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this.ued56(uex2,uef25) : '',(uef21) ? uef21 : uee39,(uef22) ? uef22 : uee40,function() { UltimateEditors[ue7m].ued59(uex2,uef25); },uef26); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uef24=function(uey6,uey9) { var uef27=''; switch (uey6) { case 'a': uef27=uel4; break; case 'img': uef27=uel5; break; case 'hr': uef27=uel8; break; case 'table': uef27=uel6; break; case 'td': uef27=uel7; break; default: break; } return uef27+((uey9) ? uey9.uec78().title : uee16); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ued56=function(uex2,ued61) { return ' '+ued61; }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ued59=function(uex2,ued61) { this.ue3s(); if (uex2 == ue3z) { this.ue1e(null,(ued61 == this.uef24('table')) ? 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' ' : ''; var ueo8=ue4k.createElement("table"); this.ue6h(ueo8,ue7h,ue8h,ue9h,ue0i,ue1i,ue2i,ue3i,ue4i,ue5i,ue6i,ue7i,ue8i,ue9i,uef54); var ue7k=ue4k.createElement("tbody"); for (var i=0; i < ue2k; i++) { var uep7=ue5k.cloneNode(true); for (var j=0; j < ue3k; j++) { uep7.appendChild(ue6k.cloneNode(true)); } ue7k.appendChild(uep7); } ueo8.appendChild(ue7k); if (uea4) { this.InsertText(ueo8.outerHTML); } else { this.SetFocus(); this.ue9f(ueo8); } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ued80=function(ues3,uey6) { while (ues3 && ues3.tagName && (ues3.tagName.toLowerCase() != uey6) && ues3.parentNode) { ues3=ues3.parentNode; } return ues3; }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue8k=function(ue9k) { var ues3=this.ued80(this.uey7(),'td'); if (ues3.tagName && ues3.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'td') { var uep7=ues3.parentNode; if (uep7.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tr') { if (!ue9k && !uep7.nextSibling) { uep7.parentNode.insertBefore(uer4(uep7,true)); } else { if (!ue9k) { uep7=uep7.nextSibling; } var uer6=uer4(uep7,true); var uep8=uep7.rowIndex; var ueo8=uep7.parentNode.parentNode; var ue0l=uep6(uep7); var uer0=uep9(ueo8,ue0l,uep8); var ue1l=uer0[uep8]; var ue2l,ue3l,ue4l,ue5l; for (var j=0,ue6l=ue1l.length; j < ue6l; j++) { ue2l=ue1l[j].rowNo; ue3l=ue1l[j].colNo; if (ue2l != ue4l || ue3l != ue5l) { if (ue2l != uep8) { ueo8.rows[ue2l].cells[ue3l].rowSpan=uee78(ueo8.rows[ue2l].cells[ue3l])+1; } } ue4l=ue2l; ue5l=ue3l; } uep7.parentNode.insertBefore(uer6,uep7); } } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue7l=function() { var ues3=this.ued80(this.uey7(),'td'); if (ues3.tagName && ues3.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'td') { var uep7=ues3.parentNode; if (uep7.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tr') { var uep8=uep7.rowIndex; var ueo8=uep7.parentNode.parentNode; var ue0l=uep6(uep7); var uer0=uep9(ueo8,ue0l,uep8+1); var ue1l=uer0[uep8]; var ue6l=ue1l.length; var ue2l,ue3l,ue4l,ue5l; var ue8l=null; for (var j=ue6l-1; j >= 0; j--) { ue2l=ue1l[j].rowNo; ue3l=ue1l[j].colNo; if (ue2l != ue4l || ue3l != ue5l) { if (ue2l != uep8) { ueo8.rows[ue2l].cells[ue3l].rowSpan=uee78(ueo8.rows[ue2l].cells[ue3l])-1; } else { if (uee78(ueo8.rows[ue2l].cells[ue3l]) > 1) { ueo8.rows[ue2l].cells[ue3l].rowSpan=uee78(ueo8.rows[ue2l].cells[ue3l])-1; var ue9l=uer8(ueo8.rows[ue2l].cells[ue3l],true); var ue0m,ue1m; for (var k=j+1; k < ue6l; k++) { ue0m=uer0[uep8+1][k].rowNo; ue1m=uer0[uep8+1][k].colNo; if (!