CA Service Management

CA SDM: GRLoader - Everthing you need to know - Loading Configuration Item 

Sep 18, 2015 11:16 AM

Another vision about Jim_Bauman document


CA SDM: GRLoader - Everthing you need to know.


Where are the GRLoader Transaction rules located in CMDB r12.x?

"The GRLoader Translation rules in CMDB r12.x are located in java/lib/grloader folder"





A. How to do




01. Create some folder for your work


MS DOS command Example:


md 1grloader


02.Copy grloader.exe

03. Copy the files below and the Grloader folder from $NX_ROOT\java\lib








04. Copy excel example from $NX_ROOT\samples



05. Run GRloader command

grloader -i grloader_sample_spreadsheet.xlsx -a -n -E -u servicedesk -p servicedesk


What means commands:


-i    ***     - Input XML file

-a            - Allow updates to Configuration Items

-n            - Allow new CIs to be created

-E            - Allow overwriting of output XML files

-u    ***     - Userid for logon




TIPs to use TWA


GRLoader - TWA Options

       -lftwa        - use transaction work area(twa) instead of xml input file

       -lttwa        - write input file to twa

       -chg  ***     - only process twa transactions for this change reference


       -N    ***     - Path to nx.env, used when running JVM only

      -cfg  ***     - configuration file.  enter grloader -hc for details


Command example:

grloader -N GRLoader_12.7 -cfg LFTWA.cfg -lftwa -u user -p password



B. Parameter for grloader command


-uUserid for logon
-pPassword for logon
-sServer URL including port (I.E. http://localhost:8080



-cfgconfiguration file.  enter grloader -hc for details
-iInput XML file
-eError XML file (defaults to inputname_err.xml)
-NPath to nx.env, used when running JVM only
-vShow GRLoader version
-hThis help
-hcconfiguration file help


Processing Options
-aAllow updates to Configuration Items
-nAllow new CIs to be created
-maxerror nset maximum number of errors
-maxwarn  nset maximum number of warnings
-maxci  nmaximum number of CIs to process
maxrel   nmaximum number of relationships to process
-corchange order required
-iia- ignore invalid attributes
-addjar ***adds specified jar to grloader classpath
-aer yes/noallow embedded relationships (yes)
-PPreload data - improves performance for large processing

- use slump protocol (may require addditional configuratio


-tf   ***file name to be used to translate values of attributes
-D    ***Name prefix for relations (defaults to "GRLoader")
-IIgnore case of lookup attributes
-EAllow overwriting of output XML files
-ad   ***=***Set attribute default value
-uaUpdate always.  Disables identical data optimization



Output Options
-T    ***Trace Level
-CCheck input XML only
-simcisimulate ci operations only
-simrelsimulate relationship operations only
-nospinnerDon't show spinner
-sc   ***show class attributes for specified class
-scx  ***generate xml for the specified class



TWA Options

use transaction work area(twa) instead of xml input file

-lttwawrite input file to twa
-chg ***only process twa transactions for this change reference number
-lttwarload transactions into the ready state
-lftwaiinactivate successful transactions




Spreadsheet Input Options
-ssf  ***filename of excel spreadsheet
-sss  ***name of sheet within excel spreadsheet
-ssfr nfirst row of the spreadsheet to be imported
-sslr nlast row of the spreadsheet to be imported
-ssfc n

first col number or letter of the spreadsheet to be impo


-sslc n

last col number or letter of the spreadsheet to be impor


-sses xseparator character for multiple embedded relationships


CSV Input Options
-csvf     ***csv file name
-csvsepcsv field separator (,)
-csvesccsv field escape character (\)
-csvquotecsv quote character (")
-csvcomcsv comment character (#) Database Input Options
-dbdriver ***

java class name for the database driver of the input dat


-dbuser*** - database username of the input database
-dbpswd*** - database password
-dbstmt  ***database select statement
-dburlurl used to locate the database


