We installed the IBM MFA product recently. I was the first to be converted to a MFA user on our z/OS systems. When I logon to TPX, I enter a 6 digit code for password. When I select an application from my TPX menu, I am prompted for another 6 digit code. I like to logon to TSO on each LPAR. I have to wait for a new code to appear before I can logon to the next application. After doing this for awhile, I am looking for a better way to signon to my applications. Since I have already authenticated myself to TPX, it appears that I should be able to use passtickets to get to the other applications. I have attempted to setup TPX as described in the CA documentation. Since we are using RACF, the TPX documentation does a handoff to the IBM RACF documentation for the RACF setup. I have done my best to set that up as well. Apparently, I missed something. It does not work.
TPX produces the message -
FOR USERID: <myuserid> SESSION: <TSOsession>
I found the SMF 80 record for this event. It tells me the same thing -- PTCREATE failed
(PTCREATE means Pass Ticket create)
RACF is not producing any error message on the console or any where else to my knowledge
Does anyone else have any experience with TPX, pass tickets, and RACF?
Steve Johnson