20170815/160410.362 - U02000005 Job 'ADMAPP.FULFILLMENT.JOBS.FTPS.MTEL_KAJOBFTPEXTRA' with RunID '24717006' started. 20170815/160410.363 - U02000059 Logging was changed. 20170815/160410.363 - U02000000 Started program Agent 'KAJOBFTPEXTRA', version '11.2.3+build.401', changelist '7909782'. 20170815/160410.363 - U02000232 Build Date: '2016-11-04', '16:49:51' 20170815/160410.364 - U02000037 Started Agent with INI file '/home/automic/Automic/v11/Agents/FTP/bin/ucxjcitx.ini'. 20170815/160410.364 - U02000090 Java Runtime Environment version: '1.7.0_71' 20170815/160410.364 - U02000091 Java Runtime Environment vendor: 'Oracle Corporation' 20170815/160410.364 - U02000113 Path for native libraries: '/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib' 20170815/160410.365 - U02000192 Operating system: 'Linux', version: '2.6.32-642.1.1.el6.x86_64'. 20170815/160410.365 - U02000193 JVM Architecture: 'amd64' 20170815/160410.365 - U02000110 Maximum Heap Memory: '455' MB 20170815/160410.365 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20170815/160410.366 - [GLOBAL] 20170815/160410.366 - name=KAJOBFTPEXTRA 20170815/160410.366 - system=Automic 20170815/160410.366 - logcount=10 20170815/160410.367 - logging=../temp/RA_LOG_##.TXT 20170815/160410.367 - ;LogMaxSize: 0...default, qualifiers k...Kilo, M...Mega, G...Giga 20170815/160410.367 - LogMaxSize=0 20170815/160410.368 - language=E 20170815/160410.368 - helplib=uc.msl 20170815/160410.368 - 20170815/160410.368 - [RA] 20170815/160410.368 - cache_directory=./cache/ 20170815/160410.369 - ext_directory=./external/ 20170815/160410.369 - shared_directory=./shared/ 20170815/160410.369 - lib_directory=./lib/ 20170815/160410.369 - 20170815/160410.369 - [TCP/IP] 20170815/160410.369 - connect=20 20170815/160410.369 - cp=job11.telekom.rs:2217 20170815/160410.370 - 20170815/160410.370 - [AUTHORIZATION] 20170815/160410.370 - KeyStore= 20170815/160410.370 - InitialPackage= 20170815/160410.370 - 20170815/160410.370 - [VARIABLES] 20170815/160410.370 - uc_host_jcl_var=RA 20170815/160410.371 - uc_ex_path_bin=. 20170815/160410.371 - uc_ex_path_temp=../temp/ 20170815/160410.371 - uc_ex_path_jobreport=../temp/ 20170815/160410.371 - 20170815/160410.371 - [TRACE] 20170815/160410.371 - file=../temp/RA_TRACE_##.TXT 20170815/160410.371 - ;TraceMaxSize: 0...default, qualifiers k...Kilo, M...Mega, G...Giga 20170815/160410.372 - TraceMaxSize=0 20170815/160410.372 - tcp/ip=0 20170815/160410.372 - ra=0 20170815/160410.372 - trccount=10 20170815/160410.372 - 20170815/160410.372 - [CP_LIST] 20170815/160410.372 - 2220= 20170815/160410.373 - 2218= 20170815/160410.373 - 2219= 20170815/160410.373 - 20170815/160410.373 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20170815/160410.373 - U02000071 Current directory: /home/automic/Automic/v11/Agents/FTP/bin 20170815/160410.375 - U02000066 Host information: Host name='kajobftpext', IP address='' 20170815/160410.376 - U02013344 uc4-ra.jar has RA Framework version '7.1.2-dev+build.1' 20170815/160410.376 - U02013345 'FtpAgent' requires RA Framework '4.1.0' 20170815/160410.376 - FtpAgent 4.0.1+build.35 20170815/160410.376 - Build timestamp 2017-01-25 16:08:11.075 20170815/160410.376 - 20170815/160410.376 - FTPConnection 4.0.1+build.35 20170815/160410.377 - Build timestamp 2017-01-25 16:08:07.89 20170815/160410.377 - 20170815/160410.377 - 20170815/160410.377 - jar : lib/UserRunSource.jar Ant-Version : Apache Ant 1.9.4 20170815/160410.377 - Manifest-Version : 1.0 20170815/160410.377 - Created-By : 1.8.0_45-b15 (Oracle Corporation) 20170815/160410.378 - 20170815/160410.378 - jar : lib/a_apache_ftp_fixes.jar Manifest-Version : 1.0 20170815/160410.378 - 20170815/160410.378 - jar : lib/commons-net.jar Export-Package : org.apache.commons.net.finger;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.imap;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.echo;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.ntp;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.discard;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.smtp;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.pop3;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.telnet;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.nntp;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.bsd;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.daytime;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.time;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.io;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.ftp;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.util;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.whois;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.chargen;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser;version="3.3",org.apache.commons.net.tftp;version="3.3" 20170815/160410.379 - Private-Package : examples.mail,examples.telnet,examples.cidr,examples.unix,examples.util,examples.nntp,examples.ntp,examples.ftp,examples 20170815/160410.380 - Implementation-Title : Commons Net 20170815/160410.380 - Built-By : User 20170815/160410.380 - Tool : Bnd-1.50.0 20170815/160410.380 - Implementation-Vendor : The Apache Software Foundation 20170815/160410.380 - Implementation-Vendor-Id : org.apache 20170815/160410.380 - Specification-Title : Commons Net 20170815/160410.381 - Bundle-License : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt 20170815/160410.381 - Bundle-SymbolicName : org.apache.commons.net 