######################################################################## # # Introscope Enterprise Manager Preferences # # CA Wily Introscope(R) Version 10.7.0 Release # Hotfix 10.7.0-HF08 # Hotfix 10.7.0-HF09 # Hotfix 10.7.0-HF14 # Hotfix 10.7.0-HF29 # Hotfix 10.7.0-HF54 # Copyright (c) 2018 CA. All Rights Reserved. # Introscope(R) is a registered trademark of CA. ####################################################################### ####################### # Enterprise Manager Name # # ================ # Set the name of this EM. # Default is: Introscope Enterprise Manager #introscope.enterprisemanager.name= ####################### # Available Processors # # ================ # Use this property if there is more than one EM running on the host. # This property is used to control the size of various thread pools considering available processor count. # Set the value to less than or equal to available processors of this EM # Default is to use the count of all available processors to this EM's JVM at the time of invocation. # Default value is used when this property is set to invalid values like Negative Integers. #introscope.enterprisemanager.availableprocessors= ####################### # IP Address Binding # # ================ # The property for binding all EM communication channels (including the embedded # web server) to a specific local IP address. When not configured, the EM will # accept incoming connections on all local addresses (the wildcard address). # # For IPV6 environments this must be an IPV6 formatted address. # introscope.enterprisemanager.ipaddress=(set to a valid IP address on EM machine) ####################### # Port Settings # # ================ # The EM is configured with several communication channels. # To enable a communication channel, add the channel id to the # comma separated list of enabled channels. Likewise, a communication # channel may be disabled by removing it from that same list. # # All communication to the EM is obfuscated, and passwords are always encrypted. # The enabled communication channels. #introscope.enterprisemanager.enabled.channels=channel1 # Use this to enable both the default channel and secure channel. introscope.enterprisemanager.enabled.channels=channel1,channel2 # The default communication channel. introscope.enterprisemanager.serversocketfactory.channel1=com.wily.isengard.postofficehub.link.net.server.DefaultServerSocketFactory introscope.enterprisemanager.port.channel1=5001 # The secure (SSL) communication channel. introscope.enterprisemanager.serversocketfactory.channel2=com.wily.isengard.postofficehub.link.net.server.SSLServerSocketFactory introscope.enterprisemanager.port.channel2=39050 # Location of a keystore containing certificates for authenticating the EM to clients. # Either an absolute path or a path relative to the config directory. # On Windows, backslashes must be escaped. For example: # introscope.enterprisemanager.keystore.channel2=C:\\Introscope\\config\\internal\\server\\keystore introscope.enterprisemanager.keystore.channel2=/opt/ca/Introscope10.7.0.45/config/certificates/WW-APM.jks # Set this property to true to enable encryption of introscope.enterprisemanager.keypassword.channel2 # Once introscope.enterprisemanager.keypassword.channel2 is encrypted, # this property is automatically set to false. # # To change the existing password, enter the new password and set this property to true. # Note: If this property is set to true and the password is not changed, the existing encrypted password will be encrypted again. # If password field for a new channel is configured, add the corresponding # plaintextpassword field and set it to true to enable encryption. introscope.enterprisemanager.keypassword.channel2.plaintextpassword=false # The password for the keystore. introscope.enterprisemanager.keypassword.channel2=aO5SrxPMy2EWx4Sv/ESeBg== # Location of a truststore containing trusted client certificates. # Either an absolute path or a path relative to the config directory. # On Windows, backslashes must be escaped. For example: # introscope.enterprisemanager.truststore.channel2=C:\\Introscope\\config\\internal\\server\\keystore # The truststore is optional. It is needed only if client authentication is required. # If no truststore is specified, the EM trusts all client certificates. #introscope.enterprisemanager.truststore.channel2=internal/server/keystore # Set this property to true to enable encryption of introscope.enterprisemanager.trustpassword.channel2 # Once introscope.enterprisemanager.trustpassword.channel2 is encrypted, # this property is automatically set to false. # # To change the existing password, enter the new password and set this property to true. # Note: If this property is set to true and the password is not changed, the existing encrypted password will be encrypted again. # If password field for a new channel is configured, add the corresponding # plaintextpassword field and set it to true to enable encryption. # introscope.enterprisemanager.trustpassword.channel2.plaintextpassword=false # The password for the truststore #introscope.enterprisemanager.trustpassword.channel2=password # Set to true to require clients to authenticate. # If true, clients must be configured with a keystore containing a certificate trusted by the EM. # Default is false introscope.enterprisemanager.needclientauth.channel2=false # Set the enabled cipher suites. # A comma-separated list of cipher suites. # If not specified, use the default enabled cipher suites. #introscope.enterprisemanager.ciphersuites.channel2= # Set the enabled protocols. # A comma-separated list of protocols. # Comment it to use the default enabled protocols. # For SUN/Oracle JVM the user can add SSLv2Hello protocol. # IBM JVM accepts SSL_TLSv2, SSL_TLS, TLS protocols as well introscope.enterprisemanager.protocols.channel2=TLSv1.2 # This property is used for Workstations launched via Java Web Start, to set # the communication port used for communicating with the Enterprise Manager. introscope.enterprisemanager.workstation.connection.channel=channel1 # When this property is set to true, the Time Range and Resolution widgets are # enabled in the workstation dashboard in the "live" mode. # This allows the user to enter custom time range and resolution for the live mode # instead of the default time range of 8 minutes and resolution of 15 seconds. # Please note that a time range greater than 8 minutes could potentially impact # performance in the EM (due to I/O operations to fetch data from smartstor) introscope.enterprisemanager.workstation.extendedLiveQuery=true ################################# # Workstation Login Parameters Auto Fill # # ================ # Workstation remembers login parameters (Enterprise Manager host, port, and UserId) for webstart. # Default is TRUE. If set to FALSE, Workstation will not remember login parameters. introscope.enterprisemanager.workstation.rememberLogin=true # Set the following property to true to allow a communication channel # server socket to rebind to a local port that is stuck in a FIN_WAIT or # TIME_WAIT state (SO_REUSEADRR). Once the EM starts up again, this property # should be disabled. In general it is not a good idea to enable this property # by default since there may be a valid reason that the port is already in use. #introscope.enterprisemanager.serversockets.reuseaddr= ####################### # EM Web Server Settings # # ================ # Controls configuration of the embedded web server; # The port that the web server listens on introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.port=8081 # The directory for deployment of web application files introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.dir=webapps # How often to hot-deploy web applications (in seconds) introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.refresh=60 # The property to keep the EM from starting if the web server port is already in use introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.portinuse.fail=true # The maximum number of listener threads in the web server. Defaults to 100. # # DO NOT CONFIGURE THIS PROPERTY unless more than 80 HTTP tunneling agents # are connecting to this EM. In this case we recommend setting the property # value to 20 more than the maximum number of connecting HTTP tunneling agents. # introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.max.threads=420 # Path to a Jetty XML configuration file. Either an absolute path, or a path relative to the config directory. # For advanced Jetty configuration, uncomment this property and modify the settings in the Jetty configuration file. # Default is em-jetty-config.xml. This file creates an SSL listener on port 8444 for https traffic. # If uncommented, the http listener specified by the introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.port property is not created, # but if desired it can be configured in the Jetty XML file. introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.jetty.configurationFile=em-jetty-config.xml ################################# # Logging Configuration # ================ # # Logging properties support hot config. # # The following