(ue0m == ue2l && ue1m == ue3l) && ue0m == uep8+1) { break; } } if (k < ue6l) { ueo8.rows[uep8+1].insertBefore(ue9l,ueo8.rows[uep8+1].cells[ue1m]); } else { ueo8.rows[uep8+1].insertBefore(ue9l,ue8l); ue8l=ue9l; } } ueo8.rows[ue2l].removeChild(ueo8.rows[ue2l].cells[ue3l]); } } ue4l=ue2l; ue5l=ue3l; } if (uep7.childNodes.length == 0) { uep7.parentNode.removeChild(uep7); } ues5(ueo8); } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue8m=function(uef60) { var ues3=this.ued80(this.uey7(),'td'); if (ues3.tagName && ues3.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'td') { var ue9m=ues3.cellIndex; var uep7=ues3.parentNode; if (uep7.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tr') { var ueo8=uep7.parentNode.parentNode; if (ueo8.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'table') { var ue9m=ues3.cellIndex; var uep8=uep7.rowIndex; var uep1=ueo8.rows; var uep3=uep1.length; var uer0=uep9(ueo8,0,uep3-1); var ue1l=uer0[uep8]; var ue6l=ue1l.length; for (var j=0; j < ue6l; j++) { if (ue1l[j].rowNo == uep8 && ue1l[j].colNo == ue9m) { break; } } var i=0; while (i < uep3) { ue1l=uer0[i]; var ue2l=ue1l[j].rowNo; var ue3l=ue1l[j].colNo; var ue0n=uep1[ue2l].cells[ue3l]; var ue1n=uee78(ue0n); if (uee76(ue0n) == uee76(ues3)) { var ue9l=uer8(ue0n,true); ue9l.colSpan=1; uep1[ue2l].insertBefore(ue9l,(uef60) ? ue0n : ue0n.nextSibling); } else { ue0n.colSpan=uee76(ue0n)+1; } i += ue1n; } } } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue2n=function() { var ues3=this.ued80(this.uey7(),'td'); if (ues3.tagName && ues3.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'td') { var ue9m=ues3.cellIndex; var uep7=ues3.parentNode; if (uep7.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tr') { var ueo8=uep7.parentNode.parentNode; if (ueo8.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'table') { var ue9m=ues3.cellIndex; var uep8=uep7.rowIndex; var uep1=ueo8.rows; var uep3=uep1.length; var uer0=uep9(ueo8,0,uep3-1); var ue1l=uer0[uep8]; var ue6l=ue1l.length; for (var j=0; j < ue6l; j++) { if (ue1l[j].rowNo == uep8 && ue1l[j].colNo == ue9m) { break; } } var i=0; var ue3n=false; while (i < uep3) { ue1l=uer0[i]; var ue2l=ue1l[j].rowNo; var ue3l=ue1l[j].colNo; var ue0n=uep1[ue2l].cells[ue3l]; var ue1n=uee78(ue0n); if (uee76(ue0n) == 1) { uep1[ue2l].removeChild(ue0n); ue3n=true; } else { ue0n.colSpan=uee76(ue0n)-1; } i += ue1n; if (i == uep3 && !ue3n) { i=0; ue3n=false; } } ues5(ueo8); } } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uef28=function(uex2,uec23) { var ues3=this.ued80(this.uey7(),'td'); if (ues3.tagName && ues3.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'td') { if (uex2 == ue0x) { ue2e(ued3,uex2,this,this,uec23); ue2v(); } else { ue2e(ued4,uex2,this,this,uec23); ue3v(ued4); } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue4n=function(ue5n) { var ue6n=false; var ues3=this.ued80(this.uey7(),'td'); if (ues3.tagName && ues3.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'td') { var uep7=ues3.parentNode; if (uep7.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tr') { var ueo8=uep7.parentNode.parentNode; if (ueo8.