Automic Workload Automation

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  • 1.  Syntax highlighting for AE scripting

    Posted Nov 18, 2016 06:31 AM
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    At Swiss Re, many of us use UltraEdit as our standard text editor. This app has a flexible system for adding customized wordfiles that define syntax highlighting rules for various file types. Someone has already submitted a “UC4” wordfile uc4.uew, but it has many errors and omissions. I have begun to make an updated version of this file, but before I go to the trouble though, I thought I would ask if anyone else had already done this.

    And what about other programs? Has anyone set up syntax highlighting for AE script in another program?

    The alphabetical list of script elements in the documentation is a good starting point. However, because the documentation is sometimes incomplete or outdated, I looked elsewhere for a more complete list of script elements. I found a good list of commands (statements) and functions in an XML trace of a UI session, in the highlightrules element. To capture such a trace, simply set xml="2" in the trace element of the uc4config.xml file for the Java User Interface. E.g.,

    <trace count="10" xml="2" tcp="0" ra="0">logs\UCDJ_TRC_##.TXT</trace>

    The children of the <command> and <function> elements under <highlightrules> correspond to Automic script elements. The attributes of these elements specify the following:

    pThe tooltip that appears if you hover the mouse pointer over this element in a script
    hpThe help page that will be opened if you type F1 while the cursor is position at this element
    internSet to 1 for Automic-internal script elements. (There are a few hundred of them.)

    I attached an excerpt from the XML trace as a text file.


  • 2.  Syntax highlighting for AE scripting

    Posted Nov 18, 2016 06:49 AM

    Hi Michael

    I did once for Confluence:

    It is using this javascript to do the highlighting:

    List of commands is not complete tough.


  • 3.  Syntax highlighting for AE scripting

    Posted Nov 18, 2016 07:59 AM
    Thanks joel_wiesmann_automic. Looks very good. We use Confluence & Jira so this could be quite useful to us.

    I attached an XML trace excerpt to the original post. Here you can find a complete list of script elements.

  • 4.  Syntax highlighting for AE scripting

    Posted Jul 28, 2017 06:28 AM
    Attached is an updated list of highlight rules, extracted from an xml=2 trace of a v12.0.2 JUI session. There are a number of new & updated elements. I also converted the list into an Excel file for convenience.


  • 5.  Syntax highlighting for AE scripting

    Posted Dec 11, 2017 05:06 AM
    I just noticed that for some reason, the X_MODIFY_SYSTEM internal function is not marked as internal in the highlight rules (v12.0.2 & v12.1).

  • 6.  Re: Syntax highlighting for AE scripting

    Posted Sep 03, 2018 08:43 AM

    This problem persists in v12.2.

  • 7.  RE: Syntax highlighting for AE scripting

    Posted 28 days ago
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry 28 days ago

    The highlight rules are now defined in awi.war/WEB-INF/bundle/ecc-components-scripteditors.jar/highlightrules.json.

    I have attached a copy of this file from AWI v24.2, as well an an updated version of the Excel spreadsheet.

    For what it's worth, X_MODIFY_SYSTEM is still marked as a public (non-internal) function. I first pointed this out seven years ago.

       "-name": "X_MODIFY_SYSTEM",
       "-hp": "",
       "-p": "X_MODIFY_SYSTEM "

    Ping @Joel Wiesmann.


  • 8.  RE: Syntax highlighting for AE scripting

    Posted 27 days ago
    Edited by Michael A. Lowry 27 days ago

    For those who are interested, I used JSON Path expressions to filter the highlightrules.json file to show the scripting elements of each type. E.g, this expression will list only the public AE scripting commands from the English language portion of the file:


    Adjust the expression to filter for the parts of interest. There are tools online that can be used to convert a JSON array to Excel format.