property, log4j.logger.Manager, # controls both the amount of detail # that is logged and the output location. # Replace the text 'INFO' with the much longer text shown below - # 'VERBOSE#com.wily.util.feedback.Log4JSeverityLevel' # to increase the level of detail. # for TRACE level use # 'TRACE#com.wily.util.feedback.Log4JSeverityLevel' # Replace 'console' with 'logfile' (without the quotes) # to send the output to a log file instead of the console. log4j.logger.com.wily=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.com.timestock=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.com.ca.wily=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.Apm.Data.Model=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.Manager=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.Manager.Support=INFO,supportlogfile log4j.logger.Manager.AT=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.Manager.AppMap.PublicApi=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.Manager.AppMap.Alert-Mapping=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.Manager.AppMap.UVB-Mapping=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.Manager.JavaScriptCalculator=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.apm.events=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.apm.dynamicDomainsConfiguration=INFO,console,dynamicDomainslog log4j.logger.com.ca.apm.em.idp=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.com.ca.apm.saml=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.com.ca.apm.axa=INFO,console,logfile log4j.logger.Manager.Shibboleth=INFO,console,logfile log4j.additivity.Manager.Support=false log4j.additivity.com.wily=false log4j.additivity.com.timestock=false log4j.additivity.com.ca.wily=false log4j.additivity.Apm.Data.Model=false log4j.additivity.Manager.AppMap=false log4j.additivity.Manager.AT=false log4j.additivity.Manager.AppMap.PublicApi=false log4j.additivity.apm.events=false log4j.additivity.apm.dynamicDomainsConfiguration=false log4j.logger.org.mortbay=ERROR log4j.logger.org.quartz=ERROR, console, logfile log4j.logger.org.apache.myfaces=ERROR,console log4j.logger.org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagLibraryInfoImpl=ERROR #log4j.logger.org.springframework.transaction=DEBUG,console #Turn off the info logging for hibernate and spring log4j.logger.org.hibernate=ERROR,console,logfile #This is to avoid logging c3p0 data source closing as errors during EM shutdown. log4j.logger.org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter=FATAL log4j.logger.org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractFlushingEventListener=FATAL # suppress hibernate logging of LIEs (let CEM log these) log4j.logger.org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException=FATAL # suppress hibernate logging of JDBC errors (let CEM handle/log these) log4j.logger.org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction=FATAL # sql logging log4j.logger.org.hibernate.SQL=ERROR,console,logfile # c3p0 logging log4j.logger.com.mchange.v2.c3p0=ERROR,console,logfile log4j.logger.com.mchange.v2.resourcepool=ERROR,console,logfile # Other third party libraries Logging log4j.logger.net.sf.navigator.taglib.DisplayMenuTag=ERROR,console,logfile log4j.logger.net.sf.ehcache=ERROR,console,logfile log4j.logger.org.springframework=ERROR,console,logfile log4j.logger.org.acegisecurity=ERROR,console,logfile log4j.logger.org.displaytag=ERROR,console,logfile log4j.logger.org.jasypt=ERROR,console,logfile # If logfile is specified above, the location of the log file # is configured with the following property, # log4j.appender.logfile.File. Full paths can # be used if desired. log4j.appender.logfile.File=logs/IntroscopeEnterpriseManager.log log4j.appender.supportlogfile.File=logs/IntroscopeEnterpriseManagerSupport.log ########## See Warning below ########## # Warning: The following properties should not be modified for normal use. log4j.additivity.Manager=false log4j.appender.console=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.console.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.SSS a z} [%-3p] [%t] [%c] %m%n log4j.appender.logfile=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.logfile.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.SSS a z} [%-3p] [%t] [%c] %m%n log4j.appender.logfile.MaxBackupIndex=4 log4j.appender.logfile.MaxFileSize=200MB log4j.appender.supportlogfile=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.supportlogfile.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.supportlogfile.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a z} [%-3p] [%c] %m%n log4j.appender.supportlogfile.MaxBackupIndex=4 log4j.appender.supportlogfile.MaxFileSize=20MB introscope.enterprisemanager.performance.compressed=true log4j.additivity.Manager.Performance=false log4j.logger.Manager.Performance=DEBUG, performance log4j.appender.performance=com.wily.introscope.server.enterprise.monitor.PerformanceLogFileAppender log4j.appender.performance.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.performance.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a z},%m%n log4j.appender.performance.File=logs/perflog.txt log4j.appender.performance.MaxSize=4000000 ### Logging for Tess performance log ### log4j.additivity.com.wily.apm.tess.supportability.TessPerformanceCollector=false log4j.logger.com.wily.apm.tess.supportability.TessPerformanceCollector=INFO, tessperformance log4j.appender.tessperformance=com.wily.apm.tess.supportability.TessPerformanceLogFileAppender log4j.appender.tessperformance.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.tessperformance.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a z},%m%n log4j.appender.tessperformance.File=logs/tessperflog.txt log4j.appender.tessperformance.MaxSize=4000000 # Configure HTTP Tunneling Transport logging log4j.logger.org.apache.axis=OFF log4j.additivity.Manager.QueryLog=false log4j.logger.Manager.QueryLog=INFO, querylog log4j.appender.querylog=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.querylog.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.querylog.layout.ConversionPattern=%m%n log4j.appender.querylog.File=logs/querylog.txt log4j.appender.querylog.MaxBackupIndex=1 log4j.appender.querylog.MaxFileSize=4MB introscope.enterprisemanager.querylog.timestampFormat=M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.SSS a z log4j.appender.dynamicDomainslog.File=logs/dynamicDomains.log log4j.appender.dynamicDomainslog=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.dynamicDomainslog.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.dynamicDomainslog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.SSS a z} [%-3p] [%t] [%c] %m%n log4j.appender.dynamicDomainslog.MaxBackupIndex=4 log4j.appender.dynamicDomainslog.MaxFileSize=200MB log4j.logger.Manager.TeamCenterRegistration=INFO,teamCenterRegistrationLog log4j.additivity.Manager.TeamCenterRegistration=false log4j.appender.teamCenterRegistrationLog.File=logs/TeamCenterRegistration.log log4j.appender.teamCenterRegistrationLog=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.teamCenterRegistrationLog.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.teamCenterRegistrationLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.SSS a z} %m%n log4j.appender.teamCenterRegistrationLog.MaxFileSize=20MB log4j.logger.Manager.Provisioning=INFO,provisioningLog log4j.additivity.Manager.Provisionings=false log4j.appender.provisioningLog.File=logs/provisioning.log log4j.appender.provisioningLog=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.provisioningLog.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.provisioningLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.SSS a z} [%5p] %m%n log4j.appender.provisioningLog.MaxFileSize=20MB # Configuring CLWCommandLog # ========================= # The property log4j.logger.Manager.CLW is set to DEBUG and the property log4j.additivity.Manager.CLW # is set to true to log the CLW commands in the log file and on the EM Console log4j.additivity.Manager.CLW=false log4j.logger.Manager.CLW=INFO ############################################################################### # Auditing configuration ############################################################################### introscope.apmserver.audit.enabled=true #Enables or disables store of audit data in DB introscope.apmserver.audit.store.in.db=true #Time in days, over which the audit records are kept in database. 0 disables database cleanup introscope.apmserver.audit.max.age=365 #Audit appender and logger configuration log4j.appender.AUDIT_APPENDER=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.AUDIT_APPENDER.File=logs/audit/APMAudit.log log4j.appender.AUDIT_APPENDER.append=true log4j.appender.AUDIT_APPENDER.