C:\Users\503271720>kubectl logs initial-data-21-0-5-1686229423380-9mmpg -n automic ############################################################################# # Load INITIAL DATA ############################################################################# 21.0 BEGIN OF DBLOAD.SH ./dbload.sh: line 20: find: command not found ./dbload.sh: line 21: find: command not found ./dbload.sh: line 28: find: command not found ./dbload.sh: line 29: find: command not found ############################################################################# # User information ############################################################################# uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) ############################################################################# # Started import ############################################################################# ======================================================== Starting C++ batch mode loader... User account (user/domain) Startup parameter <-B -ECNO -SNAUTOMICP -EREPLACE -X/opt/automic/ae-utils/db/general/21.0/UC_UPD.TXT -WaitForSystemShutDown=30 -ZTS_DATA=pg_default -ZTS_INDEX=pg_default > Application name <./ucybdbld> Launch from LoadLibrary pointer = <0x2206c70> 20230608/130508.508 - U00033125 Operating System: 20230608/130508.508 - U00033125 Operating System: 20230608/130508.508 - U00038002 DLL 'ucybdbld', version '21.0.5+hf.4.build.1680775594300'. Start parameter: '-B -ECNO -SNAUTOMICP -EREPLACE -X/opt/automic/ae-utils/db/general/21.0/UC_UPD.TXT -WaitForSystemShutDown=30 -ZTS_DATA=pg_default -ZTS_INDEX=pg_default ', (changelist '1680775594'). 20230608/130508.508 - U00038259 Build Date: '2023-04-06', '10:06:34' 20230608/130508.512 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; Automic Configuration File for Utility DB Load 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - 20230608/130508.512 - [GLOBAL] 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; language: The Language(s) in which the log messages are displayed.Always a pair of languages separated by comma enclosed in brackets. 20230608/130508.512 - ; if a message text is not available in the primary language the secondary language will be taken. 20230608/130508.512 - ; E - english 20230608/130508.512 - ; D - german 20230608/130508.512 - ; F - french 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - language=(E,D) 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; logging: Full file name pattern for log file names 20230608/130508.512 - ; $$ is replaced by the purpose of a Process (CP or WP or JWP or DBSERVICE). No replacements in other components 20230608/130508.512 - ; * is replaced by the 3 digit number of a Worker Process. 20230608/130508.512 - ; ## is replaced by the log file sequence number after the existing log files' corresponding numbers have been raised by one during startup of the component. 20230608/130508.512 - ; z/OS components only: 20230608/130508.512 - ; If you comment this parameter, this log file is stored in JES. Also refer to the parameter logpurgeclass= which is described below. 20230608/130508.512 - ; The following parameters can be added if the log is written to a dataset (after the dataset name and separated by semicolons): 20230608/130508.512 - ; "recfm" = (all 27 z/OS plus * and A record formats are valid) 20230608/130508.512 - ; "lrecl" = (0, each positive number up to 32760 and X for each reclen) 20230608/130508.512 - ; "blksize" = (0, each positive number up to 32760) 20230608/130508.512 - ; "space" = ([CYL,TRK],(prim,sec,directory)) 20230608/130508.512 - ; AE and Java components only: 20230608/130508.512 - ; Logging to standard output can be enabled by setting the value to CON: 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - logging=../temp/ucybdbld_log_##.txt 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; logCount: number of log files being kept on disk 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - logCount=10 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; helplib: name of the message text library 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - helplib=uc.msl 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; helpcache: Availability of the messages and language dependent strings. 20230608/130508.512 - ; ALL - The complete message file is held in the RAM. 20230608/130508.512 - ; NONE - Always read from the hard drive. 20230608/130508.512 - ; CONTROLS - All language dependant strings that are necessary in order to display the dialog program are held in the RAM (not relevant for the Automation Engine). 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - helpcache=ALL 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; path: Start path for the component. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - path=. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; cmd: Command line call command for starting the component. