select distinct, ac.[OS Name] AS 'OS Name', ac.[OS version], ac.[OS Build Number], coalesce ( case when ac.[OS Build Number] = '18363' then 'Windows 10 (1909)' ELSE NULL end, case when ac.[OS Build Number] = '18362' then 'Windows 10 (1903)' ELSE NULL end, case when ac.[OS Build Number] = '17763' then 'Windows 10 (1809)' ELSE NULL end, case when ac.[OS Build Number] = '17134' then 'Windows 10 (1803)' ELSE NULL end, case when ac.[OS Build Number] = '16299' then 'Windows 10 (1709)' ELSE NULL end, case when ac.[OS Build Number] = '15063' then 'Windows 10 (1703)' ELSE NULL end, case when ac.[OS Build Number] = '14393' then 'Windows 10 (1607)' ELSE NULL end, case when ac.[OS Build Number] = '10586' then 'Windows 10 (1511)' ELSE NULL end, case when ac.[OS Build Number] = '10240' then 'Windows 10 (0)' ELSE NUll end ) as 'OS Buid Name' , convert(varchar, ac.[client date], 101) as 'HeartBeat', --Display Auto Log on devices - this finds us the Clinical Devicesf CASE when (ac.Name = prime.[primary user]) then 'Auto Log' else 'Information Worker' end as 'Machine Type', vc.[IP Address], convert(varchar,os.[Last Boot Up Time],101) as 'Last Boot Up', convert(varchar, [Created Date], 101) as 'Created Date', convert(varchar, ac.[client date], 101) as 'Basic ScanDate', convert(varchar,os.[Install Date],101) as 'OS Install Date', datepart(MONTH,(convert(varchar,os.[Install Date],101))) as 'month date OS Install', datepart(year,(convert(varchar,os.[Install Date],101))) as 'year date OS Install', ac.[os revision], ac.[os version], Prime.[primary user], T20.[Given Name] as 'First Name', ISNULL(T20.[Surname],'') AS 'Last Name', T20.[office telephone], t20.[office location], T20.department,, CASE WHEN LOWER (i.[System Type]) LIKE 'win32' THEN '32-bit' ELSE '64-bit' END 'Architecture [32/64-bit]', bi.[Version] as 'Bios Version', bi.[Release Date] as 'Bios Date', ac.[hw chassis serial number], vcs.[Manufacturer], vcs.[Model], forescout.*, teamviewer.* FROM dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ac left JOIN vcomputer i ON i.Guid = ac._ResourceGuid left join dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_TCPIP tc on tc._ResourceGuid = ac._ResourceGuid left join vComputer vc on vc.Guid =ac._ResourceGuid left join dbo.vHWComputerSystem vcs on ac._ResourceGuid = vcs._ResourceGuid left join (SELECT distinct _ResourceGuid, [Chassis Package Type] , [Serial Number] ,[Manufacturer] FROM [Symantec_CMDB].[dbo].[vHWChassis]) chas on chas._ResourceGuid = ac._ResourceGuid left join ( select MAX (Left(prog.DisplayVersion,2))as 'Display Version', i.[guid] FROM dbo.vComputer i INNER JOIN dbo.Inv_AddRemoveProgram prog ON i.[Guid]= prog._ResourceGuid where ( prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007' or prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010'or prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003' or prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office 2010'or prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office Standard 2010' or prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office 2000 SR-1 Professional'or prog.DisplayName ='2007 Microsoft Office system' or prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007'or prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office Basic Edition 2003' or prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office 2000 SR-1 Disc 2' or prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013' or prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016'or prog.DisplayName ='Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus - en-us' ) and prog.InstallFlag =1 group by i.guid ) office1 on i.Guid =office1.[guid] left join (SELECT _ResourceGuid, MAX([user]) AS [primary user] FROM dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Primary_User WHERE ([User] IS NOT NULL) AND ([User] <> '') GROUP BY _ResourceGuid ) Prime on ac._resourceguid = Prime._ResourceGuid -- Did this query to remove User records that were incomplete LEFT JOIN (select distinct vuser.* from vuser where [Given Name] !='' )t20 ON Prime.[primary user] = left join vHWProcessor vhp on vhp._ResourceGuid = i.Guid left JOIN dbo.vHWComputerSystem hpm ON hpm._ResourceGuid = i.Guid left join Inv_OS_Operating_System os on vc.Guid = os._ResourceGuid left JOIN (SELECT CAST (SUM ([Max Media Size (Kilobytes)] / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) AS DECIMAL (10,2)) [Hard DISK Size],_ResourceGuid FROM vHWStorage WHERE [Media Type] = 29 GROUP BY _ResourceGuid) a ON a._ResourceGuid = i.Guid left JOIN (SELECT MAX (t.[Hard Disk Free Space]) [Hard Disk Free Space], t.Guid FROM (SELECT ld._ResourceGuid AS Guid, CAST (SUM (ld.[Free Space (Bytes)] / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)) AS DECIMAL (10,2)) AS 'Hard Disk Free Space', ld.[Device ID] FROM dbo.vHWLogicalDisk ld JOIN dbo.vHWLogicalDiskBasedOnPartition ld1 ON ld._ResourceGuid = ld1._ResourceGuid AND ld.[Device ID] = ld1.Dependent JOIN dbo.vHWStorageToDiskPartition s1 ON s1._ResourceGuid = ld._ResourceGuid AND (s1.Dependent = ld1.Antecedent OR s1.Dependent = ld.[Device ID]) JOIN dbo.vHWStorage sh ON sh._ResourceGuid = s1._ResourceGuid AND sh.[Device ID] = s1.Antecedent AND sh.[Media Type] = 29 GROUP BY ld._ResourceGuid, ld.[Device ID])t GROUP BY t.Guid) b ON b.Guid = i.Guid left join dbo.Inv_SW_BIOS_Element bi on bi._ResourceGuid = i.Guid left join (select distinct prog._ResourceGuid ,prog.Publisher, prog.DisplayName, prog.DisplayVersion FROM dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ac left join dbo.Inv_AddRemoveProgram prog on prog._ResourceGuid = ac._ResourceGuid left join Inv_OS_Operating_System os on ac._ResourceGuid= os._ResourceGuid where prog.DisplayName like '%teamview%') teamviewer on teamviewer._ResourceGuid = ac._ResourceGuid left join ( select ifd._ResourceGuid , vc.[OS Name], ifd.Path, vsc.Name from inv_installed_file_details ifd join vcomputer vc on vc.guid = ifd._resourceguid join resourceassociation ra on ifd.fileresourceguid = ra.childresourceguid left join vsoftwarecomponent vsc on vsc.guid = ra.parentresourceguid left outer join inv_software_component isc on isc._resourceguid = vsc.guid left outer join inv_file_details ifdet on ifdet._resourceguid = ifd.fileresourceguid where ='ForeScout SecureConnector') forescout on forescout._ResourceGuid = ac._ResourceGuid left join (select _ResourceGuid, MIN (auditdate) as 'Created Date' from dbo.Inv_Audit group by _ResourceGuid) created on ac._ResourceGuid = created._ResourceGuid WHERE ac.[Client Date] > getdate ()-90 order by ac.[Name]asc