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.AUDIT_APPENDER.layout.ConversionPattern=%d | %m%n log4j.appender.AUDIT_APPENDER.MaxBackupIndex=5 log4j.appender.AUDIT_APPENDER.MaxFileSize=200MB log4j.logger.AUDIT_LOGGER=INFO,AUDIT_APPENDER log4j.additivity.AUDIT_LOGGER=false ##################################################################### # EM Metric Clamps are moved to new XML configuration file apm-events-thresholds-config.xml file # under the same directory as this file. # # Important Note: Please note that the clamps' threshold configured in this file will not be affective. # Modify apm-events-thresholds-config.xml configuration file for configuring the new thresholds. ############################################################################################ ####################### # SmartStor Settings # ================ # The directory that the EM will use for data storage introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.directory=data introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.directory.metadata=data/metadata introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.directory.archive=data/archive introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.dedicatedcontroller=false # For the next three sets of properties, the storage # frequency must be a multiple of 15 seconds and the # data age is specified in days. The age must not be # zero. The frequency must not be greater than # 1800 seconds (=30 minutes). Each tier's frequency must # be an even multiple of the previous tier's frequency (this # multiple can be one; each tier can have the same # frequency). All three tiers must be defined, and you # cannot define more than three tiers. introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.tier1.frequency=15 introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.tier1.age=3 introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.tier2.frequency=120 introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.tier2.age=60 introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.tier3.frequency=1200 introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.tier3.age=540 # The number of (15-second) data elements to be retained in the high-speed memory cache. # Range is 32 (8 minutes) to 11520 (48 hours). A larger cache is faster but uses more memory. # A setting of 240 is recommended in a 64-bit JVM with 4GB of memory, but see Sizing Guide # requirements before increasing this value. # Note: NOT a hot property. Changing the cache requires an EM restart. introscope.enterprisemanager.memoryCache.elements=240 # Time offset for data tiering (hour of day between 0-23) # For example, if this offset is set to 2, the data tiering will start at 2am # The default value is 0 (12am or midnight). introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.reperiodizationOffsetHour=0 # Time offset for spool converting to data (minute of hour between 0-59) # For example, if this offset is set to 10, the conversion will start at xx:10 # The default value is 0 (xx:00). introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.conversionOffsetMinute=30 ####################### # Metadata Database Settings # The number of mega bytes the database will build up in memory (backed by an unsorted log on disk) # before converting to a sorted on-disk file. #introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.metadata.writeBufferSizeInMBs=64 # The target file size for compaction. This targetFileSizeBase determines a level-1 file size. #introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.metadata.targetFileSizeInMBs=64 # The number of files than can be used at once by the database. #introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.metadata.maxOpenFiles=64 # The config for plain table SST format. Size of compressed block cache. #introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.metadata.compressedCacheSizeInMBs=128 # Set the amount of cache in mega bytes that will be used by the metadata database. # If cacheSize is non-positive, then cache will not be used. #introscope.enterprisemanager.smartstor.metadata.blockCacheSizeInMBs=256 ####################### # Transaction Event Database Settings # ================ # The Enterprise Manager stores captured Transaction Events # locally on its file system for a fixed length of time or # until a maximum disk usage is exceeded. # The following three properties allow you to control where # to store these events and when they should be deleted. # The directory that the EM will use for trace storage introscope.enterprisemanager.transactionevents.storage.dir=traces # How many days to store traces introscope.enterprisemanager.transactionevents.storage.max.data.age=30 # Specifies how often (frequency in hours) trace storage should be optimized by cleaning # up aged data. # The default value is 24 hours. introscope.enterprisemanager.transactionevents.storage.optimize.frequency=24 # Time offset for storage optimization (hour of day between 00-23) # For example, if time offset is set to 02 and optimize frequency is set to 24 hours, # optimization will be run every 24 hours offset from time 02:00. # Or for example, if time offset is set to 03 and optimize frequency is set to 6 hours, # optimization will be run every 6 hours offset from time 03:00. # The default value is 02 (2 am). introscope.enterprisemanager.transactionevents.storage.optimize.timeoffsethour=02 ####################### # EM Config Directory # ================ # The directory the EM will use for configuration # Either an absolute path or a path relative to the Introscope installation directory # On Windows, backslashes must be escaped. For example: # introscope.enterprisemanager.directory.config=C:\\Introscope\\em1\\config # Default is config directory in Introscope installation #introscope.enterprisemanager.directory.config=config ####################### # Auto-Unmount of Disconnected Agents # (Known as "Auto-purging" in previous Introscope releases) # ================ # Once an agent has disappeared, the Enterprise Manager continues to track it # (in case the interruption is temporary). This delay allows you to control the # amount of time that will pass after the disconnect before the Enterprise Manager # releases the resources associated with tracking the agent. Units are minutes. introscope.enterprisemanager.autoUnmountDelayInMinutes=4320 ####################### # SQL Database Settings # # ================ # Introscope records traced data to a relational database as # specified here. Comment out these properties # if you want to turn off database recording # # To change introscope.enterprisemanager.db.password, # specify the new password and set introscope.enterprisemanager.db.password.plaintextpassword to true. # Note: If introscope.enterprisemanager.db.password.plaintextpassword property is set to true # and the password is not changed, the existing encrypted password will be encrypted again. # Once introscope.enterprisemanager.db.password is encrypted, # introscope.enterprisemanager.db.password.plaintextpassword is automatically set to false. #introscope.enterprisemanager.db.driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver #introscope.enterprisemanager.db.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@myDatabase:myPortID:SID #introscope.enterprisemanager.db.username=myUser #introscope.enterprisemanager.db.password.plaintextpassword=false #introscope.enterprisemanager.db.password=myPassword # Sets the interval in seconds between automatic attempts to reconnect to the # database. Comment out this property to disable database reconnection. introscope.enterprisemanager.db.reconnect.intervalInSeconds=30 # Sets the maximum number of metric data points in the database queue. # Default is 150K. # This property supports hot config. introscope.enterprisemanager.database.recordingQueue.upperLimit.value=153600 # This enables batch insertion of metric values into the database. # Batch inserts are a JDBC 2.0 feature; if your JDBC driver supports # them, enabling this switch will increase the performance of value # inserts significantly. #introscope.enterprisemanager.db.useBatchInserts=true # This controls the size (in row insertion count) of batch inserts, if they are enabled. #introscope.enterprisemanager.db.batchInsertSize=100 # Sets the amount of time to wait for a query to complete before # giving up. The value is the number of seconds to wait. A value # of zero (the default value) means no timeout for queries. # Not all databases and JDBC drivers support query timeouts. # This property will only be used when both the JDBC driver # and the database support query timeouts. #introscope.enterprisemanager.db.queryTimeoutInSeconds=0 # This specifies the table qualifier to explicitly fully qualify table names. # This qualifier will be prepended (or appended as appropriate) directly to # the table name so be sure to include any separator required by the database. #introscope.enterprisemanager.db.tablequalifier=myExplicitTableQualifier # Sets the size of the internal caches which are used to improve performance. # A value of -1 will allow the caches to grow as much as necessary and is # recommended unless the limits of system memory are being reached. The # value is the number of cache entries per database table so it will scale # linearly with memory usage. #introscope.enterprisemanager.db.maximumTableCacheSize=-1 # Sets the number of database connections to use for running database queries. # A larger number of connections will consume more system resources but allow # more simultaneous database queries to be processed. Each simultaneous # connection needs the use of a temporary table in the database. The provided # database schema only contains five temporary tables and therefore only # supports five simultaneous query connections. If additional connections # are desired, additional temporary database tables must be added. #introscope.enterprisemanager.db.queryConnections=1 ####################### # Database Persistent Collection Settings # # ================ # Persistent collections define metric data written to # an external relational database. # # Persistent collections require three properties: # agentExpression: a Perl5 regular expression to match agents # metricExpression: a Perl5 regular expression to match metrics # frequencyinseconds: how often metric data is aggregated and written to the database # # Backslashes must be escaped. # # Persistent collections are identified by a unique id appended to each of the # introscope.enterprisemanager.database.collection properties # # Persistent collection properties support hot config. # # Examples: #introscope.enterprisemanager.database.collection1.agentExpression=rhart-dt1\\|EPAgentProcess1\\|EPAgent5 #introscope.enterprisemanager.database.collection1.metricExpression=Servlets\\|MyServlet:Average Response Time \\(ms\\) #introscope.enterprisemanager.database.collection1.frequencyinseconds=3600 #introscope.enterprisemanager.database.collection2.agentExpression=(.*) #introscope.enterprisemanager.database.collection2.metricExpression=EJB\\|Session\\|MyBean\\|service:Stalled Method Count #introscope.enterprisemanager.database.collection2.frequencyinseconds=60 ####################### # Flat File Recording # # ================ # Introscope can record traced data to comma separated value (.csv) # flat files in a specified directory. Uncomment this line # to turn on flat file recording, and change the value to specify # the directory that hosts the flat files introscope.enterprisemanager.flatfile.homedir=flatfiles # Sets the maximum size of a flat file in megabytes. When exceeded, # Introscope will archive the file to a zip file, compressing # by approximately 95%. The default maximum size is 100 megabytes. introscope.enterprisemanager.flatfile.maxFileLength=100 # Sets the amount of time that will be stored in a single flat file # before archiving. Can be used along with a maximum size. Archiving # based on time is disabled if the property is commented out. #introscope.enterprisemanager.flatfile.maxTimeInHours=24 # Can be set to true to disable compression when archiving flat files. # If disabled, flat files will simply be moved into the archive directory # with the extension .full.csv. introscope.enterprisemanager.flatfile.disableCompression=false ####################### # Flat File Persistent Collection Settings # # ================ # Introscope records metric data to flat files as specified here. # Each persistent collection entry consists of an # agent expression, a metric expression and a frequency in seconds. The # metric data for the matching metrics will be written to a flat file # at the specified frequency. Each entry starts with the key prefix # introscope.enterprisemanager.flatfile.collection and should be numbered # sequentially starting with 1. #introscope.enterprisemanager.flatfile.collection1.agentExpression=.* #introscope.enterprisemanager.flatfile.collection1.metricExpression=.* #introscope.enterprisemanager.flatfile.collection1.frequencyinseconds=60 #introscope.enterprisemanager.flatfile.collection2.agentExpression=.* #introscope.enterprisemanager.flatfile.collection2.metricExpression=.* #introscope.enterprisemanager.flatfile.collection2.frequencyinseconds=3600 ####################### # Interactive Mode # # ================ # Set to false to turn on interactive mode introscope.enterprisemanager.disableInteractiveMode=true ####################### # SNMP Adapter # # ================ # Set to true to enable the SNMP Adapter # Default is false introscope.enterprisemanager.snmp.enable=false # The port used by the SNMP Agent. Defaults to 161. introscope.enterprisemanager.snmp.agent.port=161 # This property supports hot config # Set to true to enable Notifications (Traps). # Default is true. introscope.enterprisemanager.snmp.notification.enable=true # The target port for Notifications. # Default is 162. introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.snmp.target.port=162 # The target host (hostname or IP address) for Notifications. # Default is localhost. introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.snmp.target.host=localhost # The target SNMPv2 community for Notifications. # Default is public. introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.snmp.target.community=public ####################### # WebView Configuration # # ================ ################################################ # Webview base url used to build links for email # introscope.webview.default.url=http://localhost:8080 ################################################### # Set to true to prevent WebView from connecting to the # Enterprise Manager. Defaults to false. introscope.enterprisemanager.webview.disableLogin=false ################################################### # Exclude Agent metric expression from transaction trace action # Example #skipTraceActionMetric.1=(.*)|HelloWorldExample:(.*) #skipTraceActionMetric.2= ################################################### # Enabled/disable default BT # Default value is false. set property to true to enable default BT enable.default.BusinessTransaction=false ####################### # Management Module Bootstrapping # # ================ # Set to true to stop the Enterprise Manager from starting # with management modules containing invalid references. # If false, invalid references are logged as warnings. Defaults to false. introscope.enterprisemanager.managementModules.invalid.references.as.errors=false ####################### # Management Module Deployment # # ================ # Magic directory to watch introscope.enterprisemanager.hotdeploy.directory=deploy # How often to check for new MM files to deploy introscope.enterprisemanager.hotdeploy.checkFrequencyInSeconds=60 ####################### # Geo Location Configurations # # ================ # Enable/disable hot Geo deploy feature which uploads files from Geo deploy directory introscope.enterprisemanager.hotGeoDeploy.enabled=true # Directory where CSV file with Geo Data will be detected and loaded to DB introscope.enterprisemanager.hotGeoDeploy.directory=deployGEO # Number of sets of processed Geo files to keep in Geo directory introscope.enterprisemanager.hotGeoDeploy.numberOfSetsOfFilesToKeep=3 # How often to check for new Geo files to deploy introscope.enterprisemanager.hotGeoDeploy.checkFrequencyInSeconds=60 # Setting this property to TRUE will build in-memory IP-mapping during EM start. # If it is FALSE, mapping would be built on first request for Geolocation data. introscope.enterprisemanager.geolocation.initializeGeoMap=true ####################### # Alert State Metrics # # ================ # Metric name prefix of the alert-states metrics introscope.enterprisemanager.alertstatemetric.prefix=Alerts ####################### # Hot Config # # ================ # The hot config properties support hot config # # Set to false to disable hot config. # Default is true. introscope.enterprisemanager.hotconfig.enable=true # How often to check this file for changes (in seconds). # Default is 60 seconds. introscope.enterprisemanager.hotconfig.pollingInterval=60 ###################### # Agent Config # (pushed to Agents) # # Sampling Rate # NOTE: The agent defaults to these values. Extreme care should be taken # when overriding these defaults because of the potential for higher # load in the EM when a high sampling rate is used # #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.sampling.perinterval.count=1 #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.sampling.interval.seconds=120 ####################### # Hot Failover # # ================ #Settings for Hot Failover. # # EMs sharing the same installation directory can be configured for Hot Failover. # Set to true to enable hot failover. # Default is false. introscope.enterprisemanager.failover.enable=false # Set to hostname or IP address of the primary EM. # To configure multiple EMs as primary, # set to a comma-separated list of hostnames or IP addresses. # To configure for failover to work in a single host set this property as localhost(refer documentation for more information) introscope.enterprisemanager.failover.primary= # Set to hostname or IP address of the secondary EM. # To configure for failover to work in a single host leave this property blank (refer documentation for more information) introscope.enterprisemanager.failover.secondary= # How often a running Secondary EM checks to see if a Primary EM is waiting to start (seconds). # This property supports hot config. # Default is 120 seconds (2 minutes). introscope.enterprisemanager.failover.interval=120 ################################### # Enterprise Manager Clustering Mode # # ================ # Clustering mode in