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - cmd="javaw" -Xmx512m -cp .;./lookandfeel.jar -jar ucybdbLd.jar 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; title: String pattern of window title for end recognition 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - title=UCYBDBLd 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; docu_path: The directory in which the help system is installed. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - docu_path=../../Documentation/uc4/webhelp 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; input: The path of the DB directory. 20230608/130508.512 - ; The path of your database directory must be specified so that the utility can access the required data during the loading process. 20230608/130508.512 - ; This path is also decisive for the folder that should be opened in the file-selection dialog which is displayed when you call the utility. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - input=../db/ 20230608/130508.512 - 20230608/130508.512 - [TRACE] 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; file: The path and the file name of the trace file. 20230608/130508.512 - ; Any file name for a text file with several place holders for current system information: 20230608/130508.512 - ; $$ is replaced by server process type (WP or CP) in the context of a server process. 20230608/130508.512 - ; * is replaced by the three-digit process number in the context of a server process. 20230608/130508.512 - ; ## is replaced by 00 after the available trace files' corresponding numbers have been raised by one during startup of a trace. 20230608/130508.512 - ; xxx is replaced by the three-digit abbreviation of the respective unix version (unix agent only). 20230608/130508.512 - ; z/OS components only: 20230608/130508.512 - ; The following parameters can be added (after the dataset name and separated by semicolons) if the log is written to a dataset: 20230608/130508.512 - ; "recfm" = (all 27 record formats of z/OS plus * and A are valid) 20230608/130508.512 - ; "lrecl" = (0, each positive number up to 32760 and X for each reclen) 20230608/130508.512 - ; "blksize" = (0, each positive number up to 32760) 20230608/130508.512 - ; "space" = ([CYL,TRK],(prim,sec,directory)) 20230608/130508.512 - ; AE and Java components only: 20230608/130508.512 - ; Tracing to standard output can be enabled by setting the value to CON: 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - file=../temp/ucybdbld_trace_##.txt 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; trccount: Number of stored trace files 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - trccount=10 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; database: traceflags 20230608/130508.512 - ; 0 - no trace 20230608/130508.512 - ; 1 - SQL 20230608/130508.512 - ; 2 - OPC 20230608/130508.512 - ; 3 - Bind parameters 20230608/130508.512 - ; 4 - Data fields 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - database=0 20230608/130508.512 - 20230608/130508.512 - [ODBC] 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; sqlDriverConnect: Connection String for the database. 20230608/130508.512 - ; General format of the connection string is "OBDCVAR=," 20230608/130508.512 - ; 20230608/130508.512 - ; is an eight figure command field for controlling database accesses like follows 20230608/130508.512 - ; 1. Position = N - Do not use server cursor. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 1. Position = S - Use server cursor (MS SQL Server 2000). 20230608/130508.512 - ; 2. Position = N - Do not reestablish database connection after 1000 commits. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 2. Position = D - Disconnect database after 1000 commits (perhaps due to memory problems). 20230608/130508.512 - ; 3. Position = N - Field names are compared case-sensitively (Oracle). 20230608/130508.512 - ; 3. Position = J - Field names are compared case-insensitively (Oracle). 20230608/130508.512 - ; 4. Position = N - Not used. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 5. Position = N - Type of database connection: ODBC. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 5. Position = I - Type of database connection: OCI/CLI. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 6. Position = N - Database access without User ID. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 6. Position = O - Database access with User ID. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 7. Position = N - Compression is deactivated. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 7. Position = R - Compression is activated. 20230608/130508.512 - ; 8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; N - MS SQL Server. 20230608/130508.513 - ; 8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; O - Oracle. 20230608/130508.513 - ; 8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; D - DB2. 20230608/130508.513 - ; 8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; P - PostgreSQL. 