
List of Jaspersoft Commands in accordance with CA PPM Version 

Nov 12, 2016 02:38 AM

admin content-jaspersoft <contentpackId> -userName superuser –password superuser  (14.2,14.3,14.4 and 15.x)

This is the command we execute on any PPM version system to install jaspersoft content for the first time. This command does the following actions

  • Verifies if the organization defined in the CSA Reporting subtab already exists.
    • If the organization already exists, it exits with an appropriate message. It does not execute the import because it is a new install.
    • Creates the organization defined in the CSA Reporting subtab.
    • Creates a zip file specific for the organization in a temporary folder by replacing the org name with given in CSA
    • Imports the content from the temporary zip file
      • Creates the CA PPM folder and its subfolders in the organization’s repository
      • Creates the Advanced Reporting roles
      • Creates the PMO Accelerator roles. These roles determine content permissions and begin with “CSK_ “
      • Updates the domains with the Data Warehouse schema owner name specific to the database
      • Uploads the UI Themes
      • Creates the user profile attributes
      • Update email notification settings if they are available(Not available in 14.4)
      • Creates the Jaspersoft administrator user. The default user is “ppmjasperadmin“. This user can be changed in the CSA Reporting subtab before importing, but after importing this user should not be modified. The Create and Update Jaspersoft Users job and the Load Data Warehouse job, which dynamically updates domains, require this user
      • Create shared folder and set permissions of that folder
      • Set permissions on themes, other folders and public folder
      • Creates cmn_install_history entry

When to run and when not to :-

  • This command should be used only when importing the content for the first time in PPM environment and during patch/release upgrades
  • On successful import command makes an entry in cmn_install_history which will be used to track install history and also identify the upgrade mode
  • When the default settings changed like Organization name, Admin user name, Key store, Database configurations, JASPERSOFT folder level permissions don’t try to fix them by reimporting the content. Execute the related commands to fix them

 admin content-jaspersoft <contentpackId> -userName superuser –password superuser upgrade (14.2,14.3,14.4 and 15.x)

This command is used to install the jaspersoft content upgrade. This command needs to be executed on top of patch releases or release upgrades

The following actions will be performed by this command

  • Verifies if the organization defined in the CSA Reporting subtab already exists.
    • If the organization does not exist, it exits with an appropriate message. It does not create the organization which means it does not execute the import because it is an upgrade, not a new install
    • Creates a zip file specific for the organization in a temporary folder
    • Imports the content from the temporary zip file
      • Updates the CA PPM/Reports folder and its subfolders in the organization’s repository.
      • Retains the CA PPM folder permissions.
      • Retains the out-of-the-box subfolders, including permissions, in the CA PPM folder.
      • Updates the out-of-the-box Jaspersoft Advanced Reporting items, in the CA PPM folder and subfolders. Items include domains, reports, input controls, templates, images, etc
      • It should not matter what is in the zip file being imported because no content is going to be deleted. If the zip file includes content previously imported, update the content with the content from the zip file. If the zip file includes new content, import the new content without modifying the content previously imported. In summary, always only update the content which is coming from the zip file
      • Updates the domains being imported with the Data Warehouse schema owner name specific to the database
      • If content contains domains then Dynamic Domain routine will run
      • Uploads the UI Themes
      • Verify if the Jaspersoft administrator user already exists or if the Jaspersoft administrator user was modified in CSA and needs to be recreated
      • Verify if the Shared folder already exists or needs to be recreated. If the Shared folder exists skip it, do not modify it. Permissions should not be modified
      • Creates cmn_install_history entry

 When to run and when not to :-

  • This command should be used only when importing the content for the first time in PPM environment and during patch/release upgrades
  • On successful import command makes an entry in cmn_install_history which will be used to track install history and also identify the upgrade mode
  • When the default settings changed like Organization name, Admin user name, Key store, Database configurations, JASPERSOFT folder level permissions don’t try to fix them by reimporting the content. Execute the related commands to fix them

admin content-jaspersoft csk restoreDomains -userName superuser –password superuser   (,14.3, 14.4 and 15.x)


This command needs to be run when we observe domains got corrupted. Load data warehouse complains

The following actions will be performed by the command

  • Verifies if the organization defined in the CSA Reporting subtab already exists.
    • If the organization does not exist, it exits with an appropriate message. It does not create the organization which means it does not execute the import because it is an upgrade, not a new install
    • Creates a zip file specific for the organization in a temporary folder
    • Imports the content from the temporary zip file
    • Replaces all the OOTB domains which are under ca ppm/domains folder
    • Updates the domains being imported with the Data Warehouse schema owner name specific to the database
    • Runs the dynamic domain updates