20170815/160410.381 - X-Compile-Target-JDK : 1.5 20170815/160410.381 - Implementation-Version : 3.3 20170815/160410.381 - Manifest-Version : 1.0 20170815/160410.381 - Specification-Vendor : The Apache Software Foundation 20170815/160410.382 - Bundle-Name : Commons Net 20170815/160410.382 - Created-By : Apache Maven Bundle Plugin 20170815/160410.382 - X-Compile-Source-JDK : 1.5 20170815/160410.382 - Bundle-Vendor : The Apache Software Foundation 20170815/160410.382 - Build-Jdk : 1.7.0_21 20170815/160410.382 - Bundle-Version : 3.3.0 20170815/160410.383 - Bnd-LastModified : 1370645358546 20170815/160410.383 - Bundle-ManifestVersion : 2 20170815/160410.383 - Bundle-Description : Apache Commons Net library contains a collection of network utilities and protocol implementations.Supported protocols include: Echo, Finger, FTP, NNTP, NTP, POP3(S), SMTP(S), Telnet, Whois 20170815/160410.383 - Implementation-Build : trunk@r1490851; 2013-06-07 23:49:06+0100 20170815/160410.383 - Specification-Version : 3.3 20170815/160410.384 - Include-Resource : META-INF/LICENSE.txt=LICENSE.txt,META-INF/NOTICE.txt=NOTICE.txt 20170815/160410.384 - Import-Package : javax.crypto,javax.crypto.spec,javax.net,javax.net.ssl 20170815/160410.384 - Bundle-DocURL : http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-net/ 20170815/160410.384 - Archiver-Version : Plexus Archiver 20170815/160410.384 - 20170815/160410.385 - jar : lib/jsch.jar Build-Jdk : 1.6.0_16 20170815/160410.385 - Built-By : ymnk 20170815/160410.385 - Manifest-Version : 1.0 20170815/160410.385 - Created-By : Apache Maven 20170815/160410.385 - Archiver-Version : Plexus Archiver 20170815/160410.385 - 20170815/160410.385 - U02000003 Job 'ADMAPP.FULFILLMENT.JOBS.FTPS.MTEL_KAJOBFTPEXTRA' started with RunID '24717006'. 20170815/160410.386 - U02000132 JVM Memory usage: Heap=2.90%, Non-Heap=16.76% 20170815/160410.388 - U02000106 Reading content of connection object 'FULFILMENT.CONN.FTPAGENT.SFTP.MTEL.KAJOBFTPEXTRA'. 20170815/160410.498 - U00029000 Report '24716437' for file '/home/automic/Automic/v11/Agents/FTP/bin/../temp/PLOG_OACCCHQC.TXT' has been started. 20170815/160410.540 - U02000107 Connection object 'FULFILMENT.CONN.FTPAGENT.SFTP.MTEL.KAJOBFTPEXTRA' with time stamp '1487846710000' was successfully transferred to the Agent. 20170815/160416.022 - U00029001 Report '24716437' ended normally. 20170815/160416.023 - U02000009 Job 'ADMAPP.FULFILLMENT.JOBS.FTPS.MTEL_KAJOBFTPEXTRA' with RunID '24717006' ended with return code '0'. 20170815/160416.183 - U02001026 Job 'ADMAPP.FULFILLMENT.JOBS.FTPS.MTEL_KAJOBFTPEXTRA' with RunID '24717006' has been removed from the job table. 20170815/160416.225 - U00029000 Report '24714865' for file '/home/automic/Automic/v11/Agents/FTP/bin/../temp/OACCCHQC.TXT' has been started. 20170815/160416.326 - U00029001 Report '24714865' ended normally. 20170816/090416.977 - U02000005 Job 'ADMAPP.FULFILLMENT.JOBS.FTPS.GO4YU_KAJOBFTPEXTRA' with RunID '24827216' started. 20170816/090416.977 - U02000003 Job 'ADMAPP.FULFILLMENT.JOBS.FTPS.GO4YU_KAJOBFTPEXTRA' started with RunID '24827216'. 20170816/090416.978 - U02000132 JVM Memory usage: Heap=2.79%, Non-Heap=16.78% 20170816/090416.978 - U02000106 Reading content of connection object 'FULFILMENT.CONN.FTPAGENT.SFTP_GO4YU_KAJOBFTPEXTRA'. 20170816/090417.094 - U00029000 Report '24825574' for file '/home/automic/Automic/v11/Agents/FTP/bin/../temp/PLOG_OACCIOQY.TXT' has been started. 20170816/090417.139 - U02000107 Connection object 'FULFILMENT.CONN.FTPAGENT.SFTP_GO4YU_KAJOBFTPEXTRA' with time stamp '1487846710000' was successfully transferred to the Agent. 20170816/090422.302 - U00029001 Report '24825574' ended normally. 20170816/090422.302 - U02000009 Job 'ADMAPP.FULFILLMENT.JOBS.FTPS.GO4YU_KAJOBFTPEXTRA' with RunID '24827216' ended with return code '0'. 20170816/090422.535 - U02001026 Job 'ADMAPP.FULFILLMENT.JOBS.FTPS.GO4YU_KAJOBFTPEXTRA' with RunID '24827216' has been removed from the job table. 20170816/090422.560 - U00029000 Report '24825575' for file '/home/automic/Automic/v11/Agents/FTP/bin/../temp/OACCIOQY.TXT' has been started. 20170816/090422.641 - U00029001 Report '24825575' ended normally. 20170816/095929.538 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R454' started. 20170816/095929.539 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R454' ended normally. 20170816/095929.804 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R457' started. 20170816/095929.805 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R457' ended normally. 20170816/095948.702 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R474' started. 20170816/095948.702 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R474' ended normally. 20170816/100241.372 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R477' started. 20170816/100241.373 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R477' ended normally. 20170816/100241.418 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R478' started. 20170816/100241.418 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R478' ended normally. 20170816/100247.003 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R485' started. 20170816/100247.005 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R485' ended normally. 20170816/100249.563 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R492' started. 