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'table') { var ue9m=ues3.cellIndex; var ue7n=uee76(ues3); var ue8n=uee78(ues3); var uep8=uep7.rowIndex; var ueo8=uep7.parentNode.parentNode; var uep1=ueo8.rows; if (ue5n == uej1) { var uer0=uep9(ueo8,uep8,uep8); var ue1l=uer0[uep8]; for (var j=0,ue6l=ue1l.length; j < ue6l; j++) { var ue2l=ue1l[j].rowNo; var ue3l=ue1l[j].colNo; var ue9n=uep1[ue2l].cells[ue3l]; if (ue2l == uep8 && ue3l == (ue9m+1) && uee78(ue9n) == ue8n) { ues3.innerHTML=ues2(ues3,ue9n); ues3.colSpan=uee76(ues3)+uee76(ue9n); uep7.removeChild(ue9n); ue6n=true; break; } } } else if (ue5n == uej2) { if (uep8+ue8n < uep1.length) { var uer0=uep9(ueo8,uep8,uep8+ue8n); var ue1l=uer0[uep8]; for (var j=0,ue6l=ue1l.length; j < ue6l; j++) { var ue2l=ue1l[j].rowNo; var ue3l=ue1l[j].colNo; if (ue2l == uep8 && ue3l == ue9m) { var ue0m=uer0[uep8+ue8n][j].rowNo; var ue1m=uer0[uep8+ue8n][j].colNo; var ue0o=uep1[ue0m].cells[ue1m]; if ((j == 0 || !(ue0m == uer0[uep8+ue8n][j-1].rowNo && ue1m == uer0[uep8+ue8n][j-1].colNo)) && uee76(ue0o) == ue7n) { ues3.innerHTML=ues2(ues3,ue0o); ues3.rowSpan=uee78(ues3)+uee78(ue0o); uep1[ue0m].removeChild(ue0o); ue6n=true; } break; } } } } } } } return ue6n; }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue1o=function(ue2k,ue3k) { var ues3=this.ued80(this.uey7(),'td'); if (ues3.tagName && ues3.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'td') { var uep7=ues3.parentNode; if (uep7.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tr') { var ueo8=uep7.parentNode.parentNode; if (ueo8.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'table') { var ue9m=ues3.cellIndex; var ue7n=uee76(ues3); var ue8n=uee78(ues3); var uep8=uep7.rowIndex; var uep1=ueo8.rows; if (ue3k > 1) { var ue2o=ueo6(ue7n,ue3k)/ue7n; var ue3o=ue2o*ue7n/ue3k; for (var i=0,ue4o=uep7.cells.length; i < ue4o; i++) { if (i != ue9m) { uep7.cells[i].colSpan=uee76(uep7.cells[i])*ue2o; } } ues3.colSpan=ue3o; for (var i=1; i < ue3k; i++) { var ue9l=uer8(ues3,true); uep7.insertBefore(ue9l,ues3.nextSibling); } for (var i=uep1.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var ue5o=uep1[i]; if (ue5o.rowIndex != uep8) { var uep4=ue5o.cells; for (var j=uep4.length-1; j >= 0; j--) { uep4[j].colSpan=uee76(uep4[j])*ue2o; } } } } if (ue2k > 1) { var ue0l=uep6(uep7); if (ue8n == 1) { for (var i=1; i < ue2k; i++) { var uer6=uer4(uep7,true); for (var j=uer6.childNodes.length-1; j >= 0; j--) { if (j < ue9m || j >= ue9m+ue3k) { uer6.removeChild(uer6.childNodes[j]); } } uep7.parentNode.insertBefore(uer6,uep7.nextSibling); } var uer0=uep9(ueo8,ue0l,uep8); var ue1l=uer0[uep8]; var ue2l,ue3l,ue4l,ue5l; for (var j=0,ue6l=ue1l.length; j < ue6l; j++) { ue2l=ue1l[j].rowNo; ue3l=ue1l[j].colNo; if (ue2l != ue4l || ue3l != ue5l) { if (!(ue2l == uep8 && ue3l >= ue9m && ue3l < ue9m+ue3k)) { uep1[ue2l].cells[ue3l].rowSpan=uee78(uep1[ue2l].cells[ue3l])+(ue2k-1); } } ue4l=ue2l; ue5l=ue3l; } } else if (ue8n > 1 && ue2k <= ue8n && ue8n % ue2k == 0) { var uer0=uep9(ueo8,ue0l,uep8+ue8n-1); var ue6o=ue8n/ue2k; for (var i=0; i < ue3k; i++) { uep7.cells[ue9m+i].rowSpan=ue6o; } for (var i=uep8+ue6o; i <= uep8+ue8n-1; i += ue6o) { var ue1l=uer0[i]; for (var j=0,ue6l=ue1l.length; j < ue6l; j++) { var ue2l=ue1l[j].rowNo; var ue3l=ue1l[j].colNo; if (ue2l == uep8 && ue3l == ue9m) { var ue0m,ue1m; for (var k=j+1; k < ue6l; k++) { ue0m=ue1l[k].rowNo; ue1m=ue1l[k].colNo; if (!