Thanks Gary. Do I need to rerun the install? I recall the ojdbc path gets identified and is included in the file.
James Mitchell
Database Administrator
Division of Technology and Advanced Solutions
University Computer Center UC1640, Mail Stop 202
2801 W. Bancroft St.
Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390
Original Message:
Sent: 3/30/2024 1:05:00 PM
From: Gary Fitzgerald
Subject: RE: Application Manager 9.5 JDK and ojdbc question
Yes, you should re-create your user_keystore with the java 11 keytool. I use a command like this: keytool -keyalg RSA -keystore user_keystore -genkey -validity 1095 -alias automic
You should also be using ojdbc8.jar from your current oracle install. Remember to delete old ojdbc6 or ojdbc7 versions in $AW_HOME/ojdbc and $AW_HOME/web/classess directories.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 29, 2024 08:18 AM
From: James Mitchell
Subject: Application Manager 9.5 JDK and ojdbc question
Recently went to AM 9.5 and trying to move to openjdk- but seeing AwE-5103 network socket error Network socket error Received fatal alert: handshake_failure and AwE-5103 network socket error Network socket error Received fatal alert: handshake_failure errors.
Do I need a new key?
Also wondering which ojdbc others are using. The documentation only references ojdbc6?