When to run and when not to :-

  • This command needs to be run when Load Data warehouse job fails by complaining Domain updates are failing
  • While working on adhoc views using domains if it fails to fetch data and configuring columns, check domains definition and if it reports any error then run this command

admin update jasperParameters (14.2,14.3, 14.4 and 15.x)

Updates jasperadmin user's profile attributes using properties.xml entries


When to run and when not to :-

  • When configurations in PPM gets changed.
  • DB User or password gets changed for PPM DB or DWH DB
  • Key store gets changed

admin jaspersoft syncPPMContext -userName superuser -password superuser (14.3,14.4 and 15.x)

  • If the ppmjasperadmin does not exist in Jaspersoft or Clarity it will create in both the systems
  • If new keystore is generated in between then the profile attributes will be encrypted using new keystore.
  • If profile attributes related to database properties changed then those profile attributes values will be updated
  • If there are any additional profile needs to be added that will be added
  • Updates the domain schema names for all OOTB domains

If the PPM environment changed completely, then run syncPPMContext. syncPPMContext checks properties like url and username if they are changed then it will not update user profile attributes
If only database properties were changed, then updateJasperParameters should work.


admin jaspersoft export [-properties propertiesFile] -fromUserName username -fromPassword password -fromURL JaspersoftSrcUrl -fileName contentFile [-overwrite] [-orgName orgId1,<orgId2>,..]]/[-allOrgs] [-includePublic] [-includeServerSettings]  (14.3,14.4 and 15.x)

  • Verifies the URL, username and password are valid
  • Verifies the provided organization list exist
  • If organizations are not passed considers to export all organizations
  • If includePublic flag is set, exports the public folder content
  • If includeServerSettings flag is set, exports the server side settings
  • Exports the provided organizations/all orgs whole content
  • Zips into provided filename
  • If overwrite flag is not given and if file already exists throws error message

Note :-

  • Use this command to export the content from on JASPERSOFT instance to import into another JASPERSOFT instance via this CLI
  • Don’t use the content exported via this command in JASPERSOFT UI import

admin jaspersoft import [-properties propertiesFile] -toUserName username -toPassword password -toURL JaspersoftDsUrl -fileName contentFile [-silent] [-orgName orgId1,<orgId2>,..]] ]  (14.3,14.4 and 15.x)

  • Verifies the URL, username and password are valid
  • Verifies the provided organization list exist in zip file
  • Provided organization list and organizations in zip should match
  • Content zip file should be exported via CLI export command
  • Prompts for Organizations confirmation, if silent flag passed considers as create by default
  • If Yes is the confirmation then creates the organizations in the JASPERSOFT instance
  • Imports the content
  • Imports public folder content if zip contains it
  • Imports server side settings if zip contains it


  • Don’t reimport on already existing org, this will override the content
  • Don’t use zip file generated via JASPERSOFT UI

admin jaspersoft migrate [-properties propertiesFile] -toUserName username -toPassword password -fromUserName username -fromPassword password -toURL JaspersoftDsUrl -fromURL JaspersoftSrcUrl [-orgName orgId1,<orgId2>,..]]/[-allOrgs] [-includePublic] [-includeServerSettings] [-silent] ]  (14.3,14.4 and 15.1)

  • migrate performs the two tasks, export and import
  • If allOrg argument passed then it exports and imports all arguments
  • If migrate run on already imported content tenant will not be recreated
  • Content will be reimported if org is already exist
  • If org is not existed then new org will be created
  • Include Public and Include server settings will be migrated if arguments are provided


  • Don’t migrate on already existing org, this will override the content
  • Try to avoid all orgs option, sometimes resource contention will cause adverse effect on JASPERSOFT instance

admin jaspersoft email listDomains (,, and 15.x)

This command checks the user profile attribute and get list of email domains supported

admin jaspersoft email –addDomains (,, and 15.x)

This command adds the email domain in the supported domain list. Emails will be sent via Jaspersoft only for these supported domains. Other domain specific emails will be rejected

  • Check if the domains is already in the supported list
  • If list of domains provided, if some already exists in list then additional domains will be added

admin jaspersoft email –removeDomains (,, and 15.x)

This command removes the email domain in the supported domain list. Emails will be sent via JASPERSOFT only for the supported domains. Removed domain specific emails will be rejected

  • Checks if provided domains are present in domains list
  • If available removes them otherwise ignores

admin jaspersoft email disableNotifications|enableNotifications (,, and 15.x)

This command enables or disables the notification system in JASPERSOFT instance. If enabled, then notifications like email or alert will be sent out from JASPERSOFT else nothing will be communicated to outer world.

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