(ue0m == ue2l && ue1m == ue3l) && ue0m == i) { break; } } for (var l=0; l < ue3k; l++) { var ue9l=uer8(ues3,true); uep1[i].insertBefore(ue9l,(k < ue6l) ? uep1[i].cells[ue1m] : null); } break; } } } } } } } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue7o=function(ue8o,ue9o,uef61,ue0p,ue1p) { ue8o.href=ue9o; ue8o.innerHTML=(uef61) ? uef61 : ue9o; if (ue8o.title != ue0p) { ue8o.title=ue0p; } if (ue8o.target != ue1p) { ue8o.target=ue1p; } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue2p=function(ue9o,uef61,ue0p,ue1p) { if (ue9o) { var ue4k=this.uec80(); var ue8o=ue4k.createElement("a"); this.ue7o(ue8o,ue9o,uef61,ue0p,ue1p); if (uea4) { this.InsertText(ue8o.outerHTML); } else { this.SetFocus(); this.ue9f(ue8o); } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uef63=function(uef64) { if (uef64) { var ue4k=this.uec80(); var ue8o=ue4k.createElement("a"); ue8o.name=uef64; if (uea4) { this.InsertText(ue8o.outerHTML); } else { this.SetFocus(); this.ue9f(ue8o); } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue4p=function(ue5p,ue6p,ue7p,ue8p,ue9p,ue0r,ue1r,ue2r,ue3r) { if (ue5p.src != ue6p) { ue5p.src=ue6p; } if (ue5p.alt != ue7p) { ue5p.alt=ue7p; ue5p.title=ue7p; } if (ue5p.align != ue8p) { ue5p.align=ue8p; } if (ue5p.border != ue9p) { ue5p.border=ue9p; } if (ue5p.width != ue0r && ue0r != '') { ue5p.width=ue0r; } if (ue5p.height != ue1r && ue1r != '') { ue5p.height=ue1r; } if (ue5p.hspace != ue2r) { ue5p.hspace=ue2r; } if (ue5p.vspace != ue3r) { ue5p.vspace=ue3r; } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue1s=function(ue6p,ue7p,ue8p,ue9p,ue0r,ue1r,ue2r,ue3r) { if (ue6p) { var ue4k=this.uec80(); var ue5p=ue4k.createElement("img"); this.ue4p(ue5p,ue6p,ue7p,ue8p,ue9p,ue0r,ue1r,ue2r,ue3r); if (uea4) { var ue0u=ue5p.outerHTML; if (ue0r == '') { ue0u=ue0u.replace(/ width=[\d]+/gi,''); } if (ue1r == '') { ue0u=ue0u.replace(/ height=[\d]+/gi,''); } this.InsertText(ue0u); } else { this.SetFocus(); this.ue9f(ue5p); } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue2s=function(ue5r,ue6r,ue7r,uej22) { if (ue5r && ue6r) { if (!this.ue5s) { this.ue5s=new Array(); } var ue6s=new Object; ue6s.ue5r=ue5r; ue6s.ue6r=ue6r; ue6s.ue7r=ue7r; ue6s.uej22=uej22; this.ue5s[this.ue5s.length]=ue6s; this.ueb90(); this.ueb96(); this.ue3s(); } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uec24=function(uef67,uec32,uec25,uec26,uec27,uec28,uec29,uec30,uec31) { var uec42='CLSID:'; var uec43=''; var uec44=''; var uec45=''; var uec47=''; var uec48=''; var uec49=''; if (uef67 == uee33) { uec42 += uec34; uec43=uec36; uec44=uec38; uec45=uec40; uec47='movie'; uec48=''; uec49=' quality="'+uec29+'" bgcolor="'+uec30+'" loop="'+uec27+'"'; } else if (uef67 == uee34) { uec42 += uec35; uec43=uec37; uec44=uec39; uec45=uec41; uec47='Filename'; uec48=''; uec49=' autorewind="'+uec27+'"'; } this.InsertHTML(''+uec48+''); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ueb90=function() { var ueb91=''; var uei55=''; var uej30=''; var ue5s=this.ue5s; for (var i=0,ueb74=ue5s.length; i < ueb74; i++) { ueb91 += ((ueb91) ? ',' : '')+ue5s[i].ue5r+'/'+ue5s[i].ue6r; uei55 += ((uei55) ? ',' : '')+ue5s[i].ue7r; uej30 += ((uej30) ? ',' : '')+ue5s[i].uej22; } uea8(this.ueb88).value=ueb91; uea8(this.uei44).value=uei55; var uej32=uea8(this.uej29); if (uej32) { uej32.value=uej30; } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ueb96=function() { if (this.ueb85) { var ueb97=''; var ue5s=this.ue5s; for (var i=0,ueb74=ue5s.length; i < ueb74; i++) { if (ueb97) { ueb97 += ', '; } ueb97 += (ue5s[i].uej22) ? ue5s[i].uej22 : ue5s[i].ue6r; } if (ueb97) { ueb97=((typeof(this.ueb98) != 'undefined') ? (''+ueb95+'') : ueb95)+' '+ueb97; } var ueb94=uea8(this.ueb93); ueb94.innerHTML=ueb97; ueb94.style.display=(ueb97) ? 