Replace Symbolic Options

enable symbolic replacement in the input data

                        *now*           unique timestamp

                        *userid*        signed on user

                        *inputfile*     name of input file

                        *cicount*       current ci count

                        *relationcount* current relationship count


C. Custom Examples


C.1 A Load CI Other Contract - Extension Table



Expected Results:1 CI are loaded
Run command:grloader -i grloader_sample_spreadsheet -a -n -E -u servicedesk -p password …




CA TECHNOLOGIESMy Item namOther contractBR-2016-21351501/01/201631/12/2018283582BRSP0001My commentsCA EDUCATIONMy contracct



Oficial Examples from CA Service Desk Manager

examples on sample directory


C.2 A Load CIs from simple spreadsheet CI data



Expected Results:3 CIs are loaded
Run command:grloader -i grloader_sample_spreadsheet -a -n -E -u servicedesk -p password …





C.3  Loading CIs and attributes from other than the first sheet in a workbook



Expected Results:4 CIs are loaded
Run command:grloader -i grloader_sample_spreadsheet -sss Sheet2



server3Discovered Hardware4







Topic from Official documents CORA_MDB_and_Assets_SC.pdf


When an asset is registered, CORA generates the asset uuid (ca_asset) by applying a black-box logic to the following six properties:


  • Serial Number „
  • Asset Tag (appearing as Alt Asset ID) „
  • Host Name „
  • Mac Address „
  • DNS Name „
  • Asset Label (Name)

CORA applies the following weighting system to these properties to determine if a match exists. Since certain properties are considered “more important” than others, CORA will recognize a duplicate based on those values alone.


  • Serial Number is the most highly weighted field. Two assets with the same serial number will always be matched by CORA unless Asset Tag or Host Name are different.
  • Alt Asset ID is the second most highly weighted field. Serial Number and Alt Asset ID appear at the highest level of the Asset Registration schema in ca_asset).
  • Host Name appears in the middle level (ca_logical_asset). If Serial Number and Alt Asset ID are blank the Host Name takes precedence over DNS and MAC Address values. Although more than one DNS/MAC pair can be specified for the same Host Name, it will still be considered the same Asset.
  • DNS Name and MAC Address are weighted the same. CORA will recognize the same asset if DNS or MAC address match and will create a new asset when they do not.
  • Finally, although Asset Label (Name) is required to create an asset, you can have multiple assets with the same name as long all the other CORA fields are empty.



TWA links (Transaction Work Area)

Transaction Work Area - CA Service Management - 14.1

How to Use the Web Interface to Update Data in the TWA - CA Service Management - 14.1    / Como usar a interface da Web para atualizar dados na TWA - Portuguese - Brazil

Populating the TWA - CA Service Management - 14.1                                                            / Preenchendo o TWA - CA Service Management - 14.1 (Portuguese - Brazil)

TWA Administration - CA Service Management - 14.1

Troubleshooting CA Service Desk Manager Connector - CA Service Management - 14.1

Review and Modify Inbound Data Using Transaction Work Area (TWA) - CA Service Management - 14.1


TEC607892 - Can we use the "EMPTY" keyword to blank out a field that has a value when using GRLoader to update a Target CI?

TEC511086 -  Is it possible to update a value to NULL using GRLoader? - <location>EMPTY</location> 

TEC548758 -  How to add rules for CMDB TWA tables to Archive and Purge in CMDB r12.1

TED511801 - When using GRloader to load from TWA are the errors written to a XML?

TWA SQL Column Names - Administration Guide Release 12.7.00

Integration FAQs



General Links - Everthing you need to load Configuration Itens


CA WIKI - General Resource Loader GRLoader

CA WIKI The+GRLoader+Command_815231 - PT-BR (apesar do título, está em português)

TEC601582 - How to create GRLoader load file

RI27896 - GRLoader stops responding when loading a large numbers of CI´s

TEC604592 - CMDB update ambiguity

120530-1 CMDB Best Practices and Service Model.pdf


CMDB Technical Reference









Communities Search by grloader

Communities Search by TAG grloader


tec541954 - CORA Cleanup does not work with SQL Server 2008

tec484950 - Detailed CORA Trouble-Shooting Guide


CMDB - Recommendations 


SUPER GRLOADER (  by Daniel Bighelini 


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