Hotfix: ump_usm_8.5.2_hf25 Release Date: 29th Oct 2019 Applicable for: UIM 8.5.1 This hotfix addresses the performance issue in usm monitoring tab: Dependencies/Prerequisites: 1) mon_config_service 858hf12 2) mon_config_service_usm_patch 858HF12 Steps to apply patch: - Deactivate wasp. - Backup the existing ump_usm package in archive. - Delete the contents of ..\Nimsoft\probes\service\wasp\work folder. - Take the backup of ..\Nimsoft\probes\service\wasp\webapps\usm folder. - Delete usm folder from the path ..\Nimsoft\probes\service\wasp\webapps - import hotfix package to archive. - deploy to UMP server - Activate wasp. - clear browser cache