select a._ResourceGuid, a.[Asset Type], a.[Status], p.[Phone Number], a.[Serial Number], md.[SIM Card #], u.[Name], cc.[Cost Center Code] as [Cost Center], c.[Comment] from vAsset a left join Inv_Mobile_Details md on a._resourceGuid = md._ResourceGuid left join Inv_Phone_Details p on a._resourceGuid = p._ResourceGuid left join ResourceAssociation raOwner on raOwner.ParentResourceGuid = a._resourceGuid and raOwner.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = 'ed35a8d1-bf60-4771-9dde-092c146c485a' -- this is the resource association for owner left join vUser u on u.guid = raOwner.ChildResourceGuid and raOwner.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = 'ed35a8d1-bf60-4771-9dde-092c146c485a' -- this is the resource association for owner left join Inv_Comment c on a._resourceGuid = c._ResourceGuid left join ResourceAssociation raCC on raCC.ParentResourceGuid = u.Guid and racc.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = 'Guid that shows when you right click on the association -- make sure to include the quotes' -- this is the resource association for cost center left join vCostCenter cc on racc.ChildResourceGuid = cc._ResourceGuid and racc.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = 'Guid that shows when you right click on the association -- make sure to include the quotes' -- this is the resource association for cost center