Hello Gary,
Please open up a case and send in documentation so we can analyze what is
happening. Thanks.
*Kamran Behroozi *
Mainframe Software Engineer | Mainframe Division
Broadcom Inc. | 5465 Legacy Drive Suite 700 | Plano, TX 75024
Phone: 1-972-829-5030 |
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Original Message:
Sent: 12/22/2022 4:47:00 PM
From: Garry Milroy
Subject: ACL not working when login on to CICS with mod4e
When I logon to TPX using IBM Pcomm(43x80) mod4 (T3278M4E) and select my cics region, the session comes up, clocks awhile, then exits.
The same logon script does work if I logon with a mod2e (T3278M2E) or if I force it via ACT table to use a mod4 (T3278M4).
G beside session-id works, I manually logon, no problem with T3278M4E so cics auto install look ok too....only this ACL script does this like it with mod4e
The debug only show me the three attempts, and exiting.
The script must be good no? I mean, if it works on mod2e, then it should on mod4e as well...and the sign-on screen is presented same on mod2e/mod4e
Any Ideas?