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AAKE: technically well implemented but not in line with established GCP/Kubernetes standards? Your experiences...

  • 1.  AAKE: technically well implemented but not in line with established GCP/Kubernetes standards? Your experiences...

    Broadcom Partner
    Posted May 13, 2024 08:07 AM

    Dear all

    Together with the team responsible for the Kubernetes/GCP(Google Cloud Platform), we carried out an AAKE installation.
    The aim was to check whether AAKE is in line with the company's GCP strategy and GCP conventions.
    After the installation, the GCP team was very clear in its statement, which can be briefly summarized as follows:

    • AAKE appears to be technically well implemented.
    • AAKE does not receive permission for use in the company's GCP environment because it does not adhere enough to established standards in GCP/Kubernetes.
    • The GCP team has been given the impression that AAKE is intended for use in its own autonomous Kubernetes cluster, but not for use in a Kubernetes cluster shared with other applications.

    I would now like to know what experiences you have had in this regard.

    I would also like to ask @Automic Product Management whether there is any interest in an exchange with the company's GCP team in order to pass on further information on what the GCP team believes where AAKE needs to be adapted in order to be in line with established standards in GCP/Kubernetes.

    Stefan Lerch
    Senior Consultant

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  • 2.  RE: AAKE: technically well implemented but not in line with established GCP/Kubernetes standards? Your experiences...

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted May 21, 2024 02:45 AM

    Hi Stefan,

    At Broadcom, we use Google Cloud Platform intensively, as it is our standard for Cloud. Also, the recently launched Automic SaaS offering is in fact AAKE on GKE.
    But happy to have a discussion with the systempartners team. I will reach out directly and arrange an appointment.

    Kaj Wierda
    Sr. Product Line Manager | Automation

    Broadcom Software