20230608/130508.513 - ; 20230608/130508.513 - ; contains standard and vendor related keywords and values 20230608/130508.513 - ; DSN - Alias name of the database connection. 20230608/130508.513 - ; UID - User ID for database access. Note that this parameter is case sensitive. 20230608/130508.513 - ; PWD - Password for database access. 20230608/130508.513 - ; ODBCVAR=NNNNNNRN,DSN=UC4;UID=uc4;PWD=--1037B2E22BF022EBE2;Mars_Connection=Yes - Microsoft SQL Server with MARS 20230608/130508.513 - ; ODBCVAR=SNNNNNRN,DSN=UC4;UID=uc4;PWD=--1037B2E22BF022EBE2 - Microsoft SQL Server without MARS 20230608/130508.513 - ; ODBCVAR=NNJNIORO,DSN=UC4;UID=uc4;PWD=--1037B2E22BF022EBE2;SP=NLS_LANGUAGE=AMERICAN,NLS_TERRITORY=AMERICA,CODESET=WE8ISO8859P15 - Oracle 20230608/130508.513 - ; ODBCVAR=NNJNIORP,host=localhost port=5432 dbname=UC4 user=UC4 password=--1037B2E22BF022EBE2 connect_timeout=10 client_encoding=LATIN9 - PostgreSQL 20230608/130508.513 - ; 20230608/130508.513 - sqlDriverConnect=ODBCVAR=NNJNIORP,host=ae-db port=5432 dbname=aedb user=automic password=??? connect_timeout=10 connect_timeout=10 client_encoding=LATIN9 20230608/130508.513 - 20230608/130508.513 - [MQDB] 20230608/130508.513 - ; 20230608/130508.513 - ; sqlDriverConnect: Connection String for the database which holds the Message Queue Tables. 20230608/130508.513 - ; Same format as the connection string (SQLDRIVERCONNECT=) in ODBC Section but applicable for MSSQL Databases only. 20230608/130508.513 - ; For database software from other vendors it does not make sense to separate the MQ tables into a dedicated database. 20230608/130508.513 - ; 20230608/130508.513 - ;sqlDriverConnect=ODBCVAR=SNNNNNRN,DSN=UC4;UID=uc4;PWD=??? 20230608/130508.513 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20230608/130508.513 - U00038300 Check if the database is empty. Executed with: -EC'NO'. Help with use: -ECYES checks if the database is empty, -ECNO checks if the database is NOT empty. 20230608/130508.513 - U00038091 Change application directory to '/opt/automic/ae-utils/bin/'. 20230608/130508.532 - U00003545 UCUDB: Opening database ... 20230608/130508.532 - U00029112 UCUDB - Length of the DB-History area: 100 20230608/130508.561 - U00029115 UCUDB - OPEN Database handles DB-HENV: 0 DB-HDBC: 0 20230608/130508.562 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DATABASE-NAME = aedb' 20230608/130508.562 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DBMS-NAME = PostgreSQL' 20230608/130508.562 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DBMS-VER = PostgreSQL 14.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 7.3.1 20180712 (Red Hat 7.3.1-12), 64-bit' 20230608/130508.562 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC-VER = ODBC not used' 20230608/130508.562 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-NAME = PostgreSQL Access Library' 20230608/130508.562 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-ODBC-VER =' 20230608/130508.562 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-VER = 110018' 20230608/130508.563 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC-API-CONFORMANCE =' 20230608/130508.563 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'TXN-CAPABLE =' 20230608/130508.563 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DEFAULT-TXN-ISOLATION =' 20230608/130508.563 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'TXN-ISOLATION-OPTION =' 20230608/130508.563 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'POS-OPERATIONS =' 20230608/130508.563 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'POSITIONED-STATEMENTS =' 20230608/130508.563 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'SCROLL-CONCURRENCY =' 20230608/130508.563 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'SCROLL-OPTIONS =' 20230608/130508.563 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'STATIC-SENSITIVITY =' 20230608/130508.563 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'LOCK-TYPES =' 20230608/130508.567 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC_TRACE = 32575' 20230608/130508.570 - U00003532 UCUDB: Checking data source ... 20230608/130513.720 - U00003533 UCUDB: Check of data source finished: No errors. Performance CPU/DB: '334936359'/'268 (1000/3.717527 s)' 20230608/130513.720 - U00003544 UCUDB: Reference values tested with Linux x64 on XEON 3600 MHz: CPU 525716336, DB 3505 20230608/130514.513 - U00003524 UCUDB: ===> Time critical DB call! OPC: 'OPEN' time: '5:999.722.000' 20230608/130514.514 - U00038091 Change application directory to '../db/'. 20230608/130514.523 - U00021200 *********************************************ILM SETTINGS*********************************************** 20230608/130514.525 - U00021202 ILM installed N 20230608/130514.525 - U00021203 ******************************************************************************************************** 20230608/130514.525 - U00038314 Compare system name. Executed with: -SN'AUTOMICP'. Help with use: -SNAUTOMIC checks if the system name is AUTOMIC 20230608/130514.526 - U00003523 UCUDB: Maximum time required for a DB call: '5:999.722.000'. 