Automic Workload Automation

  • 1.  Retrieving scheduling info with script

    Posted May 29, 2018 04:44 AM

    Hi all,


    I am currently working on a script that can retrieve all the scheduling info of a given workflow and i have problems formating the result in a more user friendly way. I have created a JOBS object that uses a PRPT which prompts the user to enter the WF name.


    Then the WF name is used as a variable for sereral VARA.SEC_SQLI objects that are retrieving data about that WF from AE DB.


    The data gathered using VARA.SEC_SQLI is then processed with the following script and is displayed in the report of the run:


    :PRINT "              The workflow name is incorrect or the workflow does not exist in this client"
    :   PRINT "                                                                  "
    :IF &count_sched# <> 0
    :   SET &Workflow# = GET_PROCESS_LINE(&HND1#,1)
    :   SET &period# = GET_PROCESS_LINE(&HND1#,7)
    :   SET &WF_status# = GET_PROCESS_LINE(&HND1#,8)
    :   PRINT "            WORKFLOW INFO"
    :   PRINT "             - WF Name:    &Workflow#"
    :   PRINT "             - WF Status:  &WF_status#"
    :   PRINT "                                                                  "
    :   PRINT "            SCHEDULE & TASK INFO"
    :   PRINT "             - SCH Name:        &SCHED#"
    :   PRINT "             - SCH Status:      &SCHED_STATUS#"
    :   PRINT "             - SCH Frequency:   &DAYS#"
    :   PRINT "             - TASK Start Time: &START_TIME#"
    :   PRINT "             - TASK Status:     &STATUS#"
    :   PRINT "                                                                  "
    :   PRINT "            PERIOD INFO"
    :   PRINT "             - Name: &period#"
    :   PRINT "                                                                  "
    :   PRINT "                                                                  "
    :   SET &Workflow# = GET_PROCESS_LINE(&HND2#,1)
    :   SET &Periods# = GET_PROCESS_LINE(&HND2#,3)
    :   SET &WF_status# = GET_PROCESS_LINE(&HND2#,4)
    :   PRINT "            --- Workflow &Workflow# is using the following period/periods "
    :   PRINT "            --- Periods = &Periods#"
    :   PRINT "            --- Workflow Status = &WF_status#"
    :   PRINT "                                                                  "


    It works fine and retrieves accurate data but I would like to avoid repeating the WF Info section when a WF is part of multiple schedule objects and to not show the Period Info section if the WF doesn't have a period attached to it.

    Would that be possible? and if yes, how can I achieve it?


    Thank you for any input.

  • 2.  Re: Retrieving scheduling info with script

    Posted May 29, 2018 04:53 AM

    Just wanted to add for clarity:

    - First part (HND1) of the script covers 2 situations: WF has one or multiple schedules or WF has one or multiple schedules + a period

    - Second part (HND2) covers only the cases when WF is scheduled using one or multiple periods.