'block' : 'none'; } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue7s=function(ue8s,ue9s,ue0t,ue1t) { if (ue8s.size != ue9s) { ue8s.size=ue9s; } if (ue8s.color != ue0t) { ue8s.color=ue0t; } if (ue8s.noShade != ue1t) { ue8s.noShade=ue1t; } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue2t=function(ue9s,ue0t,ue1t) { var ue4k=this.uec80(); var ue8s=ue4k.createElement("hr"); this.ue7s(ue8s,ue9s,ue0t,ue1t); if (uea4) { this.InsertText(ue8s.outerHTML); } else { this.SetFocus(); this.ue9f(ue8s); } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue3t=function(uex2,ue4t,ue5t) { if (this.uew5 == EDIT_MODE_DESIGN || uex2 == ued89 || uex2 == ued90 || uex2 == ued91) { if (!uea4 && !ued83 && uex2 == ue9x) { uex2="HiliteColor"; } this.SetFocus(); this.uec80().execCommand(uex2,ue4t,ue5t); } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue6t=function(ue1b) { var uei93=ue1b.toLowerCase(); return (uei93 == 'blur') ? this.uec79() : (uei93 == 'copy' || uei93 == 'cut' || uei93 == 'paste' || uei93.indexOf('drag') == 0 || uei93.indexOf('drop') == 0) ? this.uec80().body : this.uec80(); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uej34=function(ue1b) { var uei93=ue1b.toLowerCase(); return (uei93 == 'focus') ? 'focusin' : ue1b; }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue7t=function() { if (uea3 && this.ue8t) { this.ue8t.select(); } else if (ued83 && this.uef68) { var sel=this.ue3g(); sel.setBaseAndExtent(this.uef68,this.uef69,this.uef70,this.uef71); } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue3s=function() { if (!ued83) { this.ue7t(); } this.SetFocus(); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uef20=function() { var sel=this.ue3g(); var uey8=this.ue4g(sel); return (uea3) ? (sel.type.toLowerCase() == 'none') : (ued83) ? sel.isCollapsed : (uea6) ? uey8.collapsed : false; }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ue9t=function(ue0u) { var sel=this.ue3g(); var uey8=this.ue4g(sel); if (sel.type.toLowerCase() == 'control') { sel.clear(); uey8=sel.createRange(); } if (uey8.pasteHTML) { ue0u=this.uei69(ue0u); uey8.pasteHTML(ue0u); this.uei70(); } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uec63=function(uec64) { this.uec62=false; if (uec64) { eval(uec64); } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uec65=function(uec66,uec58) { if (uec66) { eval(uec66); } if (uec58 && window.__doPostBack) { this.ue7d(); window.__doPostBack(this.ued68,uec58); } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.StoreCurrentRange=function() { var sel=this.ue3g(); if (ued83) { var uef72=0; if (!sel.isCollapsed && sel.anchorNode == sel.focusNode && sel.anchorOffset == sel.focusOffset) { var uef72=(sel+'').length; sel.collapseToStart(); } this.uef68=sel.anchorNode; this.uef69=sel.anchorOffset; this.uef70=sel.focusNode; this.uef71=sel.focusOffset+uef72; } else { var uey8=this.ue4g(sel); if (uey8) { this.ue8t=(uey8.duplicate) ? uey8.duplicate() : (uey8.cloneRange) ? uey8.cloneRange() : uey8; } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.GetCurrentRange=function() { return this.ue4g(this.ue3g()); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.InsertText=function(ue1u) { this.ue3s(); if (uea4) { this.ue9t(ue1u); } else if (uea6) { this.ue9f(document.createTextNode(ue1u)); } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.InsertHTML=function(ue0u) { if (uea4) { this.InsertText(ue0u); } else if (uea6) { if (ued83) { var uef53=this.uec80().createElement('span'); uef53.innerHTML=ue0u; this.SetFocus(); this.ue9f(uef53); } else { this.ue3t('inserthtml',false,ue0u); } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.GetEditorText=function() { var re=new RegExp('
