Hi Asher,
PDSMAN makes a RACROUTE call to check security - to avoid S913 abends. The PDSMAN module doing the security check issues RACROUTE with LOG=NONE.
So I'm not sure that you could trace this. The LRDR task was added to PDSMAN by APAR RO73404, in case you need to review it. Update authority is required by the PDSMAN address space to record member reference information for data PDSE libraries.
Ray Frazier
PDSMAN level 2
Mainframe Software Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 03-31-2021 02:34 AM
From: Asher Atzmoni
Subject: PDSMLRDR-06
Our PDSMAN address space prompts for PDSMLRDR-06 when trying to record Last Reference Date for a PDSE . Message itself is self explanatory but I wanted to back it up with listing security events from Top Secret's Audit file . However , no security events were logged nor violations exist in TSSUTIL report . How can I trace PDSMAN events regarding this issue (I'm familiar with Top Secret also so I won't have problem with tracing the events) .