which the Enterprise Manager would run # # Valid values (case insensitive) are: # # StandAlone - Enterprise Manager runs in the stand alone mode # CDV - Enterprise Manager runs as a Cross-cluster Data Viewer # Collector - Enterprise Manager runs as a Collector # MOM - Enterprise Manager runs as a Manager # #################################### introscope.enterprisemanager.clustering.mode=Collector ####################### # Clustering Settings # # ================ # Controls clustering of Enterprise Managers. # # Settings for Cluster Collector role. # # An arbitrary identifier appended to the name of Custom Metric Agents. # For example, if the identifier is em1, then the agent name is: # Custom Metric Agent (Virtual) (em1). # The purpose of the identifier is to uniquely name Custom Metric Agents across the cluster. # Use a different identifier for each Collector. # If no identifier is specified, the default identifier of host@port is used, # where host is the EM's host name, and port is the EM's connection port. #introscope.enterprisemanager.clustering.collector.identifier= # # Settings for Cluster Manager (MOM) role. # # Threshold for when a collector is considered slow (in milliseconds) introscope.enterprisemanager.clustering.manager.slowcollectorthreshold=10000 # Seconds a MOM waits for a Collector to respond before it disconnects it as hung. # Default is 60 seconds. Setting to zero (or negative) disables the check (not recommended). # The MOM checks collectors every 7.5 seconds, so small changes don't affect behavior. introscope.enterprisemanager.clustering.manager.slowcollectordisconnectthresholdseconds=60 # Maximum simultaneous output connections. A higher number does not directly increase # response time, but will keep isolated slow connections from crippling the whole manager. # The default, 5, is suitable for most standalone EMs and Collectors. MOMs should have # one thread per Collector, plus about 1 for every 10 workstations. Do not oversize, as # additional thread overhead may cause OutOfMemory exceptions - especially on 32 bit JVMs. ## ## UPS Added ## transport.override.isengard.high.concurrency.pool.max.size=10 transport.override.isengard.high.concurrency.pool.min.size=10 transport.override.isengard.high.concurrency.pool.queue.size=6000 transport.outgoingMessageQueueSize=6000 introscope.enterprisemanager.query.datapointlimit=1000000 introscope.enterprisemanager.query.returneddatapointlimit=100000 ### Added for limiting data to at_stories & at_evidences tables introscope.triage.uvb.gen.minstatustoconsider=3 introscope.triage.alert.gen.minstatustoconsider=3 # This is the private key used to authenticate a MOM to a collector. # Either an absolute path or a path relative to the config directory. introscope.enterprisemanager.collector.privatekey=internal/server/EM.private # Define MOM Load Balancing properties. # # Load Balancing properties support hot config. # # The tolerance of the Load Balancer for imbalance. # The number of metrics in a Collector must differ from the weight-adjusted # cluster average (i.e. the average for all Collectors) by at least the # threshold before the Load Balancer rebalances the Cluster. # # Rebalancing means redistributing Agents among Collectors # to equalize the weight-adjusted metric load. # See the connection properties about setting weights. # # Only version 8.0 or later agents that connected to the MOM # are eligible for rebalancing. # # Default is 20000 metrics. introscope.enterprisemanager.loadbalancing.threshold=20000 # How often the Load Balancer rebalances (seconds). # Minimum is 120 seconds (2 minutes). # Default is 600 seconds (10 minutes). introscope.enterprisemanager.loadbalancing.interval=600 # Define Agent Connection Control properties # # Agent Connection Control properties hot config # All agent control properties values of MOM overrides the respective agent control properties values at Collector. # At Collector these property values are not considered, if any MOM has connected to the Collector ever. # For agent(s) that are not specifically matching any regular expression in loadbalancing.xml, # this decides whether to allow or disallow those agent(s). introscope.apm.agentcontrol.agent.allowed=true # Agent utilizes the list if both the MOM and the initial Collector appear to be non-responsive # Agent utilizes the EM list given by cluster for self lookup in case the Collector the agent connected to goes down # and the MOM is also not available. # Agent is also provided with the EM list by StandAlone. introscope.apm.agentcontrol.agent.emlistlookup.enable=true # Maximum number of disallowed agents. # This property value is not overriden by MOM. # default is 0 (unlimited) introscope.enterprisemanager.agent.disallowed.connection.limit=0 # This property is effective only when the limit for maximum disallowed agents is reached for the property # "introscope.enterprisemanager.agent.disallowed.connection.limit". # This property is to instruct agent interval duration to wait before reattempting the connection to EM. # EM will randomly add one of these values [-30, -15, 0, +15, +30] to wait. This is done to distribute the simultaneous # multiple agents connection across time. Agent will wait for this time before reattempting the connection to EM. # Default is 45 seconds. If the calculated wait value is less than 15 then default value 45 is used introscope.apm.agentcontrol.agent.reconnect.wait=45 # Define connection properties for clustered EMs. # Connection properties support hot config. # Each clustered EM requires three properties: # host: hostname or ip address of the collector # port: connecting port of the collector # publickey: the public key to authenticate the MOM to the collector - # either an absolute path or a path relative to the config directory # # There is an optional weight property to control the relative load of the collector: # weight: the load balancing weight for this collector EM # # All other things being equal, the percentage of metric load assigned to the collector # is the weight divided by the total weight for the cluster. # For example, if the weight of a collector is 50 and the sum of the weights of all collectors is # 250, the collector should get 20% of the cluster's metric load. # # The weight should be a positive integer. # Default is the average weight for the cluster. # # Sample properties for a clustered EM. # Note: em1 is an arbitrary identifier. Use a different identifier for each set of connection properties. # Avoid use of the value "localhost" as the host. # #introscope.enterprisemanager.clustering.login.em1.host=hostname #introscope.enterprisemanager.clustering.login.em1.port=5001 #introscope.enterprisemanager.clustering.login.em1.publickey=internal/server/EM.public #introscope.enterprisemanager.clustering.login.em1.weight= ###################### # Map Agent Config # # ================ # In Introscope 9.x, agents can detect when monitored applications communicate # with external components, and report this activity to the EM. The activity data # is then used to draw application maps in the Workstation. # # To support this task, agents load an important configuration property from the EM: # the agingTime property. This property controls how often the agent will report # dependency data to the EM. # # The property works like this: # 1) When the agent observes a new application dependency, it reports and then caches it. # 2) Cached activity is not reported. # 3) After the agingTime interval has elapsed, the agent removes the dependency from its cache. # 4) The next occurrence of the dependency will be treated as per step 1). # # In this way, the agingTime property affects both the "freshness" of the map displays, # and the resulting performance overhead on the Agents and EM. # # If the property is set to: # - ...a lower value, maps will show a more real-time picture of application activity, # while incurring more Agent and EM overhead. # - ...a higher value, maps will show a less up-to-date picture of application activity, # and make fewer demands on Agent and EM performance. # # For more information, see the Introscope Sizing Guide. # # The property is not hot configurable, and if changed the connected agents should be # re-started to use the new aging value set in this file. # The agingTime property defaults to 86400000 ms, or 1 day. introscope.apm.data.agingTime=1 DAY # Data Time Window is a period that would used to get dependency map. # For Example, if Data time window is 3 days, # The workstation will pull the dependency map for 3 days introscope.apm.data.timeWindow=3 DAYS ################################### # Map Data Pruning Config # # ================ # Application dependency data is pruned from the database # according to these properties. # # WARNING: If the preservation age is set too low (to SECONDS), # data might be deleted as it arrives. # # Default values for these properties are: # introscope.apm.pruning.enabled=true # introscope.apm.data.preserving.time=365 DAYS # introscope.apm.alert.preserving.time=62 DAYS # introscope.apm.pruning.cron.trigger.expression=0 0 6 * * ? # ################################### # Set to true to