'+((this.uec13 || !uea3) ? '|

|' : ''),'gi'); return uee75(this.GetEditorHTML().replace(re,'\r\n').replace(' ',' ').replace('<','<').replace('>','>')); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.GetEditorHTML=function(uef73) { var ue0u; var ue6a=this.uec81(); if (this.uew5 == EDIT_MODE_DESIGN) { ue0u=(this.uec13) ? uxa0(ue6a) : ue6a.innerHTML; if (this.uei47) { ue0u=this.uec90(ue0u); } if (uea3) { var uef74=ue0u.toLowerCase(); if (uef74 == '


') { ue0u=''; } if (!this.uee84) { if (uef74.substring(0,3) == '

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'); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uef78=function(ue5t) { var uey8=this.GetCurrentRange(); if (uea3) { uey8.pasteHTML(''+uey8.htmlText+''); } else if (uea6) { var uev8=this.uec80(); var uef79=uev8.createElement('span'); uef79.style.cssText=ue5t; uef79.appendChild(uey8.extractContents()); uey8.insertNode(uef79); } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uef80=function(uef77) { var uey8=this.GetCurrentRange(); var uev8=this.uec80(); var uef79=uev8.createElement(uef77); uef79.appendChild(uey8.extractContents()); uey8.insertNode(uef79); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.SetEditorHTML=function(ue0u) { ue0u=(uea3) ? this.uef81(ue0u) : ue0u; ue0u=this.uei69(ue0u); this.uec81().innerHTML=ue0u; this.uei70(); this.uef56(); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uei69=function(ue0u) { if (uea3) { ue0u=this.uei71(ue0u,uei64); ue0u=this.uei71(ue0u,uej35); ue0u=this.uei71(ue0u,uei65); ue0u=this.uei71(ue0u,uej36); } return ue0u; }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uei71=function(ue0u,uei73) { return ue0u.replace(uei73,'$1$2$3$4 '+uei66+'$2$3$4'); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uei70=function() { if (uea3) { this.uei72('img','src'); this.uei72('a','href'); } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uei72=function(uef77,uei68) { var uei74=this.uec80().getElementsByTagName(uef77); if (uei74) { for (var i=0,uec71=uei74.length; i < uec71; i++) { if (typeof(uei74[i][uei66+uei68]) != 'undefined') { if (uei74[i][uei68] != uei74[i][uei66+uei68]) { uei74[i][uei68]=uei74[i][uei66+uei68]; } uei74[i].removeAttribute(uei66+uei68,0); } } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.uef81=function(ue0u) { ue0u=ueh50(ue0u); var uef74=ue0u.toLowerCase(); var uef82=''; var uef83; while (uef74.substring(0,7) == '')+8) : (uef74.substring(0,6) == '')+1) : 0; uef82 += ue0u.substring(0,uef83); ue0u=ueh50(ue0u.substring(uef83)); uef74=ue0u.toLowerCase(); } return ue0u+uef82; }; UltimateEditor.prototype.GetWordCount=function() { var ue2b=this.GetEditorText(); return (ue2b == '') ? 