have a basic question:
Let's say we have two sites:
Site A :
We have registered Site-A-VCA vcenter under compute manager on Site-A-LM-NSX.
SIte B:
We have registered Site-B-VCA vcenter under compute manager on Site-B-LM-NSX.
Next we have registered SITE-A and SITE-B as locations on GM-NSX.
1) Do we need to register Site-A-VCA under Compute Manager on GM-NSX?( which is currently registered as a compute manager on SITE-A-LM-NSX)
2) Do we need to register Site-B-VCA under Compute Manager on GM-NSX?( which is currently registered as a compute manager on SITE-B-LM-NSX)
Much appreciated!!