
Vary Rates by Investment Type  | Learn with Rego 

Oct 27, 2016 04:46 AM

Your Rego Guide, Providing Clarity for CA PPMDear Community Members,


In today's Q&A, we'll guide you through the resolution of several CA PPM issues we've seen crop up from time to time, like why you might get the "invalid relational operator" in GEL and how to handle a resource rate that varies by investment type. 


We also have five new releases available from the regoXchange in our Countdown to CA World 2016, including the deck for a Resource Management Course and free quick reference cards for Accessing Resources and Creating Custom Filters, Adding Resource Skills, Configuring the Resource List, and Managing Resource Allocations. The whole list is here. 



Several additional free trainings and events, like a half-day of Portfolio Management help and regoUniversity technical, functional, and governance training for CA PPM, are at the bottom of this Q&A. 




1. Why are my Relational Operators (in SQL inside GEL) invalid?


2. How can we set up the Rate Matrix to account for resources whose rates vary by investment?


3. How do you Remove ETC from an "Effort Task"?


4. Can we re-order Input Controls?


5. How do you get the "Relative Date" in an Input Control?


Please feel free to comment on any alternative answers you've found.


We love your input (always).



1. I know this used to work, but I’m getting an “invalid relational operator” error in GEL when trying to do a simple query using a "less than" sign. It’s inside CDATA tags. Version 14.3. Thoughts??


  <sql:query var="results"><![CDATA[
SELECT prstart
FROM prtimeperiod
WHERE prestart <  (ADD_MONTHS((LAST_DAY(SYSDATE)+1),-1) - ?)



Remember the escapeText=”false”


2. We have a resource whose rate varies by investment. Is there a way to handle this in the Rate Matrix? We don’t have Investment as an option in the Default matrix. What config(s) should we change/update to get Investment included in the rate matrix?



Add investment in the rate matrix. Simply open the Rate Matrix and from the Assign Columns tab, select Investment > Add > Save. 





3. A project is complete, so I want to remove ETC from an Assignment on an auto-created “Effort Task.”  When I change the ETC to zero or just “delete” it, the ETC hours come right back.  From what I’ve read through google searches, the ETC can’t be removed, but I refuse to believe this.  Anyone know of a work around?  We aren't using OWB/MSP, so those aren’t options.

On an Effort task, we zero out the ETC:

After clicking save, the ETC comes back:




It appears the only way to wipe out the allocation of the resource is from the Team tab. As soon as you do this, the ETC goes to 0.


4. Is there a way to re-order Input Controls?


You can reorder via studio, if you click and drag. Sometimes it won’t allow you to re-order . . .  however, if you restart and go directly to the repository and try again, it should fix itself and allow you to move them.



5. Built in function in BO doesn’t appear to be in Jaspersoft. Curious if anyone has built the input control in JS and the logic in the query yet?



There is relative date on there. On the date it has a small tool tip saying if you put ‘WEEK’ it will get the relative date.
Here’s a few articles you can also reference:


THANK YOU------------------------------  

A special thanks to David Zywiec, Ben Rimmasch, Ross Hensel, Michael Meyers, and the Rego Team for this Q/A material.


Attendance for half-day classes in Jaspersoft or Portfolio Management are Free and Limited. Reserve your seat here.


Rego is releasing 50 CA PPM training items from the regoXchange to celebrate the Countdown to CA World! 

This week you can download a Resource Management Course deck and quick reference cards (QRCs) for Accessing Resources and Creating Custom Filters, Adding Resource Skills, Configuring the Resource List, and Managing Resource Allocations.


Jaspersoft 6.2.1 has new features! See what's new. 




JOIN US------------------------------  

CampIT in Dallas, TX: Nov 2-3, 2016. 

CA World in Las Vegas, NV: Nov 14-18, 2016. 

Rego Main Booth: 6007 /// regoUniversity Booth: 6002 /// Agile with Icon Booth: 6005.

regoUniversity 2017 at La Cantera Resort & Spa - San Antonio, TX: April 23-27, 2017. 

Receive hands-on CA PPM Training with hundreds of companies who use the tool daily. Click here for Early Bird Pricing.

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