## --------- Vontu Script Lookup Plugin ----------------- # # This is the property file for Script Lookup plugin # ## ## --------- Script Lookup General Properties ------ # #---------------------- # Credential Properties #---------------------- # ScriptLookupPassword properties file needs to be generated using the Credential Generator utility. credentials.enabled=false credentials.file.path=../config/ScriptLookupPassword.properties #------------------------------------- # Standard In & Standard Out Filtering #------------------------------------- # Controls filtering of lookup script input and output. # If enabled, input and output must be strings that are safe for windows and unix shells. # Unsafe elements include command delimiters (semi-colon) and logical operators that could be # expanded by the shell. stdin.filtering.enabled=true stdout.filtering.enabled=false #-------------------- # Protocol Filtering #-------------------- # Available Protocols # SMTP,HTTP,SSL,IM:MSN,IM:AIM,IM:Yahoo, FTP,NNTP,File System,Lotus Notes,Drop Folder, Endpoint Removable Storage Device,Endpoint Fixed Drive,Endpoint File System, SharePoint Scanner,Exchange Scanner,Web Server,File System Scanner,LiveLink Scanner, Documentum Scanner,Generic Scanner, Web Services #------------------------- # Script Execution Params #------------------------- protocol.filtering.enabled=false protocols.allow=SMTP,FTP,HTTP,NNTP # Example Script Params #script.1.command=c:/python25/python.exe #List of optional args delimited by a comma #script.1.custom.args=-u,c:/ip-lookup.py #script.2.command=c:/data/simpleScript.bat script.1.command=c:/windows/system32/cscript.exe script.1.custom.args=/nologo,c:/vontu/protect/plugins/Get-Custom-Attributes.vbs