Automic Workload Automation

  • 1.  How to SET a unknown variable

    Posted Nov 12, 2018 07:51 AM

    I'm using an external (XML) source to execute a Script.
    The XML has several input parameters. But the count of parameters varies.
    I want to SET all the variables which are deliverd by the XML.
    For example;
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <uc4:executeObject xmlns:uc4="">
          <name> . . . </name>
          <value> . . . </value>


    Based on the given inputparameters I want to read the corresponding values.
    :READ &MESSAGEID#,,"MessageID",,"K"

    :READ &CLIENTTICKETID#,,"ClientTicketID",,"K"

    :READ &PARTNERTICKETID#,,"PartnerTicketID",,"K"


    In our process we use this for passing through the variables provided by the XML.

    So we don't always know which variables are used.

    Thus I'am looking for a method to SET/READ/DEFINE those variables dynamically.


    Are there any idease/suggestions 


    Thanks for contributing ideas

  • 2.  Re: How to SET a unknown variable

    Posted Nov 12, 2018 12:47 PM