1 - Digital Certificates Overview ACF2 download ************** * ACF2 * ************** //ACFBATCH EXEC PGM=ACFBATCH //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * set p(user) div(certdata) GENCERT CERTAUTH.USROOT SUBJ(CN='USRootCert' OU='MyCo' C=US) - LABEL(US Root Cert) GENCERT CERTAUTH.inter1 SUBJ(CN='InterOperations' OU='MyCo' C=US) - LABEL(Intermediate One) SIGNWITH(certauth Label(US Root Cert)) GENCERT CERTAUTH.inter2 SUBJ(CN='Inter2Operations' OU='MyCo' C=US) - LABEL(Intermediate Two) SIGNWITH(certauth Label(Intermediate One)) GENCERT USRTEST.cert SUBJ(CN='USRTESTOperations' OU='MyCo' C=US) - LABEL(USRTEST.cert) SIGNWITH(certauth Label(Intermediate Two)) CHKCERT USRTEST.cert CHAIN /* ACF2 OUTPUT 00016600 GENCERT CERTAUTH.USROOT SUBJ(CN='USRootCert' OU='MyCo' C=US) - 00016700 LABEL(US Root Cert) CERTDATA / CERTAUTH.USROOT LAST CHANGED BY BLAMI02 ON 02/24/21-13:28 CERTNSER(0000000000000001) ISSUERDN(CN=USRootCert.OU=MyCo.C=US) KEYSIZE(2,048) LABEL(US Root Cert) SERIAL#(00) SUBJDN(CN=USRootCert.OU=MyCo.C=US) TRUST Certificate is not connected to any key rings 00016800 GENCERT CERTAUTH.inter1 SUBJ(CN='InterOperations' OU='MyCo' C=US) - 00016900 LABEL(Intermediate One) SIGNWITH(certauth Label(US Root Cert)) CERTDATA / CERTAUTH.INTER1 LAST CHANGED BY BLAMI02 ON 02/24/21-13:29 ISSUERDN(CN=USRootCert.OU=MyCo.C=US) KEYSIZE(2,048) LABEL(Intermediate One) SERIAL#(01) SUBJDN(CN=InterOperations.OU=MyCo.C=US) TRUST Certificate is not connected to any key rings 00017000 GENCERT CERTAUTH.inter2 SUBJ(CN='Inter2Operations' OU='MyCo' C=US) - 00017100 LABEL(Intermediate Two) SIGNWITH(certauth Label(Intermediate One)) CERTDATA / CERTAUTH.INTER2 LAST CHANGED BY BLAMI02 ON 02/24/21-13:29 ISSUERDN(CN=InterOperations.OU=MyCo.C=US) KEYSIZE(2,048) LABEL(Intermediate Two) SERIAL#(00) SUBJDN(CN=Inter2Operations.OU=MyCo.C=US) TRUST Certificate is not connected to any key rings 00017201 GENCERT USRTEST.cert SUBJ(CN='USRTESTOperations' OU='MyCo' C=US) - 00017301 LABEL(USRTEST.cert) SIGNWITH(certauth Label(Intermediate Two)) CERTDATA / USRTEST.CERT LAST CHANGED BY BLAMI02 ON 02/24/21-13:29 ISSUERDN(CN=Inter2Operations.OU=MyCo.C=US) KEYSIZE(2,048) LABEL(USRTEST.cert) SERIAL#(00) SUBJDN(CN=USRTESTOperations.OU=MyCo.C=US) TRUST Certificate is not connected to any key rings 00018001 CHKCERT USRTEST.cert CHAIN Label: USRTEST.cert Serial number: 00 Issuer's distinguished name: CN=Inter2Operations OU=MyCo C=US Subject's distinguished name: CN=USRTESTOperations OU=MyCo C=US Not valid before: 2021/02/24 00:00:00 UTC Not valid after: 2022/02/24 23:59:59 UTC Private Key Type: RSA Private key bit size: 2048 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption This certificate is registered with CA ACF2 The CERTDATA record key is USRTEST.CERT CERTDATA / USRTEST.CERT LAST CHANGED BY BLAMI02 ON 02/24/21-13:29 ISSUERDN(CN=Inter2Operations.OU=MyCo.C=US) KEYSIZE(2,048) LABEL(USRTEST.cert) SERIAL#(00) SUBJDN(CN=USRTESTOperations.OU=MyCo.C=US) TRUST Certificate is not connected to any key rings Label: Intermediate Two Serial number: 00 Issuer's distinguished name: CN=InterOperations OU=MyCo C=US Subject's distinguished name: CN=Inter2Operations OU=MyCo C=US Key Usage: CERTSIGN Not valid before: 2021/02/24 00:00:00 UTC Not valid after: 2022/02/24 23:59:59 UTC Private Key Type: RSA Private key bit size: 2048 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption This certificate is registered with CA ACF2 The CERTDATA record key is CERTAUTH.INTER2 CERTDATA / CERTAUTH.INTER2 LAST CHANGED BY BLAMI02 ON 02/24/21-13:29 CERTNSER(0000000000000001) ISSUERDN(CN=InterOperations.OU=MyCo.C=US) KEYSIZE(2,048) LABEL(Intermediate Two) SERIAL#(00) SUBJDN(CN=Inter2Operations.OU=MyCo.C=US) TRUST Certificate is not connected to any key rings Label: Intermediate One Serial number: 01 Issuer's distinguished name: CN=USRootCert OU=MyCo C=US Subject's distinguished name: CN=InterOperations OU=MyCo C=US Key Usage: CERTSIGN Not valid before: 2021/02/24 00:00:00 UTC Not valid after: 2022/02/24 23:59:59 UTC Private Key Type: RSA Private key bit size: 2048 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption This certificate is registered with CA ACF2 The CERTDATA record key is CERTAUTH.INTER1 CERTDATA / CERTAUTH.INTER1 LAST CHANGED BY BLAMI02 ON 02/24/21-13:29 CERTNSER(0000000000000001) ISSUERDN(CN=USRootCert.OU=MyCo.C=US) KEYSIZE(2,048) LABEL(Intermediate One) SERIAL#(01) SUBJDN(CN=InterOperations.OU=MyCo.C=US) TRUST Certificate is not connected to any key rings Label: US Root Cert Serial number: 00 Issuer's distinguished name: CN=USRootCert OU=MyCo C=US Subject's distinguished name: CN=USRootCert OU=MyCo C=US Key Usage: CERTSIGN Not valid before: 2021/02/24 00:00:00 UTC Not valid after: 2022/02/24 23:59:59 UTC Private Key Type: RSA Private key bit size: 2048 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption This certificate is registered with CA ACF2 The CERTDATA record key is CERTAUTH.USROOT CERTDATA / CERTAUTH.USROOT LAST CHANGED BY BLAMI02 ON 02/24/21-13:28 CERTNSER(0000000000000002) ISSUERDN(CN=USRootCert.OU=MyCo.C=US) KEYSIZE(2,048) LABEL(US Root Cert) SERIAL#(00) SUBJDN(CN=USRootCert.OU=MyCo.C=US) TRUST Certificate is not connected to any key rings Chain Information: Chain contains 4 certificates Chain is COMPLETE