; ; Automic Configuration File for Utility DB Archive ; [GLOBAL] ; ; language: The Language(s) in which the log messages are displayed.Always a pair of languages separated by comma enclosed in brackets. ; if a message text is not available in the primary language the secondary language will be taken. ; E - english ; D - german ; F - french ; language=(E,D) ; ; logging: Full file name pattern for log file names ; $$ is replaced by the purpose of a Process (CP or WP or JWP or DBSERVICE). No replacements in other components ; * is replaced by the 3 digit number of a Worker Process. ; ## is replaced by the log file sequence number after the existing log files' corresponding numbers have been raised by one during startup of the component. ; z/OS components only: ; If you comment this parameter, this log file is stored in JES. Also refer to the parameter logpurgeclass= which is described below. ; The following parameters can be added if the log is written to a dataset (after the dataset name and separated by semicolons): ; "recfm" = (all 27 z/OS plus * and A record formats are valid) ; "lrecl" = (0, each positive number up to 32760 and X for each reclen) ; "blksize" = (0, each positive number up to 32760) ; "space" = ([CYL,TRK],(prim,sec,directory)) ; logging=../temp/ucybdbar_log_##.txt ; ; logCount: number of log files being kept on disk ; logCount=10 ; ; helplib: name of the message text library ; helplib=uc.msl ; ; helpcache: Availability of the messages and language dependent strings. ; ALL - The complete message file is held in the RAM. ; NONE - Always read from the hard drive. ; CONTROLS - All language dependant strings that are necessary in order to display the dialog program are held in the RAM (not relevant for the Automation Engine). ; helpcache=ALL ; ; MaxDeadlockCount: ; MaxDeadlockCount=2 ; ; path: Start path for the component. ; path=. ; ; cmd: Command line call command for starting the component. ; cmd="javaw" -cp .;./lookandfeel.jar -jar ucybdbar.jar ; ; title: String pattern of window title for end recognition ; title=DB ; ; docu_path: The directory in which the help system is installed. ; docu_path=../../Documentation/uc4/webhelp [TRACE] ; ; file: The path and the file name of the trace file. ; Any file name for a text file with several place holders for current system information: ; $$ is replaced by server process type (WP or CP) in the context of a server process. ; * is replaced by the three-digit process number in the context of a server process. ; ## is replaced by 00 after the available trace files' corresponding numbers have been raised by one during startup of a trace. ; xxx is replaced by the three-digit abbreviation of the respective unix version (unix agent only). ; z/OS components only: ; The following parameters can be added (after the dataset name and separated by semicolons) if the log is written to a dataset: ; "recfm" = (all 27 record formats of z/OS plus * and A are valid) ; "lrecl" = (0, each positive number up to 32760 and X for each reclen) ; "blksize" = (0, each positive number up to 32760) ; "space" = ([CYL,TRK],(prim,sec,directory)) ; file=../temp/ucybdbar_trace_##.txt ; ; trccount: Number of stored trace files ; trccount=10 ; ; database: traceflags ; 0 - no trace ; 1 - SQL ; 2 - OPC ; 3 - Bind parameters ; 4 - Data fields ; database=0 [ODBC] ; ; sqlDriverConnect: Connection String for the database. ; General format of the connection string is "OBDCVAR=," ; ; is an eight figure command field for controlling database accesses like follows ; 1. Position = N - Do not use server cursor. ; 1. Position = S - Use server cursor (MS SQL Server 2000). ; 2. Position = N - Do not reestablish database connection after 1000 commits. ; 2. Position = D - Disconnect database after 1000 commits (perhaps due to memory problems). ; 3. Position = N - Field names are compared case-sensitively (Oracle). ; 3. Position = J - Field names are compared case-insensitively (Oracle). ; 4. Position = N - Not used. ; 5. Position = N - Type of database connection: ODBC. ; 5. Position = I - Type of database connection: OCI/CLI. ; 6. Position = N - Database access without User ID. ; 6. Position = O - Database access with User ID. ; 7. Position = N - Compression is deactivated. ; 7. Position = R - Compression is activated. ; 8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; N - MS SQL Server. ; 8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; O - Oracle. ; 8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; D - DB2. ; 8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; P - PostgreSQL. ; ; contains standard and vendor related keywords and values ; DSN - Alias name of the database connection. ; UID - User ID for database access. Note that this parameter is case sensitive. ; PWD - Password for database access. ; ODBCVAR=NNNNNNRN,DSN=UC4;UID=uc4;PWD=--1037B2E22BF022EBE2;Mars_Connection=Yes - Microsoft SQL Server with MARS ; ODBCVAR=SNNNNNRN,DSN=UC4;UID=uc4;PWD=--1037B2E22BF022EBE2 - Microsoft SQL Server without MARS ; ODBCVAR=NNJNIORO,DSN=UC4;UID=uc4;PWD=--1037B2E22BF022EBE2;SP=NLS_LANGUAGE=AMERICAN,NLS_TERRITORY=AMERICA,CODESET=WE8ISO8859P15 - Oracle ; ODBCVAR=NNJNIORP,host=localhost port=5432 dbname=UC4 user=UC4 password=--1037B2E22BF022EBE2 connect_timeout=10 - PostgreSQL ; ;sqlDriverConnect=ODBCVAR=SNNNNNRN,DSN=UC4;UID=uc4;PWD=--10BFDC349F38156A22 sqlDriverConnect=ODBCVAR=NNJNIORO,DSN=AUTOMIC;UID=modified;PWD=modified;SP=NLS_LANGUAGE=AMERICAN,NLS_TERRITORY=AMERICA,CODESET=WE8MSWIN1252,commit_write='BATCH,NOWAIT' [AH_BODY] ; ; AH_Archive1: archive key 1 ; AH_Archive1=0 ; ; AH_Archive2: archive key 2 ; AH_Archive2=0 ; ; AH_ArchiveFlag: archive flag ; AH_ArchiveFlag=0 ; ; AH_Cancel: the cancel flag: M=manually ; AH_Cancel=1 ; ; AH_Category: WIN_EVENT: Category ; AH_Category=1 ; ; AH_CheckCount: number of checks ; AH_CheckCount=1 ; ; AH_ChildCnt: children count ; AH_ChildCnt=0 ; ; AH_ChildCntFail: failed children successful restarted ; AH_ChildCntFail=0 ; ; AH_ChildCntFailAll: failed children total ; AH_ChildCntFailAll=0 ; ; AH_ChildCntRestart: restarted children ; AH_ChildCntRestart=0 ; ; AH_CodeNameDst: codetable for filetransfer ; AH_CodeNameDst=1 ; ; AH_CodeNameSrc: codetable for filetransfer (sender) ; AH_CodeNameSrc=1 ; ; AH_Compress: Compress level ; AH_Compress=1 ; ; AH_ContainerType: object type controlled by the container ; AH_ContainerType=0 ; ; AH_Count: filetransfer: bytes transfered group: number of started activities ; AH_Count=1 ; ; AH_CpuTime: used CPU time ; AH_CpuTime=1 ; ; AH_DeleteFlag: the delete flag ; AH_DeleteFlag=0 ; ; AH_Ert: Estimated Runtime ; AH_Ert=1 ; ; AH_EventSubType: event sub type ; AH_EventSubType=1 ; ; AH_EventType: TT time event(timer), TS time event(time of execution) ; AH_EventType=1 ; ; AH_FileNameDst: filename for filetransfer ; AH_FileNameDst=1 ; ; AH_FileNameSrc: filename for filetransfer (sender) ; AH_FileNameSrc=1 ; ; AH_FileSize: bytes of the complete file ; AH_FileSize=1 ; ; AH_HGDst: name of agentgroup (source) ; AH_HGDst=0 ; ; AH_HGSrc: name of agentgroup ; AH_HGSrc=0 ; ; AH_HostDst: name of the host or agentgroup ; AH_HostDst=1 ; ; AH_HostSrc: name of host (sender) ; AH_HostSrc=1 ; ; AH_Info: additional information like job number ; AH_Info=0 ; ; AH_InfoText: text from Agent ; AH_InfoText=1 ; ; AH_IntAccount: account ; AH_IntAccount=1 ; ; AH_IOCount: count of I/Os ; AH_IOCount=1 ; ; AH_KernelTime: used kernel time ; AH_KernelTime=1 ; ; AH_LastRP: last processed restart point ; AH_LastRP=1 ; ; AH_LoginDst: name of login object ; AH_LoginDst=1 ; ; AH_LoginSrc: name of login object for sender file ; AH_LoginSrc=1 ; ; AH_MaxParallelHG: agentgroup max parallel ; AH_MaxParallelHG=0 ; ; AH_MaxRetCode: up to this retcode the activity is ENDED_OK ; AH_MaxRetCode=1 ; ; AH_MsgNr: return code ; AH_MsgNr=1 ; ; AH_Name: name of the object ; AH_Name=1 ; ; AH_OccurCount: number of occourred events ; AH_OccurCount=1 ; ; AH_Operator: G = Greater L = Less E = Equal N = NotEqual ; AH_Operator=1 ; ; AH_ParentAct: AH_Idnr of activator parent ; AH_ParentAct=0 ; ; AH_ParentPrc: AH_Idnr of processor parent ; AH_ParentPrc=0 ; ; AH_ProcessId: TSN / process id ; AH_ProcessId=1 ; ; AH_Records: number of records ; AH_Records=1 ; ; AH_RefNr: reference job number ; AH_RefNr=1 ; ; AH_RepeatType: EV: R=repeated, S=single FT: include subdirectories R=yes S=no ; AH_RepeatType=1 ; ; AH_Rest: . additional attributes ; AH_Rest=0 ; ; AH_Restart: was this a restarted activation? ; AH_Restart=1 ; ; AH_RestartPoint: restart point from where the task was restarted ; AH_RestartPoint=1 ; ; AH_RetCode: return code ; AH_RetCode=1 ; ; AH_Reuseagentgroup: reuse agentgroup in processflow ; AH_Reuseagentgroup=0 ; ; AH_Source: WIN_EVENT: Source ; AH_Source=1 ; ; AH_Status: state of the activity ; AH_Status=1 ; ; AH_TaskCount: number of AJPP ; AH_TaskCount=0 ; ; AH_TExecType: EV-TS: start after 'start time' E=Execute N=NoExecute EV-TT:S=start immediately FT: 1=filetransfer with wildcard characters ; AH_TExecType=1 ; ; AH_TimePeriod: period in minutes or HHMM depending on the event type ; AH_TimePeriod=1 ; ; AH_TimePeriodTZ: Timezone for time period (event) when HHMM is used ; AH_TimePeriodTZ=0 ; ; AH_ReuseHostGroup: Re-using the agent group calculation in workflows. ; AH_ReuseHostGroup=0 ; ; AH_TimeStamp1: activation time ; AH_TimeStamp1=1 ; ; AH_TimeStamp2: start time ; AH_TimeStamp2=1 ; ; AH_TimeStamp4: end time ; AH_TimeStamp4=1 ; ; AH_Transferred: Transferred bytes ; AH_Transferred=1 ; ; AH_TZ: Timezone for object and script ; AH_TZ=0 ; ; AH_Unit: unit of AH_Wert: 0=host specific, 1 = Byte, 2=KB, 3 = MB, 4=GB, 5=TB ; AH_Unit=1 ; ; AH_UserTime: used user time ; AH_UserTime=1 ; ; AH_Value: value to compare ; AH_Value=1