20170816/100249.573 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/100249.573 - Setting Remote Server Verification Off. 20170816/100249.574 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/100249.947 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/100249.947 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/100250.272 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R492' ended normally. 20170816/100250.549 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R495' started. 20170816/100250.550 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R495' ended normally. 20170816/100250.743 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R496' started. 20170816/100250.763 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R496' ended normally. 20170816/100251.098 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R497' started. 20170816/100251.100 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/100251.100 - Setting Remote Server Verification Off. 20170816/100251.100 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/100251.550 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/100251.551 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/100252.355 - U00003620 Routine 'UCEX_R' forces trace because of error. 20170816/100252.358 - U02000048 TRACE file opened with flags '0000000000000001', max.trace: '9', memory trace: '0', search type: 'S', search string: ''. 20170816/100252.376 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished. 20170816/100252.376 - U02000116 The Forms Job with the ID 'R497' aborted. 20170816/100434.918 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R502' started. 20170816/100434.919 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/100434.919 - Setting Remote Server Verification Off. 20170816/100434.920 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/100435.348 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/100435.348 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/100435.906 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R502' ended normally. 20170816/100435.986 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R503' started. 20170816/100435.987 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/100435.988 - Setting Remote Server Verification Off. 20170816/100435.988 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/100436.673 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/100436.674 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/100438.334 - U00003620 Routine 'UCEX_R' forces trace because of error. 20170816/100438.335 - U02000048 TRACE file opened with flags '0000000000000001', max.trace: '9', memory trace: '0', search type: 'S', search string: ''. 20170816/100438.356 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished. 20170816/100438.357 - U02000116 The Forms Job with the ID 'R503' aborted. 20170816/132052.107 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R1406' started. 20170816/132052.107 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R1406' ended normally. 20170816/132145.357 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R58' started. 20170816/132145.357 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R58' ended normally. 20170816/133513.102 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R67' started. 20170816/133513.103 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R67' ended normally. 20170816/133513.124 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R68' started. 20170816/133513.125 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R68' ended normally. 20170816/133517.703 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R75' started. 20170816/133517.705 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R75' ended normally. 20170816/133519.762 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R82' started. 20170816/133519.770 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/133519.770 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/133520.209 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/133520.209 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/133520.594 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R82' ended normally. 20170816/133520.947 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R85' started. 20170816/133520.949 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R85' ended normally. 20170816/133521.089 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R86' started. 20170816/133521.125 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R86' ended normally. 20170816/133521.220 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R87' started. 20170816/133521.221 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/133521.222 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/133521.589 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/133521.589 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/133522.287 - U00003620 Routine 'UCEX_R' forces trace because of error. 20170816/133522.289 - U02000048 TRACE file opened with flags '0000000000000001', max.trace: '9', memory trace: '0', search type: 'S', search string: ''. 20170816/133522.315 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished. 20170816/133522.316 - U02000116 The Forms Job with the ID 'R87' aborted. 20170816/133537.137 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R94' started. 