Symantec Access Management

Tech Tip : How to troubleshoot Failover/Failback between WebAgent and Policy Server ?

  • 1.  Tech Tip : How to troubleshoot Failover/Failback between WebAgent and Policy Server ?

    Posted Nov 17, 2016 06:25 AM



    How to troubleshoot Failover/Failback between WebAgent and Policy Server ?





    1. Use the Webagent traceconfigfile : <Webagent_install_dir>/config/AgentConMgr.trace
    -> It will log the Agent -> PS connections details


    2. Decompose trace file generated by PID / TID as each thread will manage the connection with the Policy Server.  For each request, every PID / TID will have it's own view of the best PS to send the request(IsProtected, IsAuthenticated, IsAuthorized)
    -> to get PID/TID :


    [09/27/2016][15:55:40][2334][407795456][SmAgentAPI.cpp:372][ProcessRequest][][][][][][][][][][][Enter function ProcessRequest]
    [09/27/2016][15:55:45][2351][3067913984][SmClient.cpp:2710][GetBestServerIndex][][][][][][5][][][ACTIVE][2][Changing Best server index was 0 is now 1]

    PID is the 3rd Column / TID the 4th one

    -> Develop a script to extract those and then get a file for each.
    in the sample above :


    3. Check each TID trace before the failover/failback to understand what happened.



    Additional information:

    How to Set Up Trace Logging


    KB: TEC1983777