
  • 1.  External drill-down link to another report in Actuate

    Posted Nov 06, 2008 09:59 AM
    We have some reports where the user clicks on a total in the summary report and are supposed to go to the detail report that represents that number (we send parameters). At one time, they worked in the Demo environment but not in Production.  Since then, they don't work in either.  The URL string looks OK to us, although the parameters are in the URL twice.   Does anyone know of a possible problem (e.g. dates have to be in some specific format or you can't send blank parameters) that we could check out?  We can't find any resources other than a couple of examples.    

  • 2.  Re: External drill-down link to another report in Actuate

    Posted Nov 06, 2008 10:14 AM
    I forgot to add an example of a link that doesn't work:  Sub SetLinkTo( row As AcDataRow )If row.getValue("TEST_UNASSIGNED") 0 ThenIf IsNull(NikuSequential::ActuateLocale) or NikuSequential::ActuateLocale = "" ThenLinkTo = ""ElseLinkTo = "/" & NikuSequential::ActuateLocaleEnd IfLinkTo = LinkTo &+ "/SOX/sox_detail_of_testing.rox?Submit" &+ getSublinkURL()&+ "&param_ITGC = " & NewReportApp::param_ITGC &+ "&param_IT_App = " & NewReportApp::param_IT_App &+ "&param_oper = " & NewReportApp::param_Oper &+ "&param_Segr = " & NewReportApp::param_Segr &+ "&param_entity = " & row.getValue("entity_code") &+ "&param_organ = " & NewReportApp::param_organ &+ "&param_phase = " & NewReportApp::param_phase &+ "&param_year = " & NewReportApp::param_year &+ "&param_control = " & NewReportApp::param_control &+ "&param_type = soxUnassigned"If CDate(CStr(Format(NewReportApp::param_from_date,"mm/dd/yyyy"))) = NewReportApp::param_from_date ThenLinkTo = LinkTo & "&param_from_date = " & NewReportApp::param_from_dateElseLinkTo = LinkTo & "&param_from_date = " & CDate(Format("01/01/1900","mm/dd/yyyy"))End If If CDate(CStr(Format(NewReportApp::param_to_date,"mm/dd/yyyy"))) = NewReportApp::param_to_date ThenLinkTo = LinkTo & "&param_to_date = " & NewReportApp::param_to_dateElseLinkTo = LinkTo & "&param_to_date = " & CDate(Format("01/01/2025","mm/dd/yyyy"))End IfEnd If Super::SetLinkTo( row )End Sub  Thanks.