enable pruning # Set to false to disable pruning and keep all data indefinitely # This property should always be disabled in collector mode but needs to be # enabled in standalone mode. ApmPropertyService class # sets this property to false when collector is initializing. introscope.apm.pruning.enabled=false # This property determine the maximum preservation age for # application dependency data. Data older than the preservation age will be pruned. # Number of time units to use when calculating the preservation age introscope.apm.data.preserving.time=365 DAYS # This property controls how often the database is pruned of old data. # It is formatted as an opensymphony quartz scheduler expression. # This example prunes the database every minute, every hour: #introscope.apm.pruning.cron.trigger.expression=0 0/1 0-23 * * ? # By default, the prune task runs every day at 6 AM: introscope.apm.pruning.cron.trigger.expression=0 0 6 * * ? # Specifies the duration in seconds that transaction traces for a particular # transaction are held in a buffer after the first transaction trace for a # transaction is received. #introscope.enterprisemanager.transactiontrace.arrivalbuffer.incubationtime.fast=60 # After all collected transaction traces for a transaction have been processed, # the transaction correlation ID is then put into another buffer where it waits # for this specified time in seconds before being processed again in case any # new transaction traces from the transaction have arrived since the # transaction was first processed. #introscope.enterprisemanager.transactiontrace.arrivalbuffer.incubationtime.slow=600 # All transaction trace attributes of a transaction trace component which is # mapped into an AppMap vertex and which begin with this prefix are extracted # into properties of the resultant vertex. #introscope.enterprisemanager.transactiontrace.mappedAttributePrefix=ATTR_ # All transaction trace attributes of a transaction trace component which is # mapped into an AppMap vertex and which match the exact name specified in this property # are extracted into properties of the resultant vertex. The names are case sensitive. # Multiple attribute names can be specified with the default delimiter , #introscope.enterprisemanager.transactiontrace.mappedAttributes= introscope.enterprisemanager.transactiontrace.mappedAttributes=Queue Name,Topic Name # Choose a different delimiter for introscope.enterprisemanager.transactiontrace.mappedAttributes # property. Default value is , #introscope.enterprisemanager.transactiontrace.mappedAttributesRegex=, # Comma separated list of TT types to be matched, TTs of all other types will not be considered for processing # to generate AppMap artefacts. #introscope.enterprisemanager.transactiontrace.filter.types=Normal,Sampled ################################### # Home Dashboard Config # # ================ # Default home dashboard loaded by the workstation is set by # these properties. If this dashboard cannot be loaded the first # available dashboard is loaded. # # Each individual user may override and set their own individual # home dashboard in their user preferences. # # Default values for these properties are: # introscope.workstation.dashboard.home.domain= # introscope.workstation.dashboard.home.module=Default # introscope.workstation.dashboard.home.dashboard=Welcome to APM Dashboards # # NOTE: If the dashboard has been translated to multiple languages, specify # the dashboard name using the default language. ################################### # The path of the domain containing the default home dashboard # No domain path means dashboard is in SuperDomain introscope.workstation.dashboard.home.domain= # The name of the Management Module containing the default home dashboard introscope.workstation.dashboard.home.module=Default # The name of the default home dashboard introscope.workstation.dashboard.home.dashboard=Welcome to APM Dashboards #################################### # CEM incident web services # # Maximum number of incidents that may be returned by the CEM incident operations # defined in the APM Model Web Services. Default value 500. introscope.enterprisemanager.ws.max.incidents=500 ###################################################### # Properties required for enabling smartcard # authentication in APM. Smartcard authentication # is done in APM with the help of SCARVES server which is # Smart Card Authentication and REvocation Service ###################################################### # whether to enable or disable smart card authentication. #introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.scauth.enable=true # hostname and port of SCARVES server which validates # and authenticates client cert from smart card #introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.scauth.hostname=localhost #introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.scauth.port=9998 # keystore details which contains the SCARVES server certificate # to enable communication between EM and SCARVES server #introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.scauth.keystore=config/internal/server/daemoncert #introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.scauth.keypass=password ######################################### # # Thread dump feature properties # ########################################### # The property is used to enable or disable the thread dump collection on # the Enterprise Manager i.e this disables the collection of thread dump on any agent connected # to this Enterprise Manager. introscope.enterprisemanager.threaddump.enable=true # Specifies the location of the folder where the Thread dumps # will be stored on the Enterprise Manager introscope.enterprisemanager.threaddump.storage.dir=threaddumps # The Thread dump files purger will clean files older than the specified days. # specify in days introscope.enterprisemanager.threaddump.storage.clean.disk.olderthan.days=30 # The frequency of purging the Thread dump files. # specify in days introscope.enterprisemanager.threaddump.storage.clean.disk.freq.days=1 # The maximum thread dump files that can be stored on the Enterprise Manager introscope.enterprisemanager.threaddump.storage.max.disk.usage=5000 ####################################################################### # SNMP Configuration for Triage Map Alerts for SSA/Catalyst # # ===================================================================== # This needs to be set to the ip address of the SSA/Catalyst connector # where the the triage map SNMP traps will be sent. introscope.apm.catalyst.triagemapalert.snmp.destination.host.ip= # This needs to be set to the SNMP port where the the triage map SNMP traps # will be sent. Default value is 162. introscope.apm.catalyst.triagemapalert.snmp.destination.trap.port=162 # This needs to be set to the SNMP community string. Default value is public. introscope.apm.catalyst.triagemapalert.snmp.community=public # This needs to be set to the trigger type desired for SNMP trap notifications. Default # value is numeric equivalent of trigger Whenever Severity Changes. introscope.apm.catalyst.triagemapalert.snmp.trigger=3 # Compression index for Transaction Tracer Optimization. # Default index needs to be set to 3. Lowering it will cause Out Of Memory problems. introscope.enterprisemanager.lucene.maxNumSegments=3 # Bulk Attribute Provisioning values introscope.provisioning.csv.maxCustomAttributes=100 # Global search default search dimension introscope.tracestore.globalsearch.default.browse.dimension=applicationName # Maximum allowed traces to be returned in a query introscope.tracequery.max.transaction.limit=5000 introscope.tracequery.max.correlated.transaction.limit=100 ############################################################################### # Change Detector Settings # # ========================== # By default Change Detector is turned off on the EM. To enable change detector # on EM change this property value to false. Its not a hot property. #introscope.changeDetector.disable=true ############################################################################### ###################################################################### # Enables or disables the calculations required to produce the following deviation metrics: # # Average Response Time Deviation # Errors Per Interval Deviation # Responses Per Interval Deviation # # If you set this property to true, deviation metrics are collected and can be reported. # You can then selectively enable or disable each of the deviation metrics individually. # # True - Performs calculations to provide deviation metric data. # False - Does not report any deviation metrics. ###################################################################### com.wily.introscope.soa.deviation.enable=false ###################################################################### # Help wiki URL ###################################################################### # Acceptable languages are restricted to 'ja' (Japanese), 'zh' (Chinese), 'zh-TW' (Taiwanian Chinese), 'ko' (Korean), '' (default, English) com.wily.introscope.help.url=https://docops.ca.com/rest/ca/product/latest/topic?hid=HID_BLUE_BOX_PAGE&space=APMDEVOPS{SPACE}&language={LANGUAGE}&format=rendered # The link which will be displayed on welcome screen in Team Center # after first login or after update of product. # Acceptable languages are restricted to 'ja' (Japanese), 'zh' (Chinese), 'zh-TW' (Taiwanian Chinese), 'ko' (Korean), '' (default, English) # introscope.apmserver.ui.welcome.url=https://docops.ca.com/rest/ca/product/latest/topic?hid=HID_Welcome_to_CA_APM&space=APMDEVOPS{SPACE}&language={LANGUAGE}&format=rendered # Set this property to enable timeout (in minutes) of user inactivity in webview. # To enable, set this value to integer greater than zero. Zero value disables timeout. # If enabled, user is automatically logged out after inactivity. introscope.apmserver.ui.inactivityLogoutTimeout=0 ############################################################################### # AXA Security Settings # Used to configure authentication by means of MCC/SPP of AXA ############################################################################### # Enables authentication by means of MCC/SPP, a security subsystem of AXA introscope.axaSecurity.enable=false # URL of the REST interface of the MCC/SPP subsystem of AXA #introscope.axaSecurity.restapi.url= # URL of the external login page that should be used for logging into APM UI # when the AXA (MCC/SPP) is used for authentication. APM UI redirects to this # page when it is accessed without AXA token or after logout. #introscope.axaSecurity.loginPage.url= # Tentant ID #introscope.tenantId= ############################################################################### # SAML SSO Settings # Used to configure SAML Single Sign On using SAML2-compliant Identity provider ############################################################################### # Enables SAML2 Single Sign On. Default is false. # If you set this property to true, all the SAML settings in this section need to be configured introscope.saml.enable=false # Binding to use for requests to IDP. Can be either POST or Redirect. Default is POST. # When changing to Redirect also change internalIdpUrl to the correct value. #introscope.saml.request.binding=POST # URL used for redirection to authenticate on IdP (can be internal or external) introscope.saml.idpUrl=http://gaalpltapp00126.linux.us.ams1907.com:8081/idp/profile/SAML2/POST/SSO # Service provider issuer strings, your IDP needs to be configured to accept them. introscope.saml.issuer=com.ca.apm.webview.serviceprovider introscope.saml.webstart.issuer=com.ca.apm.webstart.serviceprovider introscope.saml.em.issuer=com.ca.apm.em.serviceprovider # Attribute names in SAML Response for Principal Name and for list of user groups introscope.saml.principalAttributeName=principalName introscope.saml.groupsAttributeName=groups # Sets the length of time for which Webstart Workstation SAML SSO tokens are valid. # By default, tokens are valid for 60 seconds. introscope.saml.webstart.tokenTimeoutInSeconds=60 # Enables built-in Identity Provider. If set to true then EM starts built-in Shibboleth Identity Provider # and configures it for use by Introscope WebView and Introscope Webstart Workstation. # Default is false, meaning use external IDP. If you use external IDP, such as SiteMinder or WebSeal, # you need to coordinate with your IDP administrator and configure SAML settings accordingly. introscope.saml.internalIdp.enable=false # Internal IdP authentication URL # Default value instructs Webview and Webstart workstation to use internal idp in EM. # Do not change default value unless internal IDP is reconfigured too. introscope.saml.internalIdpUrl=http://gaalpltapp00126.linux.us.ams1907.com:8081/idp/profile/SAML2/POST/SSO ############################################################################### # Metric Baselining Settings # Configures values for the metric baseline engine. ############################################################################### # Baselines database file location relative to installation directory introscope.enterprisemanager.baseline.database=data/variance.db # Total number of metrics allowed to be baselined per collector. #introscope.enterprisemanager.baseline.max.metrics.baselined=20000 # How long an inactive metric remains in the baselining cache before it is evicted introscope.enterprisemanager.baseline.inactive.metric.expiration.age=300000 # Whether to do seasonal prediction or not. true or false introscope.enterprisemanager.baseline.core.seasonality.enabled=true ############################################################################### # Public REST API configuration ############################################################################### # If value of this property is set to false no request for public API will be processed, # and only information message will be returned to the client in response. introscope.public.restapi.enabled=true # Maximal size of the lucene memory cache in megabytes introscope.public.restapi.maxMemoryCacheSizeForVertexInMBs=200 # Public EM REST API help link which will be used by some of end-points in responses. # Acceptable languages are restricted to 'ja' (Japanese), 'zh' (Chinese), 'zh-TW' (Taiwanian Chinese), 'ko' (Korean), '' (default, English) introscope.public.restapi.help.url=https://docops.ca.com/rest/ca/product/latest/topic?hid=HID_EM_API&space=APMDEVOPS{SPACE}&language={LANGUAGE}&format=rendered # Maximum number of concurrent requests to handle. REST endpoints will return error # if this number is exceeded. If you increase the number please allocate more RAM, # CPU and I/O resources to EM process. introscope.public.restapi.maxConcurrentRequestsClamp=20 ############################################################################### # APM Data configuration ############################################################################### # If value of this property is set to positive number then data transfer from # APM Data SQL rest api will be limited to this value (in KB/s). # Otherwise transfer is unlimited. # Default value: -1 introscope.enterprisemanager.restapi.sql.rateLimit=-1 # If value of this property is set to positive number then # APM Data SQL rest api will be limited to number of paralel connections. # Otherwise transfer is unlimited. # Default value: 5 introscope.enterprisemanager.restapi.sql.connectionLimit=5 # If value of this property is set to positive number then # number of group by groups in memory in APM Data SQL rest api # will be limited to to this value. # Otherwise number of groups hold in memory is unlimited. # Default value: 100000 introscope.enterprisemanager.restapi.sql.groupCountLimit=100000 # Period for which IP address is blocked due too many failed logins in # generating temporary token (in seconds). # Default value: 5 minutes introscope.enterprisemanager.restapi.token.lockTime=300 # Number of allowed failed attempts from IP address before it gets blocked. # Default value: 5 introscope.enterprisemanager.restapi.token.maxFailsPerIp=5 # Maximum number of connections in generate temporary token endpoint. # Default value: 10 introscope.enterprisemanager.restapi.token.connectionLimit=10 ############################################################################### # Dynamic Domains Configuration Settings #--------------------------------------- # All these settings are applicable for MOM and stand-alone EM. # They are not applicable at Collector instances. # In cluster environment, the parameter "introscope.enterprisemanager.cluster.mapdomains" # must not be enabled (i.e. set to true) when this feature is turned on! ############################################################################### # # Setting this property to TRUE, will enable automatic detection of domain changes at runtime. # Enabling this property will automatically override domains.xml at collectors. # Default value is FALSE. This is HOT PROPERTY and does not need server restart. introscope.enterprisemanager.domainsconfiguration.dynamicupdate.enable=false # # The interval at which domains.xml is checked for updates. Value is in minutes. # Default value is 1. Minimum value is 1. This is HOT PROPERTY. # Setting a value <=0, will disable polling until a positive value is set. introscope.enterprisemanager.domainsconfiguration.dynamicupdate.detectioninterval=1 ############################################################################### # Secure store configuration ############################################################################### # Setting up this property chooses the symmetric encryption algorithm for Secure store service. # Possible values are: AES128 introscope.secure.store.encryption.algorithm=AES128 ############################################################################### # Enterprise Team Center Master configuration ############################################################################### # Set this property to true to enable EM as an Enterprise Team Center Master. The default value is false. introscope.apmserver.teamcenter.master=false ############################################################################### # Team Center configuration ############################################################################### # AXA