20230608/130514.526 - U00003522 UCUDB: Database closed. Total time for DB calls: '6:006.869.999' seconds. 20230608/130514.526 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 2286' 'OTHERS ' calls took '6:000.428.000' sec. 20230608/130514.526 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 2' 'SELECT ' calls took '0:004.935.000' sec. 20230608/130514.526 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 0' 'EXECUTE ' calls took '0:000.000.000' sec. 20230608/130514.526 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 0' 'UPDATE ' calls took '0:000.000.000' sec. 20230608/130514.526 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 0' 'DELETE ' calls took '0:000.000.000' sec. 20230608/130514.526 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 0' 'INSERT ' calls took '0:000.000.000' sec. 20230608/130514.526 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 2' 'READ ' calls took '0:000.023.000' sec. 20230608/130514.526 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 3282' 'CLOSESTMT ' calls took '0:000.010.000' sec. 20230608/130514.526 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 1008' 'TRANSACT ' calls took '0:001.474.000' sec. 20230608/130514.526 - U00038091 Change application directory to '/opt/automic/ae-utils/bin/'. 20230608/130514.526 - U00003545 UCUDB: Opening database ... 20230608/130514.526 - U00029112 UCUDB - Length of the DB-History area: 100 20230608/130514.545 - U00029115 UCUDB - OPEN Database handles DB-HENV: 0 DB-HDBC: 0 20230608/130514.546 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DATABASE-NAME = aedb' 20230608/130514.546 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DBMS-NAME = PostgreSQL' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DBMS-VER = PostgreSQL 14.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 7.3.1 20180712 (Red Hat 7.3.1-12), 64-bit' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC-VER = ODBC not used' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-NAME = PostgreSQL Access Library' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-ODBC-VER =' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-VER = 110018' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC-API-CONFORMANCE =' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'TXN-CAPABLE =' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DEFAULT-TXN-ISOLATION =' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'TXN-ISOLATION-OPTION =' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'POS-OPERATIONS =' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'POSITIONED-STATEMENTS =' 20230608/130514.547 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'SCROLL-CONCURRENCY =' 20230608/130514.548 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'SCROLL-OPTIONS =' 20230608/130514.548 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'STATIC-SENSITIVITY =' 20230608/130514.548 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'LOCK-TYPES =' 20230608/130514.551 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC_TRACE = 32575' 20230608/130514.555 - U00003532 UCUDB: Checking data source ... 20230608/130519.675 - U00003533 UCUDB: Check of data source finished: No errors. Performance CPU/DB: '342413203'/'272 (1000/3.672056 s)' 20230608/130519.675 - U00003544 UCUDB: Reference values tested with Linux x64 on XEON 3600 MHz: CPU 525716336, DB 3505 20230608/130519.675 - U00003524 UCUDB: ===> Time critical DB call! OPC: 'OPEN' time: '5:148.413.999' 20230608/130519.676 - U00038091 Change application directory to '../db/'. 20230608/130519.682 - U00021200 *********************************************ILM SETTINGS*********************************************** 20230608/130519.684 - U00021202 ILM installed N 20230608/130519.684 - U00021203 ******************************************************************************************************** 20230608/130519.686 - U00038296 The system name could be found. Can continue. 20230608/130519.686 - U00038091 Change application directory to '../db/'. 20230608/130519.686 - U00038091 Change application directory to '../db/'. 20230608/130519.686 - U00038091 Change application directory to '/opt/automic/ae-utils/bin/'. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003523 UCUDB: Maximum time required for a DB call: '5:148.413.999'. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003522 UCUDB: Database closed. Total time for DB calls: '5:159.188.999' seconds. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 2020' 'OTHERS ' calls took '5:148.413.999' sec. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 3' 'SELECT ' calls took '0:009.352.000' sec. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 0' 'EXECUTE ' calls took '0:000.000.000' sec. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 0' 'UPDATE ' calls took '0:000.000.000' sec. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 0' 'DELETE ' calls took '0:000.000.000' sec. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 0' 'INSERT ' calls took '0:000.000.000' sec. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 3' 'READ ' calls took '0:000.012.000' sec. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 3017' 'CLOSESTMT ' calls took '0:000.011.000' sec. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 1007' 'TRANSACT ' calls took '0:001.399.999' sec. 20230608/130519.686 - U00003545 UCUDB: Opening database ... 20230608/130519.686 - U00029112 UCUDB - Length of the DB-History area: 100 20230608/130519.703 - U00029115 UCUDB - OPEN Database handles DB-HENV: 0 DB-HDBC: 0 20230608/130519.704 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DATABASE-NAME = aedb' 20230608/130519.704 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DBMS-NAME = PostgreSQL' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DBMS-VER = PostgreSQL 14.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 7.3.1 20180712 (Red Hat 7.3.1-12), 64-bit' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC-VER = ODBC not used' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-NAME = PostgreSQL Access Library' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-ODBC-VER =' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-VER = 110018' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC-API-CONFORMANCE =' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'TXN-CAPABLE =' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DEFAULT-TXN-ISOLATION =' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'TXN-ISOLATION-OPTION =' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'POS-OPERATIONS =' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'POSITIONED-STATEMENTS =' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'SCROLL-CONCURRENCY =' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'SCROLL-OPTIONS =' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'STATIC-SENSITIVITY =' 20230608/130519.705 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'LOCK-TYPES =' 20230608/130519.709 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC_TRACE = 32575' 20230608/130519.712 - U00003532 UCUDB: Checking data source ... 20230608/130524.514 - U00003533 UCUDB: Check of data source finished: No errors. Performance CPU/DB: '367188307'/'284 (1000/3.511580 s)' 20230608/130524.514 - U00003544 UCUDB: Reference values tested with Linux x64 on XEON 3600 MHz: CPU 525716336, DB 3505 20230608/130524.514 - U00003524 UCUDB: ===> Time critical DB call! OPC: 'OPEN' time: '4:828.208.000' 20230608/130524.515 - U00038091 Change application directory to '../db/'. 20230608/130524.522 - U00021200 *********************************************ILM SETTINGS*********************************************** 20230608/130524.524 - U00021202 ILM installed N 20230608/130524.524 - U00021203 ******************************************************************************************************** 20230608/130524.524 - U00038024 'DATABASE-NAME = aedb' 20230608/130524.524 - U00038024 'DBMS-NAME = PostgreSQL' 20230608/130524.524 - U00038024 'DBMS-VER = PostgreSQL 14.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 7.3.1 20180712 (Red Hat 7.3.1-12), 64-bit' 20230608/130524.524 - U00038024 'ODBC-VER = ODBC not used' 20230608/130524.524 - U00038024 'DRIVER-NAME = PostgreSQL Access Library' 20230608/130524.524 - U00038024 'DRIVER-ODBC-VER =' 20230608/130524.524 - U00038024 'DRIVER-VER = 110018' 20230608/130524.524 - U00038024 'ODB... =' 20230608/130524.524 - U00038091 Change application directory to '../db/'. 20230608/130524.526 - U00038081 Version of database objects: '12.3.5+hf.2.build.1614598643055' 20230608/130524.528 - U00038036 Version check result: Version and status of database: '12.3'/'READY'. Version and content of data file: '21.0'/'UPGRADE'. Version of database objects: '12.3.5+hf.2.build.1614598643055' Loading in mode 'UPGRADE'. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003523 UCUDB: Maximum time required for a DB call: '4:828.208.000'. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003522 UCUDB: Database closed. Total time for DB calls: '7:595.827.999' seconds. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 2028' 'OTHERS ' calls took '4:828.248.999' sec. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 10' 'SELECT ' calls took '0:019.670.000' sec. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 31' 'EXECUTE ' calls took '2:741.310.999' sec. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 0' 'UPDATE ' calls took '0:000.000.000' sec. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 0' 'DELETE ' calls took '0:000.000.000' sec. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 0' 'INSERT ' calls took '0:000.000.000' sec. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 41' 'READ ' calls took '0:000.103.999' sec. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 3055' 'CLOSESTMT ' calls took '0:000.032.999' sec. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003549 UCUDB: ' 1014' 'TRANSACT ' calls took '0:006.460.999' sec. 20230608/130527.283 - U00038091 Change application directory to '/opt/automic/ae-utils/bin/'. 20230608/130527.283 - U00003545 UCUDB: Opening database ... 20230608/130527.283 - U00029112 UCUDB - Length of the DB-History area: 100 20230608/130527.339 - U00029115 UCUDB - OPEN Database handles DB-HENV: 0 DB-HDBC: 0 20230608/130527.340 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DATABASE-NAME = aedb' 20230608/130527.341 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DBMS-NAME = PostgreSQL' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DBMS-VER = PostgreSQL 14.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 7.3.1 20180712 (Red Hat 7.3.1-12), 64-bit' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC-VER = ODBC not used' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-NAME = PostgreSQL Access Library' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-ODBC-VER =' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-VER = 110018' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC-API-CONFORMANCE =' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'TXN-CAPABLE =' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'DEFAULT-TXN-ISOLATION =' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'TXN-ISOLATION-OPTION =' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'POS-OPERATIONS =' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'POSITIONED-STATEMENTS =' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'SCROLL-CONCURRENCY =' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'SCROLL-OPTIONS =' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'STATIC-SENSITIVITY =' 20230608/130527.342 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'LOCK-TYPES =' 20230608/130527.346 - U00003535 DB INFO: 'ODBC_TRACE = 32575' 20230608/130527.350 - U00003532 UCUDB: Checking data source ... 20230608/130532.486 - U00003533 UCUDB: Check of data source finished: No errors. Performance CPU/DB: '102511472'/'287 (1000/3.483138 s)' 20230608/130532.486 - U00003544 UCUDB: Reference values tested with Linux x64 on XEON 3600 MHz: CPU 525716336, DB 3505 20230608/130532.486 - U00003524 UCUDB: ===> Time critical DB call! OPC: 'OPEN' time: '5:202.919.999' 20230608/130532.487 - U00038091 Change application directory to '../db/'. 20230608/130532.487 - U00038042 DB-Version = 12.3/R 20230608/130532.487 - U00038042 ************************************************************* 20230608/130532.487 - U00038042 *** DB-Schema 12.3 was recognized *** 20230608/130532.487 - U00038042 *** It will be changed to 12.4 *** 20230608/130532.487 - U00038042 ************************************************************* 20230608/130532.487 - U00038042 upgrade from 12.3 to 12.4 20230608/130532.487 - U00038042 Enabling Row Versioning-Based Isolation Level. 20230608/130532.492 - U00038315 The tablespaces 'pg_default' and 'pg_default' are used for the Data Definition Language file. 20230608/130532.492 - U00038042 Changing DB Schema ... 20230608/130532.492 - U00038042 ../db/postgresql/12.4/check_privileges.sql 20230608/130532.493 - U00038042 CREATE TABLE uc_test_table ( Test_Idnr int NOT NULL, Test_Name varchar (8) NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_Test PRIMARY KEY ( Test_Idnr ) ) 20230608/130532.601 - U00038042 CREATE INDEX nk_test ON uc_test_table(Test_Idnr, Test_Name) 20230608/130532.607 - U00038042 ALTER TABLE uc_test_table ADD Test_Added varchar (8) NULL 20230608/130532.611 - U00038042 ALTER TABLE uc_test_table RENAME TO uc_test_table1 20230608/130532.614 - U00038042 ALTER TABLE uc_test_table1 RENAME TO uc_test_table 20230608/130532.623 - U00038042 DROP INDEX nk_test 20230608/130532.629 - U00038042 DROP TABLE uc_test_table 20230608/130532.635 - U00038042 Upgrade schema to latest 12.3 20230608/130532.643 - U00038042 ../db/postgresql/12.3/steps/step_010_noilm.sql 20230608/130532.644 - U00038042 ../db/postgresql/12.3/steps/step_010.sql 20230608/130532.644 - U00038042 ALTER TABLE FH ADD FH_Count int NULL 20230608/130532.646 - U00003590 UCUDB - DB error: 'ERROR: column "fh_count" of relation "fh" already exists', '', '', '' 20230608/130532.647 - U00003594 UCUDB Ret: '6' opcode: 'EXEC' SQL Stmnt: ' ALTER TABLE FH ADD FH_Count int NULL' 20230608/130532.647 - U00038089 Error: Problem during execution of SQL command: ' ALTER TABLE FH ADD FH_Count int NULL' 20230608/130532.647 - U00000006 DEADLOCK or Connection to database lost - Rollback handling initiated. See previous messages. 20230608/130532.647 - U00038068 ABORTING due to error. The loading process was terminated abnormally. The Database might be in an inconsistent condition. Please contact Automic Support. Application return code = 1