0 : ue2b.split(/\s+/g).length+((!uea4 && !ued83) ? -1 : 0); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.GetCharacterCount=function() { return this.GetEditorText().length; }; UltimateEditor.prototype.GetHtmlCount=function() { return this.GetEditorHTML().length; }; UltimateEditor.prototype.SetFocus=function() { if (ued83 || ued82) { uea8(this.uet1).focus(); this.ue7t(); } else { this.uec79().focus(); } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.AddEventHandler=function(ue1b,ue3u) { uee63(this.ue6t(ue1b),this.uej34(ue1b),ue3u); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.RemoveEventHandler=function(ue1b,ue3u) { uee64(this.ue6t(ue1b),this.uej34(ue1b),ue3u); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.CancelEvent=function(ueo1) { if (uea3) { ueo1.returnValue=false; } else if (uea6) { var ue4a=this.GetEventKeyCode(ueo1); if (ue4a != 8 && (ue4a < 33 || ue4a > 40) && ue4a != 46) { ueo1.stopPropagation(); ueo1.preventDefault(); } } }; UltimateEditor.prototype.GetEventKeyCode=function(ueo1) { return ueo1.keyCode ? ueo1.keyCode : ueo1.charCode ? ueo1.charCode : ueo1.which ? ueo1.which : void 0; }; UltimateEditor.prototype.CancelCommand=function() { this.uec62=true; }; UltimateEditor.prototype.ExecuteCommand=function(uex2,ue4t,ue5t) { this.ue3t(uex2,ue4t,ue5t); }; UltimateEditor.prototype.SetEditorHtmlBeforePostBack=function() { this.ue7d(); }; function UltimateEditorToolbarButton(uez9,uex2,uef84,uez8,ue4u,ueb99,uec10,uec56,uec57,uec58) { this.uez9=uez9; this.uex2=uex2; this.uef84=uef84; this.uez8=uez8; this.ue4u=ue4u; this.ueb99=ueb99; this.uec10=uec10; this.uec56=uec56; this.uec57=uec57; this.uec58=uec58; this.uez2=false; this.uec82(); this.uec78().unselectable='on'; if (!uef84) { this.uex3(); } var ue5u=uea8(this.uez9); uee63(ue5u,'click',function() { UltimateEditorToolbarButtons[uez9].ue8u(); }); uee63(ue5u,'mouseover',function() { UltimateEditorToolbarButtons[uez9].ue9u(); }); uee63(ue5u,'mouseout',function() { UltimateEditorToolbarButtons[uez9].ue0v(); }); if (ued83) { uee63(ue5u,'mousedown',function() { UltimateEditorToolbarButtons[uez9].uef85(); }); } } UltimateEditorToolbarButton.prototype.uec82=function() { if (!UltimateEditorToolbarButtons) { UltimateEditorToolbarButtons=new Object; } UltimateEditorToolbarButtons[this.uez9]=this; }; UltimateEditorToolbarButton.prototype.uec78=function() { return uea8(this.uez9).childNodes[0]; }; UltimateEditorToolbarButton.prototype.ue8u=function() { this.uew9.uec63(this.uec56); if (!this.uew9.uec62) { this.uec50(); this.uec61(); this.uew9.uec65(this.uec57,this.uec58); } }; UltimateEditorToolbarButton.prototype.uec50=function() { if (this.uex0) { this.uez1((this.uez2) ? 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uec7 : (uex2 == ue5x) ? uec9 : (uex2 == uec16) ? uec18 : (uex2 == uec17) ? uec19 : (uex2 == ued96) ? ued98 : ""),"fileSource",uec23); } else if (uex2 == ue6x || uex2 == ue7x) { ue6v(uex2,uew9,this); } else if (uex2 == ue8x || uex2 == ue9x) { uew9.ue3t(uex2,false,uea8(this.ue4u).style.backgroundColor); } else if (uex2 == ue0y) { ue2e(uec5,uex2,uew9,this,'',true); } else if (uex2 == ue1y) { if (uew9.uej33()) { UltimateSpellAsYouTypes[uew9.uet1].Pause(); } ue2e(uec6,uex2,uew9,this,'',true); } else if (uex2 == ue2y) { uew9.InsertText((new Date()).toLocaleDateString()); } else if (uex2 == ue3y) { uew9.InsertText((new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()); } else if (uex2 == ue4y) { if (uew9.GetEditorHTML() != "") { if (confirm("You will lose the changes you made to the document. Are you sure you want to start a new one?")) { uew9.ue8d(); } } } else if (uex2 == ue6y) { } else if (uex2 == ue7y) { uew9.ue4c(uex2); } else if (uex2 == ue8y) { uew9.ue5c(); } else if (uex2 == ue9y) { uew9.ue7c(this); } else if (uex2 == ue0z) { uew9.ue0e(); } else if (uex2 == ue1z) { ue2e(uee1,uex2,uew9,this,uec23); ue0f(uee1); } else if (uex2 == ue2z) { ue8v(uex2,uew9,this,uec23); } else if (uex2 == uec52) { if (window.UltimateSpellClick && uea8(uew9.uec51).childNodes[0].onclick) { UltimateSpellClick(uew9.uec51); } } else if (uex2 == ued94) { uew9.uef43(this); } else if (uex2 == ue3z) { uew9.ue1e(this); } else if (uex2 == ued88) { uew9.uef42(this); } else if (uex2 == uec12) { uew9.uec14(this); } else if (uex2 == ue4z) { uew9.ue7f(); } else if (uex2 == ue5z) { uew9.ue8f(uex2,'button'); } else if (uex2 == ue6z) { uew9.ue8f(uex2,'checkbox'); } else if (uex2 == ue7z) { uew9.ue8f(uex2,'hidden'); } else if (uex2 == ue8z) { uew9.ue8f(uex2,'password'); } else if (uex2 == ue9z) { uew9.ue8f(uex2,'radio'); } else if (uex2 == uea10) { uew9.ue8f(uex2,'reset'); } else if (uex2 == uea11) { uew9.ue8f(uex2,'submit'); } else if (uex2 == uea12) { uew9.ue8f(uex2,'text'); } else if (uex2 == uea13 || uex2 == uea14) { uew9.ue0g(uex2); } else if (uex2 == uea15) { uew9.ue2g(uex2); } else if (uex2 == ued84) { uew9.uef44(uex2); } else if (uex2 == ued31) { uew9.ued44(); } else if (uex2 == ued95) { uew9.uef35(); } else if (uex2 == ued85) { uew9.uef34(); } else if (uex2 == ued86) { uew9.uef51(); } else if (uex2 == ueh42) { window.open(uew9.ueu1+'/'+ueh43,ueh44,'resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0'); } else if (uex2 == ueh54 || uex2 == ueh55) { uew9.ueh58(uex2); } else if (uex2) { uew9.ue3t(uex2); } uew9.uef13(null,true); } }; UltimateEditorToolbarButton.prototype.uef85=function() { if (ued83) { this.uew9.StoreCurrentRange(); } }; UltimateEditorToolbarButton.prototype.ue9u=function() { if (this.uef84) { if (this.uez2) { this.uez1(this.uew9.uet6); } else { this.uez1(this.uew9.uet3); } } }; UltimateEditorToolbarButton.prototype.ue0v=function() { if (this.uef84) { if (this.uez2) { this.uez1(this.uew9.uet5); } else { this.uez1(this.uew9.uet4); } } }; UltimateEditorToolbarButton.prototype.uez1=function(ue9v) { var ue5u=uea8(this.uez9); if (ue5u.className != ue9v) { ue5u.className=ue9v; if (this.uez8) { uea8(this.uez8).className=ue9v; } } }; UltimateEditorToolbarButton.prototype.uez3=function() { var ue5u=uea8(this.uez9); ue5u.disabled=false; var ue1f=this.uec78(); if (uea4) { ue1f.style.filter=""; if (this.ue4u) { uea8(this.ue4u).style.filter=""; } } else if (uea6) { if (ued83 || ued82) { ue1f.style.opacity=1; if (this.ue4u) { uea8(this.ue4u).style.opacity=1; } } else { ue1f.style.MozOpacity=1; if (this.ue4u) { uea8(this.ue4u).style.MozOpacity=1; } } } }; UltimateEditorToolbarButton.prototype.uex3=function() { var ue5u=uea8(this.uez9); ue5u.disabled=true; var ue1f=this.uec78(); if (uea4) { ue1f.style.filter="alpha(opacity=25)"; if (this.ue4u) { uea8(this.ue4u).style.filter="alpha(opacity=25)"; } } else if (uea6) { if (ued83 || ued82) { ue1f.style.opacity=0.25; if (this.ue4u) { uea8(this.ue4u).style.opacity=0.25; } } else { ue1f.style.MozOpacity=0.25; if (this.ue4u) { uea8(this.ue4u).style.MozOpacity=0.25; } } } }; UltimateEditorToolbarButton.prototype.uef41=function(uez2) { this.uez1((!uez2) ? 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Find what:
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