UI URL used for navigating to Command Center from the ATC UI main # navigation. Link will be hidden if URL value is empty. Default value is empty. introscope.apmserver.ui.axa.url= ################################################################################# # Assisted Triage Master Switch # enables or disables the generators and processors in AT running in this # EM node. Default value is true ################################################################################# #introscope.triage.enabled=false ############################################################################### # Enterprise Team Center SaaS configuration ############################################################################### # Set this property to true to enable EM as a SaaS Enterprise Team Center. # The default value is false. introscope.apmserver.teamcenter.saas=false # External hostname of this machine. Used in SaaS/AWS/docker environment. #introscope.apmserver.saas.externalHostname= # Indicate whether the agents should authenticate to EM with the token provided in their configuration file # (instead of the constant agent password) # The default value is false. introscope.apmserver.saas.agentTokenAuthentication=false # Identifies the file the agent token should be imported from at the EM startup. The file is deleted upon a successful import. # The default value is empty. introscope.apmserver.saas.agentTokenImportFile= # String that identifies a default preinstalled agent from user-installed agents. # If an agent contains this as a substring of its name, it is considered as a # preinstalled agent. #introscope.apmserver.saas.preinstalledAgentNameSubstring=CA APM Demo Agent # URL of the PagerDuty event notification REST API endpoint introscope.apmserver.eventNotification.pagerDutyApi.url=https://events.pagerduty.com/v2/ ############################################################################### # ACC Connection Configuration ############################################################################### # Command Center URL used for navigating to Command Center from the ATC UI main # navigation. Link will be hidden if URL value is empty. Default value is empty. # It's also URL that points to the root of the ACC REST API #introscope.appmap.acc.rest.base=http://acc_host:acc_port/apm/acc # ACC security token #introscope.appmap.acc.security.token= # Trust ACC's self-signed certificates for https. # Set this property to true to allow EM to trust self-signed certificates # introscope.appmap.acc.rest.allowSelfSignedCert = false # URL that will replace the URL of the root of the ACC REST API in data coming from ACC. # The {WEBVIEW_PROTOCOL_HOSTNAME_PORT} placeholder will be replaced by the content of the # X-WebView-Protocol-Hostname-Port request header. # Default value is {WEBVIEW_PROTOCOL_HOSTNAME_PORT}/apm/appmap/private/accrelay #introscope.appmap.acc.url.rewrite.target={WEBVIEW_PROTOCOL_HOSTNAME_PORT}/apm/appmap/private/accrelay # EM port number to be configured in agent packages downloaded from ACC. # Default value is 5001. #introscope.appmap.acc.agent.package.em.port=5001 # Protocol for connections to EM to be configured in agent packages downloaded from ACC. # Default value is empty. #introscope.appmap.acc.agent.package.em.protocol=https ############################################################################### # Marketo reporting for SaaS ############################################################################### # URL of Marketo appliacation # introscope.apmserver.saas.marketo.url=https://590-ryk-427.mktorest.com # Marketo client secret # Used for authorization. This property should be used only to override the defaults. # introscope.apmserver.saas.marketo.client.secret=VopuxrycTa8zeHrpxSiXXlzdRfylH3V6 # Marketo client id # Used for authorization. This property should be used only to override the defauts. # introscope.apmserver.saas.marketo.client.id=37392f06-d93b-4e1a-bf3c-c83597787d97 ############################################################################### # Marketo campaigns used to report milestones in APM usage ############################################################################### # introscope.apmserver.saas.marketo.first.agent.downloaded=5766 # introscope.apmserver.saas.marketo.first.data.reported=5767 # introscope.apmserver.saas.marketo.first.transaction.traces=5813 # introscope.apmserver.saas.marketo.first.notebook.analysis=5825 ############################################################################### # Telemetry configuration ############################################################################### introscope.apmserver.telemetry.service.enabled=false introscope.apmserver.telemetry.service.instance.id=a10a67af-0e73-4ec6-8c21-8c3705909995 introscope.apmserver.telemetry.service.url=https://eapi.ca.com introscope.apmserver.telemetry.service.user= introscope.apmserver.telemetry.service.password=ENC(pw00hjOrzmqjwYP+niZR9Q==) ############################################################################### # AO Platform Integration Configuration ############################################################################### #cohortId=3C6C5AFE-00D0-CE74-93C1-BA5436A900E7 #com.ca.apm.ttstore=jarvis #ca.apm.ttstore.jarvis.es.url=http://njrarltapp00245.linux.us.ams1907.com:9200 #ca.apm.ttstore.jarvis.ingestion.url=http://njrarltapp00245.linux.us.ams1907.com:8080/ingestion #ca.apm.ttstore.jarvis.onboarding.url=http://njrarltapp00245.linux.us.ams1907.com:8080/onboarding ################################################################################# # Refresh period for User group cache used for authorization # Regulates how often EM refreshes the list of user groups from LDAP or EEM # Default is 60, meaning that groups are refreshed every hour ################################################################################# #introscope.aca.cacheRefreshPeriodInMinutes=60 log4j.additivity.Manager.JavaScriptCalculator=false ############################################################################### # Maximum number of observed periods for alerts. # Default value is 20 (which is equivalent to 5 minutes). ############################################################################### introscope.enterprisemanager.alerts.maxPeriods=2000 ############################################################################### # Domain Universe Synchronization Configuration # Default value is true. Set the value to false to disable synchronization. ############################################################################### introscope.apmserver.domainuniverses.enable=false log4j.additivity.Manager.AppMap.Alert-Mapping=false log4j.additivity.Manager.AppMap.UVB-Mapping=false # The default filter attributes for Domain Universes #introscope.apmserver.domainuniverses.followtransactionpath=false #introscope.apmserver.domainuniverses.includestartpoint=false # The name of the universe. "{0}" is replaced by the domain name #introscope.apmserver.domainuniverses.customname={0} domain ############################################################################### # APM OI Properties ############################################################################### introscope.enterprisemanager.doi.enabled=false ############################################################################### ############################################################################### introscope.enterprisemanager.doi.alert.enabled=false ############################################################################### ############################################################################### introscope.enterprisemanager.doi.inventory.enabled=false introscope.enterprisemanager.webview.url = http://hostname:8080/ # This is hot config, it is used to fetch APM public REST API for graph incremental introscope.enterprisemanager.doi.inventory.token= introscope.enterprisemanager.doi.metric.metadata.enabled=false # Connector type can be nass or jarvis #introscope.enterprisemanager.doi.metric.connector.type=nass # APM OI NASS specific properties #introscope.enterprisemanager.doi.metric.metadata.baseurl=http://hostname:port #introscope.enterprisemanager.doi.metric.nass.baseurl=http://hostname:port #introscope.enterprisemanager.doi.metric.token= ######################################################## #APM OI Proxy ######################################################## # Uncomment and set the following properties to allow connection through a proxy server. apm.oi.proxy.enable=false #apm.oi.proxy.protocol= #apm.oi.proxy.host= #apm.oi.proxy.port= #apm.oi.proxy.user= #apm.oi.proxy.password= #default proxy basic auth header name #apm.oi.proxy.header.name=Authorization ############################################################################### # APM OI Jarvis Connection Properties ############################################################################### # The following properties are required for establishing connection between OI connector # and Jarvis. Please uncomment the properties and enter values as appropriate #apm.doi.tenantId=default #apm.doi.jarvis.ingestion.url=http://:/ingestion #apm.doi.jarvis.onboarding.url=http://:/onboarding