20170816/133537.138 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/133537.138 - Setting Remote Server Verification Off. 20170816/133537.138 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/133537.584 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/133537.584 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/133537.978 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R94' ended normally. 20170816/133538.053 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R95' started. 20170816/133538.054 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/133538.054 - Setting Remote Server Verification Off. 20170816/133538.055 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/133538.572 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/133538.572 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/133540.241 - U00003620 Routine 'UCEX_R' forces trace because of error. 20170816/133540.242 - U02000048 TRACE file opened with flags '0000000000000001', max.trace: '9', memory trace: '0', search type: 'S', search string: ''. 20170816/133540.261 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished. 20170816/133540.262 - U02000116 The Forms Job with the ID 'R95' aborted. 20170816/133551.139 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R96' started. 20170816/133551.140 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/133551.140 - Setting Remote Server Verification Off. 20170816/133551.141 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/133551.519 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/133551.519 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/133552.248 - U00003620 Routine 'UCEX_R' forces trace because of error. 20170816/133552.249 - U02000048 TRACE file opened with flags '0000000000000001', max.trace: '9', memory trace: '0', search type: 'S', search string: ''. 20170816/133552.269 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished. 20170816/133552.269 - U02000116 The Forms Job with the ID 'R96' aborted. 20170816/133622.416 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R99' started. 20170816/133622.418 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/133622.418 - Setting Remote Server Verification Off. 20170816/133622.418 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/133622.774 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/133622.774 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/133623.094 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R99' ended normally. 20170816/133623.165 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R100' started. 20170816/133623.166 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/133623.166 - Setting Remote Server Verification Off. 20170816/133623.167 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/133623.552 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/133623.553 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/133624.289 - U00003620 Routine 'UCEX_R' forces trace because of error. 20170816/133624.290 - U02000048 TRACE file opened with flags '0000000000000001', max.trace: '9', memory trace: '0', search type: 'S', search string: ''. 20170816/133624.312 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished. 20170816/133624.313 - U02000116 The Forms Job with the ID 'R100' aborted. 20170816/145250.312 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R308' started. 20170816/145250.312 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R308' ended normally. 20170816/150946.156 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R339' started. 20170816/150946.157 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R339' ended normally. 20170816/150946.183 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R340' started. 20170816/150946.184 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R340' ended normally. 20170816/150952.102 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R347' started. 20170816/150952.104 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R347' ended normally. 20170816/150954.503 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R354' started. 20170816/150954.513 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/150954.513 - Setting Remote Server Verification Off. 20170816/150954.514 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/150954.875 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/150954.876 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/150955.211 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R354' ended normally. 20170816/150955.688 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R357' started. 20170816/150955.689 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R357' ended normally. 20170816/150956.003 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R358' started. 20170816/150956.022 - U02000115 The Forms Job with the ID 'R358' ended normally. 20170816/150956.652 - U02000114 A Forms Job with ID 'R359' started. 20170816/150956.653 - host name = mtsprod, remote user identification = conaddc\mtsuser 20170816/150956.653 - Setting Remote Server Verification Off. 20170816/150956.654 - connecting on port : 2121 20170816/150957.055 - Setting PBSZ to 0 20170816/150957.056 - Setting PROT command to P 20170816/150957.813 - U00003620 Routine 'UCEX_R' forces trace because of error. 20170816/150957.814 - U02000048 TRACE file opened with flags '0000000000000001', max.trace: '9', memory trace: '0', search type: 'S', search string: ''. 20170816/150957.831 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished. 20170816/150957.832 - U02000116 The Forms Job with the ID 'R359' aborted.